Ze saw that Bai Kun's face was not good. He said to Yin Zhu very frankly, "Yin Zhu, speak with your conscience. I really can't help you with this matter. After all, if you help me to catch up with my life, that's a joke."

"What's more, you've been playing against the baiji before. Since you know that baiji is scheming against you, and he wants the heart of the world, you still send it up, I think you're very stupid. If Baiji wants to, and you don't go, he will naturally find a way to get it, in order to run to a strange place to take risks. Why can't he wait for Baiji to steal it After that, he snatched it from his hand. How much do you know about the place where the heart of the world is stored in the dream clan, and you will steal it when your brain is hot? At least you know something about Baiji? " Ze Leng looks at Yin Zhu.

That is to say, he felt that he still had some friendship with Yin Zhu, so he would help to analyze it.

After listening to this, Yin Zhu thinks Ze is right. Bai Ji is certainly more familiar with the dream clan than they are. Bai Ji's hand is much easier than theirs. Then they try to grab it from Bai Ji's hand. Yin Zhu won't have any psychological burden to snatch it.

"I think it's good." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Bai Kun nodded, "this method is really good, but we don't know when Baiji will steal things. In this case, we have to find a way to stare at Baiji."

When Jono heard this, he nodded and said, "it doesn't matter. I can feel Mengji. Baiji can't run far."

"All right." Bai Kun has settled the matter.

"Teng, can I talk to you?" Bai Kun looks at the new student Teng and asks.

"All right." Teng whispered, to say here, only Bai Kun and Qiao Nuo knew that he once belonged to Zichen.

Yin Zhu is very confused. Bai Kun wants to talk to Teng alone. He doesn't want to listen to them.

"Yin Zhu, you all go out. I'll talk to the children." Bai Kun directly sent Yin Zhu away.

Well, it's so clear. If you don't go away, you'll have a thick skin. When you go back, you can ask what Bai Kun said to Teng. Even her mother can't listen to her.

"You fused, then Zichen should also re fused into a complete soul. What do you want to do?" Teng on the surface seems to be a tengxi brothers three fusion, in fact, also add a purple Chen.

"What does father want to ask?" Teng asked hoarsely.

"What do you want? What are you going to do with your mission? " Bai Kun said word by word, tengxi brothers even accounted for the majority, but Zichen can also affect him.

"We want world peace, we want no more war, and we want my mother to be well, but I don't know how to do it. I can't do it. Even if we sacrifice, we still can't do it." Teng said painfully.

The birth of their brothers can be said to be a mistake. They were calculated to be born, their voice was calculated, and then they grew up. They grew up so painfully and were forced to grow up quickly. However, this is far from enough. They have to face more painful choices, even if they choose to sacrifice themselves, but these things still can't be done The end, if all can end with their disappearance, they will not hesitate to sacrifice themselves, but can not.

Bai Ji's ambition is obvious, and they can't stop Bai Ji's progress, but they want to save Yin Zhu's life.

"You are good children." Bai Kun reached out and touched Teng's head.

"We are not. We are evil. Without us, maybe my mother would be better off." Teng said very hard.

"Well, nonsense, you are very good. Don't think so much about it. Remember that the orcs need the king. You are the only hope of the orcs and the nightmare. If you sacrifice, the orcs will have no hope and even the inheritance will be cut off. Although Mengji has the blood of the king, she has given up the inheritance, and has been practicing the reincarnation formula with Baiji After giving up, you are the king of beasts in this world. Anyone can have an accident. You can't have an accident. You have to manage the orcs well, and then strengthen yourself, just as powerful as the king of beasts at that time, and then leave the inheritance. Otherwise, the inheritance of the king of beasts will be broken in your hands, and you will be the sinner of the orc world. " Bai Kun said word by word.

Teng can kill the mosquitoes when he hears this. Bai Kun is right. He has the last and only inheritance of the orcs. If the inheritance is gone, how can he face the future generations of thousands of orcs.

But at the same time, he is the king. How can he survive, and then ignore the life of the people?

"Well, I know what you want to say. You see, you still have several father and mother. We can protect you. Don't worry. Really, and I can guarantee that your mother will be OK. Go and have a good rest. Don't think so much and don't think about miscellaneous things. It will be OK." Bai Kun smiles and touches Teng's head.

