Originally some hesitant Leihe heard this directly hard stun Yinzhu, and then quickly ran out, tengxiaoze followed Leihe's speed to leave.

When the earth shakes and the sky shakes, the whole dream clan will be in chaos. Then they can take the opportunity to leave.

Before their escape route, Bai Kun had planned it long ago. Leihe still remembered it clearly at this time. Now I think Bai Kun made it clear to them on purpose.

When it comes to a few companions, Bai Kun is the most peaceful one to Yin Zhu. At the beginning, everyone knew that Bai Kun saved Yin Zhu for his own tribe and became Yin Zhu's companion. Later, he stayed in daze tribe for a long time. Bai Kun spent the shortest time with Yin Zhu. Bai Kun looked quite calm and felt comfortable Less than his deep love for Yin Zhu, who would have thought that Bai Kun was carrying so much behind him.

It seems that the coldest people are the most affectionate. Bai Kun doesn't show much on weekdays. All the people are supposed to live like that. Who would have thought that Bai Kun would do this, and Bai Kun has made a good choice for a long time.

Leihe can't help feeling a lot when he thinks about it. After he wakes up, Yin Zhu is afraid to be sad. Yin Zhu is very soft hearted. He says that he hates betrayal. But after Tengxiao makes a mistake, Yin Zhu doesn't hate Tengxiao too much, because Tengxiao's betrayal is just a last resort. He just pays more attention to his children. Tengxiao is also ready to save Yin Zhu. There's no betrayal, just betrayal The wrong way.

As for Bai Kun, there is nothing more. Yin Zhu is afraid that he will always remember his death.

Bai Kun watched Yin Zhu and his party leave quickly. As long as they follow his arrangement, Leihe and his party will be able to take Yin Zhu away safely. As for the things after leaving, when the way of heaven is fully integrated, the world will no longer have so many abilities, only the real instinct. In that case, it is estimated that the orcs will still have an advantage. What can he worry about.

Now he is just beginning to integrate the way of heaven. He also knows that the way of heaven in this world has begun to change, and the orcs will be dominant at the beginning. Later, they will slowly change, and the beast will slowly disappear, and then they will no longer exist. In the future, it will be a real human world. In fact, this is very good.

"Leave, too. It's dangerous to stay here." Bai Kun looks at Bai Ji and Meng Ji, who are unwilling to leave at the entrance of the cave again, and opens his mouth in seclusion.

"Bai Kun, you are on purpose. You are retaliating on purpose, aren't you?" Bai Ji took a deep breath and asked pathetically.

When Bai Kun heard this, he shook his head. "How can you think like this? You are my father. How can I retaliate against you?"

"But now you just want to get back at me, at me and your mother." Bai Ji said angrily, biting his teeth.

"No, I like my father and mother very much, but I'm tired, so I want to finish it. Besides, the task of integrating the way of heaven in the end should be done by the beast king. I don't want my mother to have an accident, so I'd better do it." Bai Kun said calmly.

"Bai Kun, Bai Kun..." Mengji is very sad to cry. It's her child. She has only one child, and she won't have any children in the future. As a result, because of the so-called ambition of unifying the world, she has compensated her own children. If she doesn't plan so much, OK?

At the beginning, she didn't want to die, so she just separated her soul. Why did she send her own son to Yin Zhu? The most important thing is that now she can't get the way of heaven. The way of heaven already has her own consciousness, and she won't be a slave to anyone any more. That is to say, she and Bai Ji paid so much. In the end, the bamboo basket came to nothing. She really regrets it I'm sorry.

"Bai Kun, do you like Yin Zhu? Mother will bring you back. She is your partner and should be with you. " Dream Ji at this time suddenly thought of what, in a hurry to chase.

"Mother, do you have to go against my will?" Bai Kun looks at Mengji very sad at this time.

Mengji shakes her head when she hears this, "no, mother, isn't she sad to see you alone? You died for her, and it's right for her to accompany you. "

Mengji bites her teeth at this time and blames Yinzhu. If it wasn't for Yinzhu, baikun would be OK. Her son is gone. Why does Yinzhu live well and why?

"Father, don't you mean the same as mother?" Bai Kun looks at Bai Ji who is meditating. He can't help but ask. In fact, his mother is quite easy to send. She just can't accept it for a while. After a while, maybe she can think of it. But Bai Ji is hard to say. He can use more than one game in 10000 years.

Even if Bai Ji loses his power in the future, Bai Kun is really worried about Yin Zhu if he wants to fight against Yin Zhu.

