Bai Kun three people leave, let Teng some angry, "jonoa father, why don't you stop them?" Bai Kun said that he went to save Yin Zhu. Why did the other two go too.

Jono shook his head when he heard Teng's words, "because I can't stop them. Their hearts are all over Yinzhu's side. Yinzhu's gone, and they're going too. What are they doing?"

"What if something should happen to them?" Teng said anxiously.

Jono heard this but laughed, "this you can rest assured, whether it is Tengxiao or Leihe, they are not children, even the wild survival ability is very strong, even if Tengxiao is not good at intrigue, but Tengxiao vigilance is not bad, don't worry, they can live well, it's you to worry about."

Teng was stunned when he heard this, and then said, "what do I have to worry about? My life has been predestined for a long time."

Jono shook his head when he heard this. "It's just that you don't have a good attitude. Teng, your identity is clear to all the people in the dream clan. Do you think that even if you sacrifice yourself, how effective is it? Do you think they haven't worked out this way to deal with you for so many years? Even if we have to sacrifice, we have to sacrifice with value. "

"But what can I do? Now I can resist those people for a while. But once the palace leader comes down, I'm not the opponent. What should we do? Now that we have begun to retreat, step by step, to the end, can we still withdraw from this world? " Teng said with a bitter smile.

"Father Jono, in fact, you really don't have to worry about me. My life was arranged before I was born. Father Arno knows that there is Zichen's soul hidden in my body. That's why my father betrayed my mother. In fact, you don't have to worry about it. When I shoulder my responsibility, no matter whose soul it is, it's useless. In fact, it's useless It's my best destination. I don't have to be caught between my father and my master. " Teng sighs. Zichen has a great influence on him. For example, he doesn't hurt Baiji at all. His feelings for Baiji are not very different from those for Yinzhu.

"I know your choice and your dilemma. I can't even stop you, but I still want you to think clearly, because you can't change the ending even if you sacrifice." Said Jono, holding Teng's hand.

For this child's feelings, Jono is also very complex, orcs always like children, but for the calculated child, the joy in the heart will be discounted, not to mention that the child is not wholeheartedly towards themselves, just think that the child has no bad heart for them, think about the balance in the heart, of course, more or to the child Pity, such a fate is Teng himself do not want to, to blame it should blame Baiji.

"If you can't change it, you should try to change it. If you can't change it, I can't help it." Teng light smile.

Bai Yangui and Ze are not in a good mood at this time. There are only a few of their friends who have come all the way, and the others have run away. Ze clearly finds Jono at this time and says, "Jono, I'm ready to go."

"Where to?" Jono didn't expect Ze to leave at this time.

Although Ze can't help a lot on the battlefield, his intelligence can help a lot, especially those formations that are strange and different from the world.

"It's meaningless for me to stay here after Yin Zhu has gone. I made a contract with Yin Zhu at that time. The world is very dangerous and interesting, so I want to go for a walk and have a look at the world." Ze said seriously.

Jono also looked at Ze seriously and said, "OK, I wish you a good journey."

Jono can understand that Ze wants to leave this time because he wants to leave this battlefield. With his strength and different cultivation knowledge, no one can stop him unless he is unlucky to meet the palace leader.

Ze doesn't owe them anything. It's reasonable to go at this time. At least he helped them a lot.

"Good bye then." Ze said a word, turned and left.

"Jono, all of them are gone. Aren't you ready to protect them?" Bai Yangui asked with a frown.

"It's not that we don't prepare, but that we don't have the ability. Bai Yan, you can see how many people we have left here." Jono sighed.

"Then you shouldn't let Tengxiao go." Bai Yangui said angrily.

"No, they're going. Can I stop them? Tengxiao didn't get my approval at all. As for Leihe, do you think it's such a bad one? Besides, it's not necessarily bad for us to give in. If you think about Baiji, he didn't do anything from the beginning to the end. He's trying to reap the benefits. Do you think it's appropriate for us to work hard like this? " Jono squints at Bai Yangui.

"Do you think if we are defeated, Baiji will do it?" Bai Yangui frowned and asked, this answer is very important to him, there is a Guyuan tribe behind him, he must not be backward.