Teng is stunned. Bai Kun's father is a little strange. Can you promise him?

"Go ahead." Teng nodded.

On the other side, Tengxiao and Yinzhu went out. Tengxiao suddenly took Yinzhu by the hand and said, "Yinzhu, can you go to a place with me? Let me tell you something about Teng. I find Teng is not right. "Yin Zhu nodded. Although she had discussed with Tengxiao about Teng's ending, it's normal to talk about it now.

Just watching Tengxiao take Yinzhu to leave the camp for a long time, Yinzhu frowned and asked, "Tengxiao, we have been far away from the camp, now we can say it."

Tengxiao shook his head and said, "don't worry. I've found a beautiful place. I'll say it slowly. I'll have a good afternoon with you."

Although Yin Zhu thinks Tengxiao is a little strange, he can think about the pressure they are facing and everything else. This strange thing is normal. After all, anything can happen under pressure.

"Well, I'll see what kind of place you've found." Many places on the side of Yan Clan are very depressed and dilapidated because they are in a hurry to escape. It's really hard to find a good place now.

Tengxiao took Yin Zhu for a long time, and finally stopped in a small valley. It's very quiet here, and the environment of the valley is not damaged any earlier. It's quiet and beautiful. The valley is full of unknown wild flowers, which are very beautiful.

"It's a wonderful environment. When did you find it?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

Tengxiao lowered his head and said in a soft voice, "if you like what you found by accident."

"Here, I've got you some delicious barbecue. I'll cook it for you." Tengxiao had skillfully set up his shelves by this time. He found a lot of things from a small cave in the valley. He had all kinds of food and condiments. It seemed that he had prepared them before.

Yin Zhu saw the slow sitting, Tengxiao barbecue technology is still good.

After Tengxiao had finished everything, Yin Zhu was very comfortable eating. Not to mention, in such a beautiful environment, she really forgot her sorrow. If only life had been so beautiful.

Just eating, Yin Zhu felt that something was wrong. She fell to the ground powerlessly. She knew that she was in good health. Even if she stayed up late, she would not be so abnormal. The only possibility was that she was drugged.

"Tengxiao." Yin Zhu cried out.

Tengxiao slowly raised his head at this time. He looked at Yinzhu with red eyes and said, "Yinzhu, I'm sorry."

Yin Zhu's heart was cool when she heard this. She had guessed that there should be a spy around her, but she never thought that the man would be Tengxiao. How could she?

"I don't want to, but Yin Zhu, I want to save Teng, save our three children." Tengxiao said in a trembling voice.

"I don't understand. Tengxiao, Teng's fate is beyond our control. It depends on his own choice. You said clearly that day, how could it be like this?" Yin Zhu said painfully.

"No, you don't care about a few children at all. Also, since you came to this world, you have been bothered by all kinds of things, because Wuji has been chasing those things all the time. Several children have been separated, and then they have no contact with us. I know you can't blame them, it's not your fault. But I found that our children have problems. It's a big problem. It's a pity that you, the mother, don't know. " Tengxiao sighed.

"You should have heard of Zichen. He used to be the most gifted child in Baiji. Now there is Zichen in Teng's body. Do you know? Zichen existed in the body of three children very early, and it is precisely because of Zichen's existence that he has been influencing the three children all the time, and then let them come to the present situation. Now they are more integrated. Do you know how many years Zichen has lived? Do you know how powerful his soul is? It can be said that from the beginning, the souls of our three children were suppressed and influenced by Zichen, and then Zichen would slowly devour our children. Before Zichen's soul was divided into three parts, it was more difficult. Now it's reunited. Sooner or later, Zichen will devour all three of them. " Tengxiao said painfully.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she couldn't help growing up. She really didn't find out about it.

She really didn't know that her child had such a big problem. How could it be like this? How did Tengxiao find out about this?

"How do you know that? Who told you that? Is it a white sacrifice? Tengxiao, let me go first, and don't let Baiji take advantage of it. Even if the child really has problems, we can have a good discussion and come up with a good way. " Yin Zhu comforts Tengxiao. “”

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