"Bai Kun, do you have something on your mind? Bai Kun, let me tell you something, you must consult me. You can't make your own decisions. I don't like others to make decisions for me. " When Yin Zhu hears what Bai Kun says, be careful that Bai Kun is in charge of something he doesn't like.

Bai Kun smiles when he hears this. He reaches out his finger and pinches Yin Zhu's face. "How do you think I will make the decision for you? Do you think I am as smart as me and can do such unreliable things? I didn't do things that satisfied everyone. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded, as if he was. Bai Kun was always considerate, and she thought more about it.

It's not that Bai Kun suddenly asked her whether she wanted to be a God or not, otherwise how could she be wrong.

"OK, remember to be smart all the time." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Bai Kun is going to continue to talk. At this time, Jono comes in. Bai Kun knows what Jono is going to do. Seeing Jono coming in, Bai Kun asks, "are you ok?"

Yin Zhu blinked when he heard this, waiting for the explanation of Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun.

Then Jono said that he went to see Mengji and Baiji, and then he told Mengji what he wanted. When Yin Zhu heard the heart of the world, he stopped for a moment, and then asked the system, "the things of emotional integration need the heart of the world."

When the system heard this, it was silent and said, "if I am the soul, then the heart of the world is the body."

"Then why didn't you say you wanted the heart of the world before?" Yin zhuleng hum.

The system was stunned at this time and said, "I didn't think that you wouldn't agree anyway, would you? When you are about to die, I'll take you to merge, direct the three-dimensional soul. Anyway, the heart of the world and I can attract each other, and then we can attract things out. "

"Now that thing won't be attracted to you?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"I'm hiding in your body now, integrating with your body. Those people can't find me for the time being." The system said.

Yin Zhu sees that Bai Ji is not only looking for herself, but also Qiao Nuo. It seems that her system needs to be explained clearly. She also asks Bai Kun to refer to it for her. Unexpectedly, she thinks that there are several of them, and she doesn't want to deceive them. It's better for us to discuss what they have.

Qiao Nuo heard Yin Zhu said these, and rushed to call Leihe and tengxiaoteng back, followed by Ze.

Ze heard Yin Zhu say that the way of heaven should follow her, and then he was very disgusted and said, "normally, the way of heaven is on you. You should be God's own daughter. How do I think you are all unlucky? Are you a fake?"

The system on Yin Zhu's body wants to rush out and talk to Ze absolutely. What is a fake? Can he fake it at will?

Isn't it because he is poor that he can't give Yin Zhu anything good? The way of heaven, where most of his subjects are taken away by others, has no control over the world. He is already poor enough. Didn't he give Yin Zhu some good things before?

Several machines of daze tribe were created by him according to Cheng system written by Yin Zhu with the power of his own world. They are very powerful, OK?

"You can count on a prince who has been robbed of his country and is in exile to give you something good. It's good if he doesn't bring you a large number of enemies." Bai Kun is not very angry.

Ze can't help nodding when he hears this. This description is very appropriate. The so-called way of heaven is just like the prince who is on the run. It's just a good name, but it's no good. It's a lot of trouble.

After hearing Bai Kun's words, the system can't help feeling aggrieved. He is not incompetent. In fact, he is very useful. Why can't he say a word of refutation?

After hearing what Yin Zhu said, Bai Kun couldn't help thinking and said, "Yin Zhu, you are dishonest. I don't think these people have launched an attack yet. Is it possible that these people also want to catch the way of heaven?"

"After all, the people of the dream clan could not have been unaware of the news that the way of heaven had been separated. We wanted to take the part in their hands, and naturally they also wanted to take the part in our hands. No matter how big the part in their hands is, it's incomplete, not to mention that the world might collapse because of this incompleteness, so They haven't started yet. Is it possible that they want to find out where the way of heaven is? " Bai Kun analyzes it.

After all, the people of the dream clan can be said to have the absolute advantage. She was still wondering why these people would stop for a while and whether they were looking for her?

But she didn't say it herself. It's estimated that no one will know that the way of heaven is hidden in her. Of course, Baiji and Mengji certainly know it. However, these two people still want to occupy their own world, and they can't betray her. People in the upper world will probably pay attention to her, but they should not be sure that the way of heaven is in her hands.

