When Yin Zhu and Tengxiao come out, they see Bai Kun with a painful head. Yin Zhu goes up in a hurry and reaches out his hand to help Bai Kun. "Have you been awake all the time? How can you hold on like this?"

When Bai Kun heard this, he said with a smile, "it's OK. Yin Zhu doesn't have to worry. I haven't spent the night in the wild before. Sometimes orcs can't go hunting and spend the night in the wild. If they don't sleep for a night, they are so sentimental."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he gave Bai Kun a white look, "I love C heart, OK?" This can't be compared with ordinary times. Now, it can be said that all the pressure of the war is on Bai Kun.

"What do you say dream people want to do?" The sky has looked around, but those people did not attack, and there was no movement on the other side.

"I don't know. Let the people outside have a proper rest. I think those tribal females and cubs should be transferred soon." Yes, they have discussed before that most tribes are willing to transfer females and cubs to the orc world. After all, there is a natural array protection between the two worlds. Although the array is useless now, Teng should protect the people at the last moment, but that's the worst and there is no way.

"Bai Kun, what do you think the dreamers are waiting for?" After all, it's strange that those people didn't start a war immediately when they were in the dominant position. Normally, shouldn't they take advantage of the victory?

"Maybe someone's holding them back?" Bai Kun hesitated and said.

"Who can hold those people back?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"I think the most likely person who can hold down the dream clan is the dream clan. After all, people on our side don't have such strong ability to fight with those people. The dream clan is not a piece of iron, and those people are also intriguing. Maybe their back garden is on fire at this time?" Bai Kun said sarcastically.

"After all, the battle can't be started at random. You say that there are 18 saints in the dream clan, and each of them has one combat power. You say that in which war there are no dead people, then that person is willing to sacrifice his own strength. They still have to pull. This is also our chance." Bai Kun analyzes it.

"Well." It's true. The reason why the orc mainland has such a united cooperation is that they are oppressed. If they don't resist, they will die, while the dreamers are not.

"But we still have to pay attention to it. We don't know what those people are going to do. It depends on guessing." Jono said, yesterday, the orc world was in a terrible situation. Can't he attack first?

"I'll go out and have a look." Teng will say that if the other palace leader makes a move, he will also deal with it at the first time.

"Tengxiao, you should go and have a look." Yin zhuphen told her that she was worried about Teng alone.

"Where's Reich?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

When Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu asking about Lei he, he said with a smile, "he was arrested by Ze for special training."

Leihe wakes up the blood of the snake in ancient times. According to Ze, it's a fierce beast in ancient times, and it's super powerful. However, Leihe's far from being strong now. Ze plans to stimulate Leihe's blood with the method of demon cultivation, so that Leihe can really play his power.

Leihe is also willing to. The people of the dream clan yesterday really stimulated Leihe. Although the ordinary dream clan is not his opponent at all, he is also not the opponent of the palace leader.

Seeing all the people go out, Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu standing in front of him and suddenly asks, "Yin Zhu, what kind of person do you think I am?"

Yin Zhu is very surprised to hear this, "how can you ask like this?"

"Tell me, I'm just a little curious. What kind of person am I in Yin Zhu's mind?" Bai Kun asked curiously.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he looked at Bai Kun with his head askew. He thought seriously, "he is smart, intelligent, can take care of people, has a sense of responsibility, and he is super good-looking."

"What's the last comment?" Bai Kun couldn't help laughing and crying when he heard the last one.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "You're wrong. Face is still very important, especially in our world. It's a world of looking at face. As long as you have such a face, you won't worry when you go to the world."

When Bai Kun heard this, he really laughed. "How do I think you said so much? In fact, the last point is the most important to you. Yin Zhu also looks at his face?" Bai Kun leans his head in front of Yin Zhu and looks at Yin Zhu jokingly.

Yin Zhu looked at Jun's face in front of him. He took two steps in a hurry. Even though he had seen it countless times, he still couldn't stand such a close distance.

"I can't talk about the one who looks at the face. Of course, the one who is too ugly can't accept it. That is, I mainly look at the soul. The soul is not really beautiful." Of course, the last two sentences are a little empty. Yin Zhu thinks that she depends on her face, but she also depends on her character. It's not enough just to have a face.

