Yin Zhu is really going to know nothing. See how Bai Ji does it. What he didn't expect is Yin Zhu. But on the sixth day, the movement here was disturbed again.

Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao who came over the wall at night and sighed. Bai Ji knew that she didn't move, so he asked someone to lead her out?

Yin Zhu doesn't think Tengxiao can find herself quietly. It's not that Tengxiao has no ability. It's actually easy to find her, but the difficult thing hasn't been found by anyone when she comes in, because Yin Zhu knows that although people outside basically ignore her, she has been monitored for 24 hours, and Tengxiao can come in quietly at this time There are only two points to explain. One is that someone helped Tengxiao lead the watchman away, and the other is that the watchman is Baiji, so the man let Tengxiao in directly.

Bai Ji has no choice, so he is angry and puts Tengxiao in?

"Yin Zhu, I finally found you." Tengxiao is very happy and rushes forward to embrace Yin Zhu.

To tell the truth, Tengxiao regrets that he sent Yin Zhu to the dream people. From childhood to adulthood, orcs were taught to protect the female and the cubs. The male can sacrifice his own life for the two. No Orc can hurt the two. Tengxiao even hurt his partner for the sake of the cubs. No matter what the reason, it is unforgivable.

This is also the reason that Qiao Nuo clearly arranged Bai Kun to save Yin Zhu, but Tengxiao still didn't care to save Yin Zhu, because if he didn't come, he couldn't atone for it, and he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

"Tengxiao, let me down first." Yin Zhu looked at the excited Tengxiao and patted him on the shoulder.

Tengxiao looked at the insipid tone of Yin Zhu, a burst of bitterness in his heart, "Yin Zhu, don't you forgive me? I know I don't deserve forgiveness. "

"No, I'm just thinking. How do you know I'm here?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"I caught a dreamer and asked." Tengxiao said.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. It's not so easy to ask. She was not sent back in a high-profile way. He didn't even put her in prison before he even saw her. Teng Xiao could ask as soon as he caught one person. It's clear that she was given water in vain.

"You leave here first. I don't want to leave yet." Yin Zhu can stay here, but Tengxiao can't.

Tengxiao heard that Yinzhu didn't want to go with him. He looked at Yinzhu very hurt. "Do you hate me, Yinzhu? I know I made a mistake. I'll atone for it. Yin Zhu, would you like to leave with me now? "

Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "Tengxiao, I don't hate you. I understand what you do. The reason why I don't leave with you is that I suspect you can come here safely is arranged by Baiji. I think we will go out later. Someone will lead us to another place, or drive us to a certain place in disguise. You should go out and find out first, or we will fall into Baiji's trap once we go out. "

"But you're not safe here either." Tengxiao still thinks it's safest to leave here first.

Yin Zhu shook his head, "you're wrong. I'm the safest to stay here." Before the palace master thought of a complete way to separate the system from her, he would not move him.

It's not so easy for the palace master to complete the way of heaven and completely enslave her system, so she is absolutely safe in time.

"I don't understand? Yin Zhu, you will be fine. I promise that I will send you back safely with my life. " Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu painfully. No matter what it is, it should be said that both sides are not good people. As for the trap of Baiji that Yin Zhu said, he will pay attention to it, and may not be able to escape, but Yin Zhu still chooses to stay.

Yin Zhu looked at Tengxiao's expression and knew what he was thinking. "Tengxiao, I believe that once I am in danger, you will protect me with your life. I also know that my appearance in Mengzu makes you very sad. You desperately want to save me out, but this is not the best time, and I don't want you to sacrifice. How can I deal with Tengxiao when you sacrifice? Besides, how can I deal with Teng when you sacrifice Betray me, how can so cheap forgive you, always keep you later days slowly toss you

"I, I know." Tengxiao answered. As for what Yin Zhu said, he didn't pay attention to it at all. Yin Zhu is not the kind of person who will deliberately toss people. When Yin Zhu is suffering, he is more likely to toss himself.

"Yinzhu, then, I'll go out and investigate first and come back to you later." Tengxiao didn't dare to offend Yinzhu at this time, so he could only do it according to Yinzhu's meaning.

"Wait a minute. Be careful when you go out. Don't fall into Baiji's hands." If he doesn't go out, Bai Ji becomes angry, and grabs Tengxiao to threaten her, he still tells her more.

"I know. Don't worry. I'll be careful." Tengxiao said and went out over the wall.

