One night, Yin Zhu didn't sleep well. Even if there was Tengxiao around him, at daybreak, there was a little noise around him, and Yin Zhu woke up.

Tengxiao looked at the red eyed Yinzhu and touched his head, "didn't sleep well?"

"No." Yin Zhu said but did not know how to say, it should be said that no one could sleep well last night.

Teng also opened his eyes at this time. He said hello to Yin Zhu and Tengxiao with a smile, "good morning, father and mother."

The child seems to have a good rest. It's because they are there, so they are very relieved. Is that right?

"Come on, go out and see them." Tengxiao reaches out his hand to Yinzhu.

Yin Zhu nodded, but he didn't know what was going on outside. What did the dream people want? Can't you make it? It's the best if we can talk about peace. Anyway, Yin Zhu likes peace and doesn't like the dead in war. Of course, he can't agree to the conditions that are too humiliating.

What Yin Zhu doesn't know is that Jono left at dawn, because he felt the existence of Mengji, and then chased out in a hurry.

Jono stopped after a distance. "Master Mengji, what do you want me to do? It's quite far away from the camp. What can you say?"

Before chasing for some time, Jono was sure that it was Mengji who deliberately lured him to leave, and he also consciously followed him out. Of course, Jono would not keep chasing. Mengji is likely to be with Baiji. What if he perseveres to catch up and step into each other's trap?

When Mengji sees that Jono has stopped, she can only sigh, and then flash out. Looking at Mengji, whose hair is all white and her face is old, Jono thinks whether he thinks too much, and Mengji's state can't count him.

"I know you don't believe me, and you don't believe in Baiji. You must think that I'm leading you out to count you." Mengji sighs.

"Sorry, master." Jono is a little embarrassed. After all, it's undeniable that Mengji gave him strength at the beginning. Thank Mengji for that.

"What do you have to apologize for? It's normal for you not to believe me. After all, Baiji, forget it, it's meaningless to explain those things. I came to you because Teng, I probably didn't say my identity. I'm the blood descendant of the king of beasts. Originally, the inheritance in the ice city should be mine. Unfortunately, I didn't accept the inheritance and evaded my responsibility. The orcs and the others are the same The battle of the dream clan has existed for a long time. Although Teng has been inherited, his strength is too small. According to our plan, Teng can get enough strength. As a result, Ziji uses the inheritance power in hanbingcheng to change the orcs, and then absorbs the power of Hanhai to forcibly integrate the world. It can only be said that it is fate. I gave up the inheritance of the king of beasts, and then there are variables 。” Dream Ji sighs of say.

Jono didn't say anything, just waiting for what Mengji would say next.

"Jono, I tell you, the power of the king of beasts absorbed by Juteng is far from enough. Although Teng fought with the master of the dream clan yesterday, it's because the master of the dream clan has not arrived yet. The most powerful one of the dream clan is not their master, but their elders. The younger generation is the son, and there is the master above the son, but the older generation has not Some of them died, but retired to become the elders of the secret cultivation. Any of those elders who came out was more powerful than the palace leader. How do you want to solve this problem? " Dream Ji sighs of say.

"What do you have in mind?" Jono couldn't help asking.

Mengji shook her head at this time and said, "there's no way. The orc world can't find a person who is stronger than her strength."

"What do you want to do when you call me here?" Jono is very puzzled to ask, dream Ji always can't call oneself to come here for no reason.

"Because I want you to go to the ancestral land of Mengzu, where there is the heart of the world controlled by Mengzu." Mengji says her purpose directly.

When Jono heard this, he was silent for a while and said, "I think it must be very important to take things. There must be elders of the dream clan guarding there. How do you think I can get those things out?"

The heart of the world is the treasure of the big world. The place where such things are stored must be dangerous, and there are many guardians. He is not sure that he can bring them out.

"You can't do it alone, so Baiji will help you." Mengji said simply.

"But I don't want to do it according to the way you said, because you only make use of me and Yin Zhu. You have never been sincere to us. Why should I do it according to you? Maybe stealing the heart of the world can change the current war, but I don't think this is the best way. Maybe I will die before I get that thing." Jono said and turned to Mengji.

