After Yin Zhu, no matter what she did, Chumo didn't open his mouth to her again. Even if there was something on the way, he ordered his subordinates to say a few words. They were very brief, and they couldn't come up with anything useful.

At the end of the way, he was locked in the room, but the other party didn't say a word to Yin Zhu.

Guan Yinzhu's room is a big stone house. It's a suite. It's very big and convenient for Yin Zhu's activities. Some things in Yin Zhu's life can satisfy Yin Zhu, but nothing else.

Even if Yin Zhu is bored and bored to death, no matter what he calls or scolds, except that there are people who send food and drinks to him every day, or he just wants some gadgets. As long as there are some here, they will also send them to him. Anyway, those who send things are just like dumb people, and they won't answer him at all.

This day or two, Yin Zhu was locked inside almost crazy, so no one to take care of the day of communication is really uncomfortable.

There was no one to take care of him. Yin Zhu was really bored, so he had to find trouble with the system.

"The system comes out. Are you familiar with this place? Is there any way to take me away?" Now all Yin Zhu can grasp is the system.

As a result, the system didn't dare to appear as before at this time. It could only rumor to Yin Zhu in my heart, "how dare I go out now? The heart of the world is here, and I will be found as soon as I appear."

Before that, what the palace Master said really scared the system. If he was caught and killed, he would be dead.

"Don't you have the ability to count me before, you useless thing? It turns out that he's just a soft footed shrimp. He's afraid of the tough. " Yin Zhu is a little angry. He thinks that the system was so powerful at the beginning. Now it seems that he is just bullying her.

Yin Zhu scolds the system so much that he doesn't dare to say anything. Now he doesn't dare to offend Yin Zhu. What if Yin Zhu really cooperates with the palace leader?

"Yin Zhu, I don't know what to do with you. I've always been very kind to you, haven't I? Even help you, how can you say I count on you? " The system explains weakly.

"Well, you still want me to die. You haven't calculated me yet." Yin Zhu said angrily. Thinking about telling her so plainly, he thought it was not a calculation. It was not that she was weak and fearless. If she was strong, it would be a calculation in secret. Anyway, the end was that she would die.

"I can't help it. I didn't say that. I can't do that. And even if I really want to do that, I will let you live your whole life." The system explains.

"Fart, that is when you win, if you are in danger, who knows what you will do." Yin Zhu said angrily.

When the system heard this, it was silent. Yes, all the premises mentioned before were that he was OK. If he was on the verge of danger, no one could guarantee that he would control Yin Zhu's fusion in advance, or even self destruct, which he could not guarantee.

"System, you see, we are still allies in a short period of time at least. Should you try to help me escape? If I can't escape, you can imagine your consequences. I think I should be safer than you here. If you don't worry about it, then I'll eat and drink here with peace of mind. Besides no freedom, I'm still safe here When it's safe. " Yin Zhu said slowly.

When the system heard this, there was no news. It was also threatened by Yin Zhu, because what Yin Zhu said was true. Here he was more dangerous than Yin Zhu.

"Yin Zhu, it's not that I don't help, but that I really can't help you. Can I help you too? As you said, I'm also worried about my own situation. " The system says this time.

"What are you crying for? You're not so powerful. Besides, I'm the one who should cry most. I'm an innocent passer-by who was forced into the battlefield by you. I'm innocent. You have the skill to cry. You'd better think about it quickly. " Yin Zhu didn't say well. The crying person who didn't know thought she was bullying him.

"I'm not crying. Come on, I'll find a way. I'll find a way." The system said aloud.

If you don't think of another way, maybe Yin Zhu will kill him.

Bai Kun, who came to save Yin Zhu, already knew that Yin Zhu was sent back to the ancestral land of the dream people by the people of the dream people. He also rushed to the ancestral land of the dream people at this time.

Although Bai Kun said he was going to save Yin Zhu, Tengxiao obviously didn't listen to them. Even Tengxiao, who made a mistake, felt that he was guilty all over and couldn't bear to save Yin Zhu. On the contrary, he couldn't find Tengxiao in the battlefield. Tengxiao should have gone to the dream clan.

Leihe looked at this one and both of them ran to find Yinzhu. He also ran to the front of Jono and said, "Jono, I want to find Yinzhu."

