The palace Master heard Yin Zhu's words, rare Chen praised Yin Zhu for a while, "I really don't see that you are a bit smart."

Yin Zhu couldn't help but curl his mouth when he heard this, "if I'm not smart enough, I won't be fooled by you." When you think about the way you want to go, you can say that they are all arranged by these superiors. These people are not only calculating, but also calculating people's hearts. These people are really terrible.

"Ha ha, yes, so the world still needs integration. Only when the world is complete can the world be complete." The palace Master said lightly.

"Why don't you say it's your own sin? I can't say that this is the end of your absorption of animal elixir, exploitation and oppression. I've seen it before, but I haven't seen anything other than demons that devour each other among the same clan." No matter the dreamers or the orcs, they are all intelligent life in this world. Generally speaking, they are all human.

Yin Zhu has read a lot of books, not only novels but also ancient prose. There is nothing to say that power is to devour the same kind of self, which is against the law and the way of heaven.

After hearing Yin Zhu's words, the palace master was silent for a moment, and then said: "maybe what you said is right, but the bow has not turned back. The dream clan has reached this point, there is no way to turn back, and it is impossible to turn back. The only thing we can do is to follow the current road without hesitation, and maybe break the routine when we reach the extreme."

The new life of the dream clan is getting less and less from the beginning to now. In recent years, even a new life has disappeared. This is the reason why the dream clan panics. It is also because the dream clan itself has problems that the beast Dan of the orc world has not moved here. Over the years, he has been looking for the reasons for the problems, but it's a pity that the previous part of the way of heaven is still with them In order to control the world better, he wiped out the divine intelligence directly, so they don't know whether the reason of their family's problems is the way of heaven, but they have found other reasons and can't find them out. This is also the reason why Ziji didn't stop when he integrated the two worlds.

There is a big problem with the dream race. In recent years, there has not been a new life for such a big race. This is terrible. He doesn't know why. Since the dream race has become a world of its own, there is no way to break the Convention, so let others break it.

"It seems that when Ziji merges into the world, you are good?" Yin Zhu hesitated and asked.

At this time, the palace master shook his head and said, "no, I didn't know what Ziji did before, but I didn't stop it when I knew that the two worlds would merge. If I stopped it, maybe the two worlds would eventually merge, but it wasn't so fast."

Well, powerful people are willful and don't have to worry about the consequences.

"Can you tell me what you want to do with me?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"Please be a guest. In fact, Mengzu is very hospitable." The palace Master said with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing and being hospitable. Is this kind of hospitality forced to invite people here? This kind of hospitality is not enough.

It's a pity that now she has no ability to escape here, but knowing that they won't take their own life for the time being, Yin Zhu's heart can be put down a little. Maybe she can also have a good look at the news of Mengzu.

"Didn't want to take over my original world?" Asked Yin Zhu.

The palace Master said with a smile at this time, "if you have the ability, you will think about it, but now you have no ability. The things on your side have not been settled. Your side is too far away. Let's talk about it later."

The palace master didn't say that he would not go. He was ambiguous.

"Do you want to go to Mengzu? I'll let someone show you. " The palace Master said with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he wanted to say, what is to take her to see? He should take her back to the dream clan. After all, she is still on the front line. It's not safe. If you take her back to her old camp, Jono's attempts to save her are not so fast.

"By the way, can you give me an antidote?" Before Tengxiao, I didn't know what medicine it was. Up to now, Yin Zhu still has no way to use the technique. It's estimated that he can't do without an antidote.

"It's not urgent. I'll wait until you go to Mengzu. After all, you are not a minion. Otherwise, you will be unhappy and tear down our camp." The palace Master said calmly.

Yin Zhu turned a white eye when he heard that. If he didn't want to, he didn't want to. It's not that he was afraid that she would run away. What's camp demolition? She's a lady, not a violent girl.

The person who sent Yin Zhu back was Yin Zhu, who happened to know him. He was the sanshengzi who had traded with Tengxiao before.

When Yin Zhu saw this guy, his face was not good. Yin Zhu didn't forget the man before, but he let his men carry her directly like sandbags. He didn't have an image, and he was very sad.

"It seems that you are very impressed with me, Yin Zhu." The other side couldn't help cracking his mouth and laughing, very proud.