"You're still protecting the female." Meng Ji was very angry.

"Bai Kun, when you first chose to do it, you should have thought how sad and sad I would be if you did it. Would I be angry? Since you have done it, what are you still trying to persuade me to do?" Bai Ji said coldly.

He was angry with Yin Zhu, and even more angry with Bai Kun. He thought about how many disciples he had trained, and they were all excellent. As a result, they were too affectionate. Teng was like this. Jono also knew that Yin Zhu was so good that they all chose to betray him.What's more, Bai Kun chose his partner without hesitation. He knew that there was something wrong with the way of heaven, but he still fused. Why didn't he think that he had done so much with Mengji, and there was no good ending in the end. How could they stand in the world? Would those people let him go easily?

Son of a son of a bitch, did not hesitate to choose sacrifice, did not think he and dream Ji's heart can accept.

If he can, he really wants to rush up and strangle Bai Kun.

At this time, Bai Kun didn't think about Yin Zhu. He wanted him not to get into trouble with Yin Zhu. Why, with his hard work for so many years, his son and filial apprentice, even Meng Ji sacrificed a lot. He sacrificed all his close relatives to get the present result. How can he be willing and let go.

He can't be calm and he won't accept it.

Looking at Bai Ji's expression, Bai Kun knew what his father was thinking. He looked at Bai Ji bitterly. "Father, I haven't asked you anything since I was young. I beg you. Let go of Yin Zhu and yourself."

"Let go, how do you want me to let go? You tell me Bai Kun, you tell me how to let go, I have nothing, you tell me how to let go? How can you be reconciled? " Bai Ji roared loudly, but tears fell down in a long string.

In the end, he didn't get anything, how he didn't feel sad, how he didn't feel sad.

"Father, you don't have nothing. You have a mother and a father. You are so smart. If you want to, you are also a great hero. You can lead the orcs to prosperity, just to see how you choose. At least in my mind, my father is the most powerful father in the world." Bai Kun said longingly.

"In order for me to let Yin Zhu go, you can really tell me what kind of deception you are." Bai Ji looks at Bai Kun sarcastically.

"Father, do you really want to make me feel uneasy in the end? Father, you know, I'm reluctant to hurt you. So is Yin Zhu. To me, you are all my close relatives. Father, that's also your close relatives. Father, there are few of your close relatives in the world. Are you really desperate to deal with Yin Zhu? " Bai Kun asked sadly. He only hoped that he would give up the idea of Bai Ji when he was still rational. Otherwise, Bai Ji and Yin Zhu were afraid that they would lose each other, which he didn't want to see.

"Mother, you are the only one who can persuade father." Bai Kun turns his head and looks at Mengji.

Mengji shakes her head. Why should she help Yinzhu.

"Mother, don't cry. Don't be sad. If you continue to cry, you will become ugly. What will you do if your father turns around and dislikes you?" Bai Kun looks at Mengji and cries all the time, and his heart is not very good.

When he made this decision, he knew that he would make the two old people sad, but he had no better choice. When he first set foot in daze tribe and chose to be Yin Zhu's partner, his life was doomed and there was no way to change it.

Mengji just cried and didn't respond to baikun at all.

Bai Kun looks at the stubborn couple and sighs. It's obviously too difficult for them to give him an answer at this time, and he doesn't have so much time to wait.

"Father and mother, my wish is Yin Zhu to live well and live happily. Father and mother, you remember." Bai Kun said seriously.

If A-fu and a-mu really care about him, they will firmly remember this sentence. In the future, Yin Zhu will really fall into their hands. It's estimated that there will be twists and turns, but it won't be fatal. Maybe his A-fu and a-mu will let Yin Zhu go.

Bai Kun looks at those who don't want to leave and fans them out again. The heart of the world has been completely integrated, and the rest is the way of heaven and him. In fact, the way of heaven has been able to integrate his soul for a long time, just because he hasn't finished talking with Bai Ji Mengji, he specially left time for him.

This time, Tiandao and baikun did not give Baiji Mengji another chance to rush in, because the cave had collapsed at this time, and Baiji's soul was slowly melting into the Milky spirit.

"Bai Kun!" From afar came the sound of Bai Ji and Meng Ji's pain, but with them came the sound of mountains falling apart.

Leihe has already escaped from the cave with Yinzhu by this time. He looks down at Yinzhu he is holding. Tears slowly slide down the corner of his eyes.

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