When Tengxiao returns to the camp alone, Bai Kun, Qiao nuorehe and others look at Tengxiao with great doubts, "where's Yin Zhu?"

Isn't Tengxiao with Yin Zhu? Why did Tengxiao come back alone? Now it's not safe outside. They don't trust that Yin Zhu went out alone.

Tengxiao heard several people's culture, and after a moment's silence, he said, "I'm sorry."

Reich was furious the first time he heard this. "I'm sorry. What do you mean I'm sorry?" I'm sorry. It can't be Yin Zhu.

"Tengxiao, what's the matter? He said Jono asked angrily.

"Yin Zhu is now in the hands of the dream people." Tengxiao gritted his teeth and said.

"Isn't Yin Zhu with you? You said you wanted to talk to Yin Zhu, you took people out, and then you came back? What else are you doing back here? " Bai Kun said calmly.

On the other side, Xiaojin came out directly at this time, "let's go and save Yin Zhu."

But he was stopped by Jono, "Xiao Jin, it's no use to be in a hurry now. First ask what's going on."

"I gave Yin Zhu to the dream people." Tengxiao said, biting his teeth.

"You're crazy. Why the hell are you?" At this time, Leihe rushed up to Tengxiao and beat him.

"Why?" Bai Kun looks very bad at this time. Yin Zhu is their pillar. Tengxiao betrays them and takes Yin Zhu away.

"Because Teng, I'm not smart enough all the time. Bai Kun and Qiao Nuo, you're smart. I think you've known for a long time that tengxi has Zichen's soul in their body, but you haven't told me from the beginning to the end. Because they're not your cubs, it doesn't matter to you what kind of influence or consequence they will have, but it's very important to me Yes, it's my child. However, my child is not pure. Even he may be swallowed by another person. I have to save him. " Tengxiao said word by word.

After hearing Tengxiao's words, Bai Kun couldn't help feeling sad. He pressed his forehead powerlessly, "Tengxiao, do you think so about us? We've always been good to a few cubs, and we've been working hard. Yes, I knew that tengxi had a problem with their souls earlier than you, but I didn't tell you. I didn't even tell Yin Zhu, because it's useless to say it. On the contrary, it will make you more worried and even sad. I've been thinking about whether there is a solution, but I didn't think of you ignoring all of us Even in spite of Yin Zhu's safety, is your baby the most important thing in your heart? "

Several of them have been in peace all the time, and he has always regarded these people as his brothers. But Tengxiao's practice this time really hurt other people. Obviously Tengxiao didn't believe them, so he made his own decision.

Tengxiao was silent for a while after hearing Bai Kun's words and said, "I didn't ignore Yin Zhu's safety. You forget, I'm Yin Zhu's guardian. If I have something to do, I'll die first. I just want to save tengxi first, and then I'll go to save Yin Zhu. Ah, I'll try my best to save Yin Zhu."

"I'm afraid you didn't save Yin Zhu even if you paid your own life." Jono said quietly.

Jono will be really angry. Tengxiao's practice has violated his bottom line. "Tengxiao, no matter what you say or what you do, I won't forgive you. I know that the reason why you don't discuss with us is that you don't believe us from the beginning to the end. You feel that we will abandon your children, so you don't hesitate to do it yourself, Tengxiao Xiao, you'd better make sure that Yin Zhu is OK. Otherwise, if you die, I will frustrate you. "

When Tengxiao heard this, he was silent and said, "yes. I see Then he stood up in silence.

Only three people turned around and saw Teng standing at the door. Obviously, Teng didn't know how long they had listened to what they said.

Teng slowly came in at this time. Teng looked at Tengxiao standing in front of him with his head down. He sighed, and then said to Tengxiao, "give me what you got from Mengzu, don't you? Give it to me

"Don't be angry, Teng." Tengxiao doesn't know what to say. Teng also has feelings for Yin Zhu. Then he cringes and takes out the elixir that he got from sanshengzi to repair his soul.

"I'm not angry, father. Thank you, but father, don't do such stupid things in the future." Teng suddenly smiles and grabs Tengxiao's hand.

Tengxiao heard this and nodded, "I, I have no other way." After Meng Zu told him about this, he was very flustered and flustered. The only thing he thought of was that he had to do everything to find a way to save his cub. Then he was dizzy and agreed to the ghost idea of Meng Zu.