"Yes, it is. Bai Ji and Meng Ji want the world together. Don't you see that the palace master is calm? Otherwise, why doesn't he kill us directly? In fact, we are all waiting for Baiji to kill us. " Said Jono.

"What do you think Baiji will do? What's more, why didn't the palace master destroy Bai Ji directly before? " Bai Yan said."I don't know. Who knows what those people think." Jono sighed.

Jono is waiting for Baiji, but he doesn't know which side Baiji will choose.

Yes, there are two sides. Baiji is likely to attack Yinzhu. That's when Leihe said he wanted to go to Mengzu to find Yinzhu. Jono didn't stop him. Now, although the two sides are fighting to the death, people are dying every day. However, the key people who influence the overall situation are none of them. Baiji will certainly change the situation, but I don't know which one baiji is good for Let's do it.

In fact, the angry couple on the other side of Yin Zhu's bridge is very worried. Now that Yin Zhu's strength is suppressed, there is no way to do it. Bai Kun doesn't know if he can find Yin Zhu. Moreover, he is also worried that he will be defeated one by one if the three men are separated.

But Baiji, Mengji, never showed up these days. I don't know where they are hiding.

But Yin Zhu still has a headache about how to escape. On this day, there was a change outside the door. A five or six-year-old little dreamer seemed to be in a panic and ran here to play. Then in a panic, there was a key in the next doll.

Yin Zhu looked at the key in his hand and asked, "system, this should not be your handwriting."

The system shook its head and said, "no, I don't dare to stand up here, OK? Yin Zhu, be careful. You're worried about cheating. "

Yin Zhu nodded, "of course, there is something wrong with the key. Think about my place, two flies can't fly in on weekdays, and there will be children running here. Do you think it's normal? Do you want to get rid of the responsibility of letting a child deliver things? "

"Do you want to use the key?" The system asked curiously.

"Yes, why not? Since people have worked so hard to deliver it to me, why don't I? As for what's waiting for me outside, I don't think it's worse than the current situation. Besides, who do you think is the person who can help me in this place of Mengzu at this time?" Yin zhuleng hum.

Baiji, the system can't think of anyone else besides this name.

What Baiji wants is to integrate the two sides of the heavenly way. It's also good for the system. As for the thing that escapes and gets caught, it's all locked up anyway. It doesn't make any difference. At most, it's more severe. Now it's very severe.

After having the key, Yin Zhu also confirmed that it was not the key to the gate, but the key to a small window in the back. Yin Zhu looked at the place and found that it was a dead corner. There was no one coming on weekdays. It seemed that all the escape routes had been selected for her.

"In a place like this, if there is someone waiting for me outside, I think it's a place where sheep come into tiger's mouth." Yin Zhu moved the table to the yard and climbed high, looking at the surrounding environment.

The system can't help but say, "you'll make people suspicious."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he hummed coldly, "what's the doubt? It's normal for me to want to run away, OK? It's not normal not to run away. It's normal to want to see the route nearby. Don't worry, I don't plan to leave right away. Study the escape route first and get twice the result with half the effort. "

"All right." The system said that Yin Zhu had no problem.

Yin Zhuze is thinking, Bai Ji asked someone to send her the key, is to let her escape, and then cut her off halfway? Baiji shouldn't have to do this. After all, it's very simple for Baiji to catch her, but why didn't Baiji catch her? Is it because Baiji can't safely take her back to Mengzu and go to the front of the heart of the world.

But if this time, she can safely go to the heart of the world there? Does that mean that Baiji will do something and send her to that place?

She has been in this place for some time. If she wants to find her by means of Baiji, it will be three or five days at most, but it has obviously exceeded this time line. Does that mean that Baiji has arranged all those things, and now she is waiting for her to escape, and they will take over?

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu threw the key in her hand. She didn't like to be arranged. Anyway, there was food and drink here. Otherwise, she would stay here for half a month and enjoy it first. After all, she had to work and have enough to eat.

Yin Zhu thinks about it and decides to do it like this. If Bai Ji really arranges everything, she will not move. It's fun to think about it. It's better to make a mess at that time, and then she runs away. That's her chance.

The system sees Yin Zhu lying down to have a good rest. He can't help but curl his mouth. What Baiji wants to do doesn't seem so smooth.

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