After Yin Zhu was taken back by the people of the dream clan, fortunately, those people didn't do anything to Yin Zhu. They just locked him up.

No matter taking sanshengzi or the head of Shengong, those people haven't met Yin Zhu for the time being. Maybe they are very busy.

It's boring for Yin Zhu to be locked up in the room. Sitting there alone, he is angry with himself and Tengxiao.

Yin Zhu, who has nothing to do, pulls out the system at this time.

"System, since you are the way of heaven, you want to be familiar with the people of the dream clan. Tell me something about the dream clan." Yin Zhu lay down and said with no image.

"The dream people are similar to the nightmare people, majoring in spirit, but the difference between the dream people and the orcs is that the dream people do not become orcs, but they all have part of the characteristics of orcs in their bodies. On the surface, they are the same as the orcs, but they are different. They are a mature body, and the orcs are made by the orcs in order to be powerful Losers. Orcs improve their eyesight by giving up their spirit, but they don't. their body structure is like that, and then their mental power is still very strong. " The structure of the dream people is explained in detail.

"The creator is eccentric. They have a strong Orc body and a rational spirit." Yin Zhu looked at the system with disdain. The so-called creator is the way of heaven.

Hearing this, the system shakes its head. "No, the way of heaven is fair. Orcs are not as good as the dreamers for human's sake. But under normal circumstances, orcs become more powerful beasts than the dreamers. It's only after the dreamers have been standing on the orcs and sucking blood for tens of thousands of years that the orcs are so different from the dreamers."

They dare not say that everyone is equal, but they are generally balanced in terms of species.

"What about things in the dream clan?" Yin Zhu asked.

"Yin Zhu, I only know about the news about Mengzu tens of thousands of years ago. After I was forced to leave, I was completely disconnected from Bian. Even because of my weakness, I couldn't see the situation there. I didn't know what happened there." The system is still very angry when it comes to this. Obviously, it is very angry about its weakness.

"You said that the dream people arrested me because I came from a different world. Do you believe that? Or do those people already know that you are in my hands and want to capture you, and then directly enslave you first, and then integrate the way of heaven, then you should no longer exist? " Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Before, the system always told her that he was 100% integrated, because the former one was enslaved, and he wanted to be independent. Yin Zhu thought about it, and thought that the system should have cheated him on this point. If he could be independent, would he still ask her for help? He must also have some weaknesses. For example, he will be enslaved by others, especially when most of the former heavenly way is enslaved by the people of the temple.

After hearing Yin Zhu's words, the system was silent, and after a long time, he said, "yes, Yin Zhu, you are right, but Yin Zhu, if I am really enslaved, then the world will end. The whole Orc world will end. At that time, I will explode without hesitation."

"So you would rather destroy the world than merge." Yin Zhu said hehe.

After hearing this, the system directly nodded and said, "yes, if even I am enslaved, the world will eventually be destroyed. Once I lose myself and have no way to control the world, the world will stop incomplete and the world will still be destroyed."

Yin Zhu said with a smile, "the beginning or the end of the world. I've heard a lot about this topic. I want to say that nothing is eternal. Even the world is the same, including the world where I live. Life never comes. I also believe in continuous development. One day when the world can't bear it, it will come true sooner or later Destroy, and then start a new reincarnation, but that should be far away from me, these are not what I a small human should think, I just want to live in the present, you know? "

"System, you see, even you and I can't completely believe it. Just like you said before, you still want me to die in the end. Do you think I have a second way to go?" Yin Zhu asked softly.

"Sometimes I feel very boring. I feel that all my things are calculated by you. I hate war and like peace. But why do you think I will sacrifice? Especially for you false people, no matter you or Baiji, you all have your own plan, and then wait for me to sacrifice. Why Yin Zhu asked word by word.

When the system heard this, it was silent for a while and said, "I saved you. Without me, you would have died long ago."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he laughed, "are you sure you saved me? Why don't you say that I was saved at that time, and then my soul was taken away by you? What's more, I'm dead. At least my soul is still there. How can you make a decision for me, give me more decades of life, and then change my soul? Do you think I want to? "

After hearing this, the system didn't answer, and even ran away directly. It didn't show at all. It was obviously shamed by Yin Zhu and didn't want to answer him.

