Teng Xiao said with a bitter smile, "this thing is done by Bai Ji. Bai Ji not only wants to control and influence us through Zichen, but also wants to control Teng. Yin Zhu, I don't want to attack you, but no one can save Teng except the master of the dream clan."

"So you can betray me?" Yin Zhu's mouth is full of bitterness. If he doesn't have feelings for Tengxiao at the beginning, Tengxiao has been following her for such a long time. How can she be indifferent? Yin Zhu feels that his heart hurts badly.

Maybe Tengxiao didn't want to hurt her, but Tengxiao obviously chose the child before the child told her, which hurt Yin Zhu.

Tengxiao heard this and said with a bitter smile, "Yinzhu, you forget that I'm your guardian. Once you have an accident, I will only die in front of you. How can I really let you have an accident? I just want to save our children. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he just laughed miserably in his heart, "even so, this is not the reason for you to attack me. What's the matter that we can't discuss? You cheat my mother like this? I believe you so much, Tengxiao. " Yin Zhu cried and asked.

"I know. In fact, the best way is to discuss with you. Your feelings for the child are not less than mine. Maybe you are willing to sacrifice yourself to save the child, Yin Zhu. But you forget that you are not my own. Even if you want to, will they? I know that I am very bad and selfish. Even you will complain that I hate me in the future, but I still do it. Yin Zhu, my child can die, he can die, he can sacrifice, but he should die openly, not quietly or even subdued. " Tengxiao gritted his teeth and said in great pain.

After hearing Tengxiao's painful words, Yin Zhu kept silent for a while and said, "I know what you mean, and I know your love for your children, but Tengxiao, it's really not a good way for you to do so. I know that if I say I'm willing to marry as bait to save Teng, they will really stop me. I also know that it's not your original intention. Once I have something, you can help me Will do everything to save me, but Tengxiao, are you sure this is what I want? Do you think I can watch you die in front of me? "

Looking at Tengxiao sitting in silence, Yin Zhu sighed, "Tengxiao, let's have a good talk."

"Tengxiao, do you think the people of Mengzu are trustworthy? If Teng falls into the hands of the dream people, what will happen? Even if you hand me over, Teng may not be good. " Yin Zhu is not afraid of death, but is afraid of all things in vain. In addition, Yin Zhu is also very upset. She has never noticed that her children have problems. She always thinks that her children are very sensible. Who would have thought that Zichen's spirit is hidden in them.

"I know that the people of the dream clan can't be trusted. What they told me is true or false, because only in that way can they really cheat me. Teng, as the last inheritor of the king of beasts, is the last hope of your world. How can I easily give Teng to them. Since they actively told me the news, they just wanted to use me. I also agreed. Since the soul has been integrated, there is no way to separate it, let alone Teng. They have also been completely integrated because of the king of beasts inheritance. Once separated, several children are afraid of death or injury. The so-called soul is nothing but mutual swallowing. It depends on who is powerful, so I just want to talk to them Something that can strengthen the souls of the Teng brothers. " Tengxiao said softly.

They don't have several souls around them. Bai Ji can use this to calculate them, and he can too. So Tengxiao goes to find Qiao Nuo at the first time, and makes sure that what Meng Zu gets is available. He doesn't want to kill Zichen 100%, as long as he can suppress people 100%.

"So you decided to trade me for those things?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"The people of the dream clan have been looking for another part of the way of heaven. Now they just have doubts about you, but they are not sure. But when you come from another world, those people already know, you know, what those people always want is to enslave others. They know that there is another world where people can be enslaved. They are very interested. I am also sure that you will not be in danger Just decided. By the way, I also want to explore the bottom of the dream clan. After all, all the news we know about the dream clan is told by Bai Ji, but Bai Ji is not credible, is he? " Tengxiao sighed.

Does Yin Zhu want to say that Tengxiao has a rare IQ online because of his children?

But let alone Tengxiao's plan, if it doesn't go wrong, there's nothing wrong with it. But Yin Zhu is afraid that his own way of heaven will be exposed. Who knows if there's any special way there. Moreover, Yin Zhu doesn't want to lead those lunatics to his hometown. Who knows if there's any special way for those people to go to the earth? After all, they can sacrifice for nothing Send her back with the array. Once the gap is opened, she will be the sinner of the earth. She can't bear the consequences.