Yin Zhu looks at the high wall in front of her. The yard is a decoration for the orcs. It's easy to turn over. Of course, except for the one who is unable to take medicine, she doesn't know that Baiji has tried to create several conditions for her. She is not fooled. She doesn't know what Baiji will do next.

It's impossible for Bai Ji to stop. Yin Zhu doesn't take the move all the time. Yin Zhu estimates that Bai Ji may be mad, and then directly uses the worst moves, such as coming here to catch her?The palace leader's attitude towards baiji is a little strange. Before, it can be said that he wanted to do something with Baiji, but now, baiji is on the opposite side of them. Now baiji is useless to him. Why should he keep Baiji?

Maybe there are some secrets in it. Unfortunately, she can't find out anything. The people of the dream clan are not hospitable at all. They are always cold to her and don't want to say a word. It's hard to find out the news. As for the system, it's useless and useless.

Hearing Yin Zhu scold himself in his heart, the system shows that he is wronged. In fact, he is very useful. Isn't he subject to geographical restrictions? There's so much he can do to get out of this place.

Yin Zhu watched Tengxiao climb out of the wall, and there was no movement, so he felt at ease, thinking that Bai jizai would not make too much noise before he caught her.

It's just that time is getting more and more urgent, and she just can't do it.

She was clearly a bronze, but they forced her to be a king.

Tengxiao looked carefully when he climbed out of the wall, and sure enough, he found someone watching. He would also believe what Yin Zhu said before. All this was a trap set by Bai Ji. However, those people saw that Tengxiao was the only one who came out and didn't chase him. Tengxiao saw this and left quickly.

Tengxiao estimates that those are stunned, but also specifically to give you the opportunity to escape, did not escape, this will be estimated to be uncertain attention.

Tengxiao takes this opportunity to run away. He can't be caught. He can't help Yin Zhu, but he can't drag Yin Zhu behind.

He is still not smart enough, otherwise he would not step into this trap today. Of course, it's not that Tengxiao really has no brain. He didn't dare to lead the way when he was hunting in daze tribe.

He has vigilance and alertness. He's just scheming, and then there's Yin Zhu. He's too urgent and has lost his due judgment.

He wants to find Bai Kun. Bai Kun left the camp earlier than he did. Bai Kun said that he would come to save Yin Zhu. He could find out that Yin Zhu was sent back to the dream family. Of course, Bai Kun could. He might have been in the dream family a long time ago. He would secretly try to save Yin Zhu. He is very weak. It would be much better to have Bai Kun to help him.

I was so excited to see Yin Zhu just now that I forgot to tell Yin Zhu that Bai Kun has come here too. Forget it, find someone first.

I don't know if baikun will be used by Baiji, but I don't think so. Baikun is thoughtful and shouldn't be fooled. He won't believe the news that comes so easily. He just doesn't know where baikun is hiding. He really wants to hide, but it's not so easy to find.

Tengxiao couldn't help thinking that he might not find an ally.

It's just that he didn't bring Yin Zhu out today. I don't know if Baiji's other moves will hurt Yin Zhu. However, once Baiji's action is bigger, it will attract baikun's attention, and then he will find baikun.

Thinking of Tengxiao, even though he was a little relieved, he spared a lap and ran away. After leaving the people behind, he sneaked back. On the premise of not finding baikun, he still stayed beside Yinzhu. As long as baikun wanted to save Yinzhu, he would appear nearby.

The place he chose is remote and can be used by Tibetans. When something happens to Yin Zhu, he can see it, but it's not too close. It's easy to be found, and it's not too far away. If there's something wrong with Yin Zhu, he can still make it.

Tengxiao settled down here, but Taijing's mood on the other side was not very good. He risked his life to listen to Bai Ji's words and created two opportunities for Yin Zhu. The first time, he thought that Yin Zhu didn't know the use of the key, but the second time, it was so obvious that Yin Zhu didn't take the bait. It seems that Yin Zhu understood their intention and hid in the yard I am leaving.

It's not easy to do this. Yin Zhu's sanshengzi has arranged for people to watch him all day long. It's just that it's his turn to put in people on this day. If he wants to do something, he has to wait for the next round. Moreover, he has been doing so many things recently, who knows if he will be found out.

That Yin Zhu is a wonderful flower among the wonderful flowers. He has the chance to escape, but he doesn't go anywhere in the yard. It's the first time he sees such a person. No wonder his master says he can't look down on her. He can't finish the task assigned by his master. What should he do?

Or send a message to the master and ask him what to do. Taijing decided to ask Baiji for an idea.

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