Yin Zhu looked at the escape system, but she was not very satisfied. Didn't she just say a few more words? Why did this guy just leave."Why do we take advantage of you, you are so angry, and your partner takes advantage of you, but you accept it with ease?" The system asked weakly at this time.

"Who used me?" Yin Zhu said angrily.

"Tengxiao is with you for the sake of the children, Jono is with you for the sake of the stability of the tribe, baikun is with you for the sake of the interests of the then Meizu, Leihe is for the sake of the orcs, you can accept them, why can't I forgive them?" Said the system, puzzled.

Yin Zhu said with a smile, "I don't understand, so you are a system, I am a person. I know that some of my friends were with me because of all kinds of problems, but it doesn't hinder our feelings. Even if they didn't have feelings at first, can you say that they don't have feelings for me now? You can't stand Tengxiao or others. They can die for me without hesitation. You don't think it's emotion. What's emotion? "

It's a joke that this system even wants to alienate her feelings with several partners. After so many years with Tengxiao, they are not just at the beginning. Yin Zhu believes that they are sincere to her. Maybe they are not perfect at the beginning, but perfect at the end.

"I'm good to you, too. I've been helping you." The system said wrongly.

"But you want my life." Yin zhuleng hum.

At this time, the system said weakly, "I, I will try my best to save some of your true spirit, and then I will collect the Qi of the world to complete you."

As far as possible, Yin Zhu couldn't help shaking her head when she heard this. She didn't believe anything.

"Look at the system. You can't be a person for a long time now. Of course, you are not a person. I can't ask you to change your feelings and ways of doing things." Yin Zhu said lightly.

"Come on, let's not talk about the headache and sadness, let's talk about the dream clan. You should remember the god palace master who contracted the way of heaven at the beginning, right? Do you think that man is still alive? " Yin Zhu suddenly raised a question.

People in this world can't be counted by common sense. After all, they have lived for thousands of years. Who knows if those powerful old monsters will live for thousands of years.

When the system heard this, it was stunned, and then Mumu said, "it shouldn't be that bad. Although that man is very powerful, he fought with the king of beasts at the beginning. At the beginning, that man's strength was just better than the king of beasts. Otherwise, there would not be a part of me robbed by the king of beasts. At the beginning, the king of beasts was seriously injured, and that man was also injured. Finally, the king of beasts fell, and he would not be alive 。”

If that person is still alive, the system wants to say that Yin Zhu and they just surrender. Why struggle.

"Well, that's good news." Yin Zhu said with emotion, if that kind of person is still alive, I'm afraid the orc world really can't be saved.

Yin Zhuzheng is about to chat with the system again. At this time, the system prompts, "someone's coming. It's time to escape."

Yin Zhu frowned when she heard this. Normal people don't see the system very well. Unless she is willing to show it to others subjectively, the system actually escapes by itself. Is it because the comer is very powerful?

As Yin Zhu's idea fell, Yin Zhu saw that the three saints with a person slowly came to his front.

Yin Zhu can't see each other's appearance clearly, but he can feel the strong pressure on each other. This is the god palace master.

Yin Zhu tried to open his eyes to take a serious look at the appearance of the head of the temple. But it was strange that he could see it at first sight, but his mind was all blurred and could not see anything. This man was so powerful. Yin Zhu felt that his strength was quite powerful. He could not see the other side's face clearly here. He could not see it from such a close distance Chu.

Maybe it was Yin Zhu's big eyes that amused him. The head of the temple sat down directly in front of Yin Zhu and said with a smile, "even if you stare so big, you can't see my face clearly. But if you really want to see it, I can show it to you, or even tell you my name."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. It's certainly not good for this person to say so. Since he doesn't want to be seen by others, how can he be so kind to her? Once he sees something bad, I'm afraid that it will happen, so I don't want to have too much curiosity.

Yin Zhu's action once again let the other party laugh, "you are so timid."

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