Seeing this elated face, Yin Zhu doesn't want to talk to him. It's sad to talk to such a person.

"San'er, you should take good care of Yin Zhu all the way." The palace master gave orders very simply.

"OK, don't worry." The three saints responded directly.Third son? Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing when he heard the name. It's really a bad name, but it's definitely not the real name of sanshengzi. It should be the ranking. Sure enough, this man has a bad face. No wonder he ranks third.

"Let's go." This time, the other side did not like before, but found a beast carrying Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looks at her back. Well, she's going to set foot on a new place. Fortunately, at this time, the two worlds have merged. It won't be like the nightmare world at first. After that, she can't go back.

And now she is also worried that Tengxiao will find a way to save her if she is captured by the people of the dream clan. Especially Tengxiao, who is a fool, will be made difficult when he goes back. Then, with the relationship between their two contracts, this guy will fight to save her.

In fact, he is quite stupid. Yin Zhu is also a little angry. Just thinking about it, he feels angry. His partner, stupid, can't dislike it. He just hopes that Teng Ji won't inherit his stupid.

"Sanshengzi, what's your relationship with Baiji?" It's also a hard time along the way, and the palace master can't say anything. Yin Zhu is going to ask Xiao Di to see what he says.

As a result, the three saints replied directly, "the palace master ordered that you should not answer whatever you ask, so as to avoid being misunderstood."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help cursing. Is it necessary to guard him like this? It's too much. Close the door and close the window. There's not even a crack left for her.

"What's a cliche? Forget it, I know. You should be on guard. Forget it, I won't ask Baiji. I'll ask you about your private affairs. It's not a big problem." Yin Zhu turned his eyes and said with a smile.

"How old are you? You can't just call it san'er. " Yin Zhu lost a series of problems.

Sanshengzi can't help but eyebrow when he hears that saner. Even if the palace leader calls him saner, the woman dares to call him saner. She really wants to beat her to death, but it's a pity that she can't beat her. The palace leader says that it's better to make Yin Zhu feel happy in heart and body, so that he will be able to explain to them.

"Chumo." Sanshengzi replied directly.


"My name." The third son said coldly.

"I know, saner." Yin Zhu said with a smile, the sanshengzi frowned when she said saner before, and only when she said this question, sanshengzi would respond, and none of the others.

"Don't call me saner." Sanshengzi's brows are wavy.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he burst out laughing, "why, saner saner, it's very nice." The more you don't want to scream, the more you want to scream. He's disgusting. Since he's unhappy, Yin Zhu doesn't want to make others happy. Anyway, they're enemies, right? She's just bad taste.

Anyway, now they still want to find out where the way of heaven is hidden. They also want to cooperate with her to find out how to find out the way of heaven. Then they can get rid of the consciousness and assimilate those who control the way of heaven. As long as the way of heaven is still in her hands, she won't be in any danger. Yin Zhu is confident now.

"Don't think you can do whatever you want without life danger. I can't hurt you, but you can still be disgusted." Sanshengzi is not happy to threaten.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he closed his mouth. Well, it's been a while, so let him go.

"Chumo, who took the name? I think it's just average. " Since he didn't want to talk at the beginning, Yin Zhu could only talk about his name to see if he could be distracted.

Yin Zhu looks at the silent Chumo and wants to say that this guy really ignores himself? "You won't be so stingy, won't you answer me? I didn't even call you saner. How can that be? "

When he heard the words he didn't like again, Chumo raised his eyebrows. He shouldn't have answered them. When he didn't see them, he just answered them. Is there so many questions behind? If you go on answering, you may have more questions. It's best to listen to the palace master firmly and don't answer anything.

Yin Zhu then asked a lot of questions. As a result, the other party didn't come back with a word. Yin Zhu, the guard beside him, also teased him, but it didn't work. They were just like wood. They didn't say a word at all. Even Yin Zhu told several cold jokes, but it didn't work at all.

"Saner, saner, you talk with me. How boring and lonely it is all the way." Does Yin Zhu want to say that people of dream clan are so hard to deal with? If all of them were so obedient and disciplined, they would be worse.

Chumo heard the sound behind him. He was so angry that his face was almost black. He didn't dare to turn around. He was afraid that he would strangle Yin Zhu when he turned around. How could he explain to the palace leader? Forget it, he cut off the two animal skins he was wearing and then blocked his ears.

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