"No, Tengxiao. I have to think about that." Yin Zhu refused directly.

Tengxiao's face changed when he heard this, and then he said, "it's too late, Yin Zhu."

"Tengxiao you?" Yin Zhuzhen's business is urgent and angry, but this meeting Tengxiao has directly carried her to a certain place.

"I'm sorry, Yin Zhu. I'll be with you all over the world." Tengxiao whispered in Yin Zhu's ear.When Yin Zhu heard this, she really wanted to scold. She didn't need anything, OK?

Tengxiao hugs Yinzhu and goes around the valley. Yinzhu sees several dreamers sitting there waiting. Yinzhu can't help but close his eyes. OK, there's no way to stop them now.

"Sanshengzi, the people are here. Here you are." Tengxiao gently put down Yinzhu.

The first three saints tut tut tut around Yin Zhu for several circles, and then said, "I really can't see that he is a man from a different world. Baiji has some skills, and he even found a way to a different world."

Yin Zhu wants to say that if it's not because of the way of heaven, even Baiji can't be found, OK? Baiji can't send her to earth.

Those people think that they can do that with the ability of Baiji, but now she is not only a person from a different world, but also the incomplete way of heaven.

"Well, you can't hurt her." Tengxiao said bitterly, biting his teeth.

Sanshengzi can't help looking at Tengxiao sarcastically when he hears this, "OK, you've brought people to our side, and you can pretend to be affectionate. Don't worry, as long as she's useful, we won't do anything to her."

Of course, the premise is that Yinzhu is useful. If it is not, it is likely that Yinzhu will not be left.

Tengxiao obviously understood this truth, but those people didn't understand Yin Zhu so quickly in a short time, so he would have time to save Yin Zhu.

"Yin Zhu, wait for me. I'll come to you when I handle Teng's business." Tengxiao grabs Yin Zhu's hand and says.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help turning his head. Tengxiao is too stupid to cooperate with these people. In addition, many people in the camp knew that she was walking with Tengxiao. After turning back, Tengxiao went back alone and said that she was captured by the people of the dream clan. Would Qiao Nuo baikun believe it? Will you let him go?

This fool, just afraid to send her to Mengzu, is going to fight to get her back. This guy probably wants to wait for him to die, and then everything will be over. Yin Zhu roughly guesses Tengxiao's idea, fool, big fool.

Yin Zhu did not know how to Tucao Tengxiao, but Tengxiao had never had a brain. What could she say? This time, it was because she had a lot of children to make complaints about it, but it was because she thought more, and there were more things.

"Get out of here. Get out of here. I'm tired of seeing you." Yin Zhu wants to say that it's better not to come here. Even if there's a problem, she'd better think about it by herself.

Seeing the angry look of Yin Zhu, the three saints couldn't help laughing, "come on, you go quickly, or we'll leave you, too." If he hadn't seen Tengxiao fighting before, he didn't have the assurance to keep Tengxiao. He really wanted to keep this man.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he's got Yin Zhu. If he wants to go back, he can't stay there as long as he says Tengxiao sent people. It's very easy to alienate.

Tengxiao gritted his teeth, then took what sanshengzi gave him and turned away.

"Well, let's go, too." The three saints let a man catch Yin Zhu and left quickly. Obviously, they were afraid of something unexpected.

Yin Zhu was carried on his shoulder as a prey, and his stomach was a little uncomfortable. These rude guys.

"Can you let me go by myself?" Yin Zhu felt that her stomach was very uncomfortable. If she went on like this, she would vomit.

"Oh?" The three saints took a look at Yin Zhu and said, "are you sure you can go?"

"Come on, let's go." With that, he waved to his subordinates, apparently ignoring Yin Zhu's request.

Yin Zhu can't help sighing at the thought of her weak body after being drugged. Tengxiao is a fool. It's hard to blame him. When the matter is over, she must ask someone to carry Tengxiao on her shoulders and let Tengxiao feel the flavor.

Sanshengzi will happily take Yin Zhu back to his place, which is a great achievement. This time, he will directly go back and wait for this thing to pass. She must ask people to carry Tengxiao on her shoulders and run back and forth, so that Tengxiao can feel the taste. Looking back and waiting for this thing to pass, she must ask people to carry Tengxiao back and forth on their shoulders, so that Tengxiao can feel the taste.

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