"Bai Kun's father, Lei he's father, Qiao Nuo's father, don't blame my father. He's not smart enough and he knows the news, so I'll bring my mother back." He said the same thing.

Hearing this, Bai Kun frowned and said, "OK, you father and son can stop. I know your determination, and I don't doubt it. But now we can't go like this. Do you still remember your mission? Are you responsible for that? ""But..." Teng frowned. He obviously disagreed with Bai Kun. He had a mission, but his mother was also his responsibility.

"Well, I'll go and you'll be good to me. I'll bring Yin Zhu back. Jono, you'll guard this side for me." Bai Kun said as he ordered.

"Bai Kun, you..." Jono frowned at him.

Among these people, Bai Kun is the weakest, but he is also the smartest.

"Come on, go to Mengzu to save Yin Zhu. You can't rely on strength alone. Which one of you is smarter than me, and who has me to be flexible? So you all stay here for me, OK, these things will be over soon, soon Bai Kun said firmly.

Qiao Nuo obviously wanted to say something more, but he vetoed Bai Kun directly, and then Bai Kun left without any objection.

As for Tengxiao, no one paid any attention to him at all. At this time, Jono arranged for things to go. As soon as baikun left, he just hoped that there would be no chaos. Leihe went out with a bad face.

Tengxiao looked at Teng standing in front of him. He reached out and patted his son on the shoulder. "The rest of Teng's business depends on you. Your father will find your mother." Tengxiao finished and went out without hesitation.

Teng looked at Tengxiao, who strode away. In fact, he wanted to tell him that he and Zichen had been completely integrated and could not be separated at all. He had no way to be his pure son in his life. He was a complex species designed by people and could not be pure at all. To say engulfed, he could not say whether Zichen engulfed them or they engulfed Zichen The two sides influence each other. He doesn't want Bai Ji to have something to do with him, and he doesn't want Yin Zhu and his close friends to have something to do with him.

At the beginning, Baiji really wanted to let Zichen devour tengxi's souls, but I don't know why, the three souls were just weak, and they grew up little by little. Their feelings for their parents still affected Zichen and made Zichen have no choice.

Teng looked at the elixir in his hand, but his heart was bitter, because he did not save at all, and he did not want to be saved. In fact, sacrifice was the best outcome for him, so that he would not suffer, let alone choose.

But he really didn't expect Tengxiao to do this for him. He gave Yin Zhu's mother directly to the people of the dream clan. This elixir was much heavier than he thought.

Teng walked slowly towards the door with the elixir, but he didn't go far. He saw the white sacrifice standing not far away and sneering at himself. Teng's heart trembled, and quickly put the elixir away, and then ran after him.

"Master, I feel so miserable." Teng looked at the person who was standing near him in white and said in great pain.

Bai Ji turned his head and looked at Teng disappointedly. "That's what you asked for. You didn't stay around the orcs much. Why were you influenced by them? Why do you say that? It's you who are so useless. " Bai Ji tells coldly.

When Teng heard Bai Ji's words, he felt that his heart was more broken, and he didn't want to, but he couldn't control himself, and he couldn't control Xiao tengxi's desire to be close to his parents. Yin zhutengxiao's love for their children moved them, and he couldn't help but want to be close to them. This is definitely different from Bai Ji's severe treatment.

"Master, I'm just an ordinary person. I'll be moved. Master, can't you let my father and mother go?" Teng looked at Baiji in supplication.

He knows that even if he gets the so-called king of beasts inheritance, it's Baiji's turn. He's not Baiji's opponent at all. Even if his strength keeps up, his wisdom and scheming can't keep up.

"Go away, now that you have chosen them, why talk nonsense to me? Are you sure you want to stand on the opposite side of me? In this case, Teng, don't blame me for being unkind at the end." Bai Ji said coldly.

Teng's whole body trembled when he heard this, "master, I didn't want to stand on the opposite side of you. I never did, but master, if master really wants to kill my father and mother, please fool me first."

But master, if master really wants to kill my father and mother, please fool me first. " But master, if master really wants to kill my father and mother, please fool me first. " It's just Shifu. If Shifu really wants to kill

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