"It has nothing to do with courage. I'm just afraid of trouble, and you're a trouble." Yin Zhu said lightly.

The palace master laughed again when he heard this, "am I trouble? It's the first time that someone said that to me, are people from other countries as fearless as you? "

"How do you want to find out the news of our world from me? I tell you, don't think about it. I can't tell you." Yin Zhu said very clearly.

The palace master was not angry when he heard this. Instead, he shook his head and said, "well, those people thought I wanted to know the secret of that world, so they arrested you. In fact, it's not. If I want to know that world, Baiji can do it, I can do it as well."

"I don't understand." Yin Zhu is very puzzled and says, what does this person mean by saying so much?

"If you want to travel between the two worlds, you must find the junction of the two worlds. However, the junction between this world and your world is only known by the way of heaven. Baiji can use the power of the way of heaven to find it, so can I, so you are not a rarity." The palace Master said lightly.

Yin Zhu's heart was about to stop beating when he heard this. The palace master suddenly said the way of heaven, because he knew that half of the way of heaven was on her? So, she's a sheep in a tiger's mouth?

Looking at Yin Zhu's cautious shrinking head, the palace master couldn't help laughing.

"In fact, at the beginning, I didn't think that baiji would choose a person from a different world to break the situation. After seeing you, I realized that this is not Baiji's choice. The way of heaven is a bit clever, and I know how to cheat people." The palace Master said calmly.

All the hairs on Yin Zhu's body stand up, because the palace master on the other side obviously knows everything. She can't go back.

"How do you know?" Yin Zhu is very puzzled to say, the people of the upper world are not in the orc world? Baiji should not have made this matter so clear.

"Are you surprised to know that? You think there are several experts on your side. It's clear at a glance that you are the only one besides your partner. Especially you are still in the orc world. The orc world is originally a female. How can you let a female take risks? Unless the female's identity is very unusual, I have carefully checked your information, and I know that your soul does not belong to this world through the way of heaven. I think a lot. After all, it's very difficult for people from the outside world to come to this world, let alone in the case that I have no consciousness, to know that the other half of the way of heaven has been controlled by me, and you can hide your information Who can do it except for that half of the way of heaven? " The palace Master said with a smile, obviously things are under his control, which makes him very happy.

"Later, I kept thinking that the other half of heaven belongs to the capital of the orc world to fight against us, and it is also the most precious thing in the orc king. But how can they hand over such a precious thing to an outsider? I thought a lot, and finally thought that this should not be the idea of the orc king, but should be the way of heaven. More than half of the way of heaven is controlled by me, and a small part is controlled by the orc king. So the way of heaven should be to come up with some ideas and prepare to escape this fate. So the orc King inheritors who deceive their hearts should be like this. I'm right. " Then the palace master looked at Yin Zhu with a smile.

Clearly can't see each other's expression, but Yin Zhu feel out, the other party is laughing, the mood is very happy.

Yin Zhu is in a bad mood. These are all the characters of the level of a thousand year old monster. She has no way to fight with him. No wonder Tengxiao will be fooled by them.

"You're right. What are you going to do to me?" Yin Zhu asked in a very bad tone. She can't keep her demeanor at this meeting. She's going to be a prisoner.

"Why are you so angry? You're wrong. I'm not allowed to stand by you." The palace Master said with a smile.

"The half of the way of heaven in your hand actually wants to plot against Baiji. Baiji's mind is to let the way of heaven merge. They control the way of heaven. That is to say, the way of heaven will certainly merge, and you must have been manipulated by them. Only in this way can we ensure that the way of heaven will be with you. At the same time, it's also a cover up. It's better to confuse me not to go to the king of beasts "I'm in trouble." The palace Master said slowly, very light.

"And the way of heaven in your hand will prevail. Also, the one in my hand was too disobedient at the beginning, and his mind was destroyed by me directly. Now he is a fool. He really can't compare with the one in your hand. Since the situation is very bad for me, do you think I will let you merge well? As for killing you? It's not good for the time being. I have to find a way to take out your share of heaven The princess of the holy palace said her purpose very frankly, obviously because she was strong enough to make him very confident.

"Do you know the purpose of Baiji long ago? Why not stop it? " Yin Zhu is very curious.