"Fortunately, I have a tolerable face. Is Yin Zhu satisfied with it?" Bai Kun teases Yin Zhu with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he gave Bai Kun a look, then held out his two fingers and pinched Bai Kun's face, "your face is getting thicker and thicker.""Ha ha." Bai Kun heard this, rou Yin Zhu's head.

"I made you laugh at last. I can't stand your tight face." Bai Kun's gentle smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he felt nervous and then laughed. Yes, since the beginning of the war, she has been in a bad mood. Bai Kun was worried about her, so he made her laugh?

"I'm ok, really? Who am I? Haven't I met enough? My sister has seen all kinds of storms. It's all small things. I'm worried. What do you think I haven't settled? These things are just temporary difficulties. I'll deal with him sooner or later. " Yin Zhu patted his chest to guarantee.

"Well, I know that Yin Zhu is very powerful. I'll rely on him in the future." Bai Kun answered with a smile.

"Bai Kun, don't worry, or you can have a rest and I'll watch. If something happens, I'll call you the first time, OK?" Yin Zhu takes Bai Kun by the hand.

Her pressure is not as heavy as Bai Kun. Bai Kun tried to make her happy.

Bai Kun reaches out and touches Yin Zhu's hair. He is under pressure, but he is only under a little pressure. If the orcs die, he will be sad, but he won't despair. But Yin Zhu is different. Yin Zhu has been watched by people. If something happens to Yin Zhu, they will all despair.

Bai Ji should have said something to Yin Zhu before, but Yin Zhu didn't want to say anything after he came back.

Even now, Yin Zhu still doesn't say those things. If Yin Zhu doesn't say that he doesn't know how to help, he's even more afraid of making his own decisions.

"What do you think of the world, Yin Zhu?" Bai Kun turned to another question.

Yin Zhu said with a smile, "of course, the world is beautiful. Even if some races make mistakes because of various resources, the world is still beautiful in general, just as life is also beautiful."

If there is no war in the world of war, the world in which she was born also experiences war. It's just that she lives in a time of peace. That's because she has a good life and her predecessors have protected that world for them.

When Bai Kun heard this, he laughed very gently, "Yin Zhu is really the same kind-hearted."

Maybe this is Yin Zhu. No matter what happens, he will not despair. He is so cheerful that he can look at this issue optimistically.

In fact, those who expect to get the world, or want to use the world to strengthen themselves, those selfish people do not deserve to get the world. In fact, the world is the world of ordinary people, not someone, not everyone.

"Good heart? How can you say that? After all, for the sake of the development of daze tribe, I used to kill many people in Juque tribe. How can I feel that I have a good heart? " Yin Zhu did not dare to say that she was kind-hearted. Her hands were stained with blood.

Bai Kun said with a smile, "that's not the same. It's those people who want to rob other people's things and don't give them a way to live. You only have resistance. At least Yin Zhu, you didn't take the initiative to rob other people's things, to make other people sacrifice or harm other people's lives. I think it's reasonable for the world to choose you as the animal God."

"I'm not a beast God. You know that, don't you? It's all white sacrifice. If I'm really a beast God, I'll have to. Then I just need to wave my hand to control the world. Let them stop fighting and let the world live in peace. " Yin Zhu sighed and said that it's a pity that now she has a very strong power and is not a God, because she has a lot of helplessness and can't do a lot of things.

God can hear people's requests and help them realize their wishes. God is omnipotent. Unfortunately, she can't do any of these, so she is just a little stronger.

"Does Yin Zhu want to be a beast God? The real God of the world? " Bai Kun asked suddenly.

"Why do you suddenly ask? I can't be a God. " Yin Zhu said directly.

"Besides, what's good about God? He's aloof, but he's aloof. I still like to be lively. I like to be with you, and then we'll all be well." Yin Zhu said happily.

Bai Kun laughs and shakes his head when he hears this, "you, you, but you are so good, so good. I like you so much."

Yin Zhu said that he was very shy after hearing this. Is it really good for him to say something different?

"But how can you suddenly say such a strange question? You are not going to push me to the throne, are you?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

When Bai Kun heard this, he said with a smile, "if only I had the ability, where I still need to care about these things here."

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