"What shall we do?" Yin Zhu asked, but in his heart he hated the system to death. It was really a big trouble, a super trouble.

system the spirit almost leave the body in horror. Yin Zhu will not be able to speak a word, because he is really a trouble. Later, he will make complaints about Yin bamboo, and what qualifies him to speak."Let's go to Mengzu and get the heart of the world." Bai Kun said word by word.

"This thing is a disaster. If we want to merge, we can just destroy this thing, so that we can make sure that Yin Zhu is OK." Reich said directly.

The system in Yin Zhu's body was so angry that it jumped out, "destroyed, you have a hole in your brain, right? The heart of the world represents the world. If you destroy the heart of the world, the world will also be destroyed. You still live in the world, you have to destroy it. I really should destroy you first."

"Why not destroy it? You can destroy Yin Zhu and bring endless disasters to him. Why can't I destroy you? As for the future, after I manage so much, I don't know whether it still exists after I die. " Lehrer, hum.

"You, you..." The system doesn't know what to scold Reich for.

"Destruction can't be destroyed. Even Yin Zhu won't destroy the world. You can rest assured, but we won't let Yin Zhu merge with you. That thing is fatal to Yin Zhu. The best way is to grab the heart of the world in our hands. Even if it doesn't merge, the world will still be under our control. We'll think about it for a long time Take the way of heaven away from Yin Zhu. " Bai Kun said.

Tiandao is relieved to hear Bai Kun's affirmation that he will not destroy the heart of the world. He makes a picture of rolling his eyes, looks at Leihe contemptuously, and goes back to Yin Zhu's body.

"But it's not easy to steal, is it?" Yin Zhu swallowed his saliva and asked, no matter who hides the important things, he will send someone to guard them, or he will be taken by a strong man. If there is a space device, he can't find it.

The system felt Yin Zhuxin's idea and explained, "the heart of the world is the core of a world. This kind of thing can't be put down by that space device. It's very heavy, it's heavier than you think, so no one will take it with you. It's normally put in a place to protect it."

Yin Zhu listened and patted his chest. Fortunately, he didn't think so. Otherwise, he couldn't steal it, OK?

"Of course, it's not easy to steal, but didn't Baiji say that he would help before? We'll make a plan. I'll go back to Baiji to discuss how the two sides can cooperate, and then ask Ze to help us. " Bai Kun looks at Ze standing on one side with a smile at this time.

"How do you want me to help you?" Ze asked curiously.

"Please help us steal the heart of the world." Bai Kun said very sincerely.

Ze heard this jumped up, "you are deliberately pit me, such a dangerous thing I can not do."

He came to the world just to improve his strength, not to die. He and Yin Zhu are just cooperative relations. The cooperation between the two sides is very good. It can be said that they are friends. If they need help, they will help, but if they want to die, don't think about it.

"Ze, we are all orcs here. There must be a way to deal with orcs there. But you are different. You are a demon. You are not in the same system as us. Moreover, the means of demons are changeable and strange. It's hard to prevent them. It's the easiest thing for you to do to succeed." Bai Kun persuades him.

Ze shook his head firmly at this time and said, "it's impossible. Bai Kun, don't fool me into taking risks. Yin Zhu, our relationship is OK. In fact, there's something wrong with you. It's good that I didn't run away at the first time. I don't owe you anything."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded, and then said with great certainty: "sorry, Ze, Bai Kun. He is just too anxious. I really appreciate that you have helped us so much, really." Yin Zhu is really unwilling to force Ze, just like Ze said, he does not owe them, on the contrary, he also helps them a lot.

Bai Kun's face was a little bit pale after hearing Yin Zhu's words. Yin Zhu's words and Ze's attitude made it impossible for this thing to happen.

"Yinzhu, I said that I would be happy to help you when there is no danger. Leihe is a good boy. Didn't I always teach him before? Give him to me and I'll teach him a few more. Although I can't turn him into a demon, some small skills can still be learned. "

"Thank you." Yin Zhu sincerely thanks.

"Be polite to me. I'm just trying my best. Once there's danger here, I'm sure it will endanger my life. I'll run away for the first time, so you don't have to be polite to me." Ze waved and said very indifferently.

Bai Kun sighs at this time that Ze is not Yin Zhu's partner. He can't give everything for Yin Zhu. He is not a person in this world. He doesn't have much sense of belonging to this world, so he can't talk about sacrifice and contribution. It seems that Ze was too easy to talk before, which made him think that this person can live and die together with them. Now it seems that he thinks too much.

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