The master of the holy palace laughed. "I didn't know it early. I didn't know it at the beginning, but I knew it later. But Bai Ji is right in saying that the way of heaven should be integrated sooner or later, otherwise the world will be destroyed. Now that he has gone to plan, why should I talk about it again? I'll just wait for the result. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was left with a lot of confidence."I'm curious that half heaven should have signed a contract with the successor of the king of beasts long ago. How can they throw that thing to you and control you? It's not enough to rely on your cub." The palace master asked with his chin in his arms.

"Don't you know everything? Why ask me. " Yin Zhu is not very angry.

"No, I'm not a God. There's no way to know everything. I can only grasp the general direction and make no mistake." The palace master shook his head and said.

The general direction can't be wrong. It's true that the general direction is right. These thousand year old foxes are not their opponents at all. Every time they say one more word, more secret information will be mined out.

Looking at Yin Zhu, who turned his head and didn't want to speak, the palace master was not angry, but leisurely talking to himself over there.

"Are you afraid that I will cheat you? In fact, as far as my position is concerned, why should I cheat you? I'm just a little curious. Besides, I don't know how Baiji controls you. I think no one in the world can help you except me by the way he controls you." Then the palace master covered his mouth with a smile.

"You talk a lot of nonsense. The orcs have nothing to say with the dream clan. The orcs can't compromise. You dream clan have drunk the blood of the orcs for tens of thousands of years. It should be over." Yin Zhu said coldly.

The palace master didn't get angry when he heard Yin Zhu's words. Instead, he looked at Yin Zhu sarcastically and laughed, "don't you think it's funny to tell me this? The orc world has always been dominated by the strong. If you drink blood, why don't you say how many beasts the orcs eat? Should those beasts also resist? "

"That's not the same. Those wild animals have no intelligence. The reason why people are human is that they have thought and reason. They are different from wild animals." Yin Zhu said angrily.

The palace master just shook his head, "orcs (), orcs, first animals and then people, orcs are evolved from wild animals, looking back to dislike their ancestors inhuman, aren't you telling a joke?"

Yin Zhu doesn't want to discuss this with the palace master. Even if the orcs evolved from wild animals, anyway, those animals have no reason. They are wild animals.

"If you want to ask me a question, I'll also ask you a question. Since you know that Baiji has a bad heart for you, have you secretly calculated Baiji, and how are you going to deal with him?" Yin Zhu was very angry and asked, these two are not good things. It's better to be able to bite the dog, and it's better to lose both.

"Why should I tell you? I tell you, if you want us to lose both sides, don't think about it. It's impossible The palace master is cold.

Yin Zhu heard impatiently rolled a white eye, "you are all smarter than anything, I take what cheap, I will not be calculated by you is very good."

She's not the same pervert, OK? Where can we count them.

"Thank you for your praise. It's best for you to think like this. I'll give you some time to figure out if you want to cooperate with me." The palace Master said calmly.

"Cooperation is impossible." Yin Zhu refused without hesitation.

"Don't be so absolute, think about it well, and I'll tell you that there are not as many people in the dream clan as you think, so we won't force people to death in the orc world, especially after the integration of the world. Anyway, we can't use so many animal Dan. Some tribes can let them go, Yin Zhu. You don't care, but I think there are always tribes willing to do it." The palace Master said calmly.

If you want to say that Yin Zhu cooperates with her, will you let her tribe go? Yin Zhu doesn't want to live like that, and she still has no dignity. Once she is enslaved, she will never look up. It took the orcs thousands of years to make this decision. She won't make this decision.

what is more, Yin Zhu does not believe in the words of the shrine owner, and has no autonomy as a slave. When the time comes, others has the final say, and the tribe will be devoured sooner or later.

"No way. We'd rather die than surrender. If you say that all the orcs in the world are dead, do you think the people of your tribe can last long? For tens of thousands of years, this world has been divided into three parts: the orc world, the nightmare tribe and the dream tribe. However, no matter the orc world or the nightmare tribe, I think there should be problems in your dream tribe. Even if the orcs in the orc world are made by human beings, I don't think they are all made by human beings. This should be caused by the lack of heaven. Every tribe has problems, the dream tribe How come there are fewer people in the world? If you have no shortage of resources, you will have no shortage of strength. Now there are not many people in the dream clan. Is it your group that has lost fertility? " Yin Zhu asked with great satisfaction.

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