Jono can't help but look at Leihe coldly when he hears this. The orcs are already in a weak position. After two masters, Leihe also wants to go.

"Rehe, if we go on like this, we won't be able to hold on at all." Jono said irritably.

"Jono, in fact, you know, even if I stay, I still can't keep it. We're making slow concessions now, aren't we? Jono, I'm different from you. I don't have so many big issues. I just want to save Yin Zhu. Whether it's a Orc or an orc, it's not binding on me. Yin Zhu is the most important thing for me. " Leihe said lightly."I know I can't keep it, but one more person can always have more strength. I also want to save Yin Zhu, but I can't ignore the things here. If you leave all of you behind, let me take it on my own." Jono looks very bad.

Both of them went to save Yin Zhu, and even Xiao Jin couldn't help it at this time, so he went straight out and said, "Jono, let's go to save Yin Zhu. If several friends go and you don't go back, what will Yin Zhu do if he dislikes me? I love Yin Zhu the most. You can't hurt me. "

Hearing what Xiaojin said, Jono couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Yinzhu won't blame you for this. She knows that we are here and will only admire us more." After all, compared with the two tasks, this is the most difficult one, OK?

In addition, he is doomed to fail. This is what makes people miserable. There is no hope of winning. Teng goes out to fight every day these days and comes back scarred every day. However, every time Teng is injured, he can draw strength from Mengzu to make up for himself. Teng can say that he is constantly improving his strength every day, but Teng is getting more and more injured every time The guy is trying his best, but this guy is still a bit modest. He will run away when he is seriously injured. He will try his best to escape to the place where there are many people in the dream clan, so that the dream clan can't be too small and ruthless, so that he can have some breathing opportunities.

Of course, the reason why Teng was able to do well for so many days is that the palace leader didn't make any more moves after that. The moves were made by the holy sons and their subordinates. Although those people were powerful, they had nothing to do with them.

It's just that it's not a matter to go on like this. After all, the strongest one over there hasn't made a move yet. If the palace master makes a little move, Teng won't have a big chance, and they can't make Teng strong all the time.

"But I want to go with Yin Zhu and have a look at Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo, and let them do their own business, such as Bai Yangui." Now Xiaojin just wants to shake the pot quickly so that Jono can go to Yinzhu with him.

"Xiaojin, it's impossible. I have to stay here and watch Teng. You know Teng's identity. Once this boy has an accident, Yin Zhu comes back. We can't face it. I have to watch him." Jono refused directly.

"Can I go then? Jono, there's really no difference between one more and one less. " Said Reich.

Jono waved at this time, "OK, you all go, go, take good care of Yin Zhu."

Yes, they haven't seen the hope of victory up to now. It's just that one more person died in the war. It's better to let Leihe go to Yinzhu and take care of Yinzhu in the future. No matter how the heaven changes, Yinzhu's fate has changed, and the beast pill can't control them. It's very difficult for Yinzhu to escape It's easy.

Jono's worry is that these dream people will use daze tribe to deal with Yin Zhu. Otherwise, Yin Zhu can escape. There are so many people in the world, and it's easy to escape.

"Then I'll go." Seeing Jono's promise, Reich is very happy to leave.

Xiaojin was really unhappy. "Jono, they all went to find Yinzhu, but you left me here to die. I tell you, Jono is impossible. I don't want to die. I want to be with Yinzhu."

"Xiao Jin, I won't let you die. If I die at the end, will you live? How can I really leave this body to you? I'm going to watch Teng now. It's my responsibility. " Jono said gravely.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he was silent. After a long time, he replied, "fart, you're dead. Yin Zhu can't settle accounts with me. At that time, Yin Zhu can't hate me. Don't frame me up."

When Jono heard this, he laughed happily. "Kim, do you care about me?"

"Go away, who cares about you? I want to devour you directly. Then I can occupy Yin Zhu. Can't I devour you? Don't worry, if I have a chance, I will devour you, so I won't take advantage of you. " Xiao Jin said angrily.

Jono heard this more happy, "Xiao Jin, you look so cute. No wonder Yin Zhu often says you are cute."

"Who's cute? Can you describe it, but Yin Zhu really likes me Small gold dark rub rub of ask.

"Really." Jono is very happy to say, this body more than one person is not a bad thing, is a very interesting guy.

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