After hearing what Jono said, Mengji said, "Jono, I tell you that only when you get the heart of the world can you stop the war. Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences. Even if Teng turns into a guard array to protect you, that array can last for more than ten years at most. The strength of the dream clan is far beyond your imagination. You will have nowhere to escape at that time."

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "I don't know what the purpose of you and baiji is. After thinking about it, I finally feel that it's just to be the master of the world. Why do you want me to sacrifice what you want? Don't say you two have no idea of the world? ""I hate you very much. I say that I love the world and cherish the people of the world, but you are constantly using them to achieve your goal. As the king of beasts, did Mengji protect your people? For the sake of your love, you are afraid to forget everything Jono looks at Mengji sarcastically.

Meng Ji's face changed greatly when she heard this, and she said angrily: "why do you say that to me? I have been working hard for the world. If it wasn't for me, the orc world would have been swallowed up and become a slave by the people of the dream clan."

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this. "You're shameless. What have you done over the years? Do you make a incomplete and harmful reincarnation formula, so that the nightmare people can provide you with endless vitality? Keng killed a lot of orcs just to attract Yin Zhu? The people who work hard for this world are far from you, but ordinary orcs who have sacrificed their lives, as well as Ziji. "

"What do you do? We are constantly lured here to die for you and sacrifice for you, and then you can get the fruits of victory. You have the face to say that you really don't know if the ancient beast king clan would feel ashamed if they knew that their descendants were like this." Jono really disdains it. He just guesses about what Mengji baiji is going to do, and thinks that these two people are dirty.

If she wants to win the world, she would like to accept a group of people who are willing to fight with him. She has to use intrigue and show that she cares for the people. This is both important and important. It's such people that she despises most.

"Jono, do you have my power to treat your benefactor like this?" Mengji looks at Jono tremblingly.

Jono laughed at this. "What's a benefactor? I think there are two possibilities for you to give me this power. One is that you can't control this power by yourself, or even this thing has been out of your control. The second is that you want me to do something for you and calculate me, so why should I thank you? "

Originally, he was grateful to Mengji, thinking that Mengji was hoodwinked by Baiji, and that Mengji still cherished the orcs in his heart. Now I think it's just like this.

"I think Baiji should be here, too. Why don't you come out and meet me? Do you just watch your partner being bullied by me and not come out? " Jono looked around and said with a smile.

Baiji came out with a bad face. He gently took Mengji's hand and patted it, "don't be angry. If you are really angry and sad, you will be cheated. Jono knows what, we are for the whole world."

"Jono, you're right. Our goal is really the world, but you can't deny that it's the best in the world for us to control the world. One of us is a dreamer and the other is an ORC. We don't want to hurt each other's people. The complete integration of the two races is the best and there will be no war." Baiji tried to persuade Jono.

"I don't want to take care of peace. My former goal was to protect daze tribe. Now my goal is to have one more Yin Zhu. As for the world, the world is so big and there are many heroes, let others be great." He didn't believe in Baiji and didn't want to work for them.

"In that case, don't regret it. We won't help you in the future." White sacrifice finish saying to pull dream Ji to turn round to walk directly.

Jono was wondering if he could succeed in keeping the two men in this sneak attack. After a look, he finally let it go. He was not absolutely sure that he would not provoke Baiji for the time being.

Back to Yin Zhu said, no matter what Baiji asked, don't agree.

"What if Jono doesn't agree?" Dream Ji watched Jono go away, a little angry, she really did not run into Jono like this, even said only their own tribe.

"Don't worry. There's always another way. I can't. I'll go myself." Baiji is very reluctant to say that it is necessary to steal the heart of the world, and he is not unable to do it, or he will have a lot of trouble if he steals it himself.

"Thank you so much." Mengji said.

Bai Ji directly hugs Meng Ji, "say what's hard, hard you are, but soon, you can recover." Dream Ji before all the strength to white sacrifice, this will look a little old.

"Let's go. Anyway, we're just trying on Jono's side. Our backhand hasn't started yet." White sacrifice cold hum.

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