As soon as the heart of the world merged, the palace master on the battlefield of the dark abyss felt it for the first time, but he did not stop it. Instead, he looked at the sky absently, and the day came.

There are fights almost every day between the dreamers and the orcs, but they are not very big. They are testing the water. When the heart of the world begins to merge, the earth begins to shake. All the people call their own people back.

Jono also rushed to guard the orcs at this time, and now he has no time to do the rest.

Of course, Jono is very worried about Yin Zhu. This movement is too big, and it is obvious that there is not only a dark abyss, but also a disaster in the place of the nightmare world. It is not that the orc world has never had a natural disaster, but there has never been such a large disaster. Is it Yin Zhu who caused this?

Jono feels very flustered, but he can't help losing sleep. The only thing he can do now is to protect the people here, and by the way, ask people to inquire about the news of Mengzu. The people there, especially the palace master, should know something.

Xiao Jin can feel Jono's thoughts. He comes out directly at this time, "Jono, you are also worried about Yin Zhu. Shall we go to find Yin Zhu?"

Jono heard it, but shook his head and said, "little Kim, I can't go now, and I can't go."

"Jono, you are dead hearted. If something happens to Yin Zhu, you will regret it later. Now, isn't it because of this thing that the fighting has been suspended? It really can't. There's Bai Yangui. Don't take all the responsibilities on your back. It's not your responsibility, it's not Yin Zhu's responsibility. We can pat our ass and leave, OK Xiao Jin said unhappily.

In this world, Yin Zhu is the only one who makes him care. Other people, Xiao Jin, don't care. But Jono is different. Jono has a strong sense of responsibility.

"Xiao Jin, there are some things that can be put off, and some things that can never be taken over." Jono said with a sigh, this is the future of the whole Orc and the nightmare people. Can he leave it behind? When a few of them come forward to lead, they can't leave this matter behind.

As for Yin Zhu, he is very worried. If Yin Zhu has an accident, he will regret that he didn't accompany her. But this is not the reason for him to escape at this time. If Yin Zhu has an accident, he will accompany his life to Yin Zhu. He will never make Yin Zhu lonely.

Xiao Jin is a little unhappy after feeling Jono's idea. What's the use of that? Does he want to live well?

In theory, Jono and Xiaojin have the same strength. Each of them can control their body. They get along very well. No matter who wants to come out, they have never stopped them. This time, Xiaojin wants to come out, but Jono stops them.

"Jono, what are you doing? You don't have the ability to stop me. " Xiao Jin cried angrily.

"I know that if you work hard, I really can't stop you, but you don't want to leave. At that time, this body will only be broken and die under our two tosses. If you want to die, you can make trouble, anyway, I can't shrink back." Jono said very frankly.

"Jono, you son of a bitch. I treat you like a brother. Jono, I will never let you go." Xiao Jin was angry and scolded loudly. He was very unwilling in his heart. He wanted to live. If he had fear in his heart, he couldn't move forward.

Qiao Nuo looked at Xiao Jin, who was barely suppressed by himself, and wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. "Xiao Jin, why are you so impulsive? This movement is probably caused by Yin Zhu. Maybe now Yin Zhu is still fine."

Xiao Jin can't help but curl his mouth when he hears this. If he didn't know this, where would he be suppressed by Jono at this time.

With the integration of Bai Kun and the heart of the world, people all over the world feel the loss of their power, and many people begin to feel uneasy. What's the matter.

"Father jonoa, it's bad. I don't know why my strength began to slowly decline and drain." Teng rushes into Jono's tent and says in a panic.

Later, Bai Yangui also ran over, "Qiao Nuo, the strength of Yang Wantong and I are weakening, will you also be like this?"

Hearing this, Teng turned and asked, "your strength is weakening, too?"

Jono checked his body at this time. It's true that his strength is weakening bit by bit. The process is not very fast, but it can still be felt by careful examination.

Then we asked, and found that this is not an individual case, but the orc's strength is weakening. "What about Jono? All our orcs are weakening. What should we do? We are not the opponents of the dream clan. If we weaken further, we will have no advantage over the dream clan. "

"Is this a conspiracy of the dream people?" Bai Yangui couldn't help asking.

"Don't panic. Let's go and see if the people over there are the same as us." At this time, Jono had a bad feeling in his heart. He thought of what Yin Zhu had said before. If the heaven and the Tao merge, the rules of the world will change. At that time, all people will lose their powerful power and only their original physical strength will be left.Bai Yangui nodded after hearing this. It's also what kind of conspiracy can control all the orcs' power retrogression, especially those who have no animal elixir. It's reasonable that they won't be controlled.

Sure enough, I sent someone out to inquire about it. I found that the dream clan is in chaos and their power is constantly retrogressing. Obviously, this world does not only happen to orcs. It should be the same with people all over the world.

After knowing the news, Jono was silent for a long time, then waved his hand to them and said, "it's OK. You can leave. The biggest problem in the world has been solved."

Bai Yangui was stunned when he heard this, and then asked, "what did you say, Jono?"

At this time, Qiao Nuo just said in a hurry, "Bai Yangui, the things here are left to you. You can rest assured that Mengzu has no ability to deal with us. I'll go first."

At this time, Xiao Jin looked at Jono's hand trembling slightly, and said angrily, "Jono, aren't you very powerful? Doesn't it mean that Yin Zhu won't have an accident? You bastard, you'd better make sure Yin Zhu is OK, or I won't forgive you. " Kim was furious.

Jono is also in a bad mood at this time. It seems that the world has merged. How can it merge like this? Why is it so easy to integrate?

Jono doesn't want anything at this time. He just wants to rush there to see if he can find Yin Zhu.

On the other hand, because of the loss of power, the dream clan is already in chaos at this time.

The only one who is calm is probably the master of the temple, "master, what's the matter? Why does our strength keep regressing? " One of them asked anxiously.

The leader of the temple said slowly, "the rules of the world have changed. Maybe we will all become ordinary people in the future. What do ordinary people need so strong power to do?"

At this time, liushengzi looked at the master of the temple and said, "master, what are you talking about? If we don't have the strength, what else can we do? We will be killed by angry orcs. "

At this time, the Lord of the holy palace looked at the six saints with sarcasm, "the way of heaven has been integrated, and we can no longer control the way of heaven, OK? Are you surprised?"

Several people at the scene were all in a panic when they heard this, and the only one who was a little calm was Chumo, the third sage son, who had contacted the palace leader.

"Why, why do you do that?" The people of the dream clan were surprised one by one, and they couldn't accept it.

At this time, the palace master looked up slightly and said, "I know many of you want to be the palace master. In fact, I hate to be the palace master. As for why, because I hate the world and want to change the world, is it so simple and satisfactory?"

This answer is obviously unsatisfactory to many people, because many of them do not want to change their current status. It can be said that the dreamers have always been superior to the orcs in this world. Now the rules suddenly change, and they become inferior to the orcs. How can they accept this?

The palace master looked at the people below constantly changing their faces and couldn't help laughing sarcastically. "If you don't change, do you like the life now very much? If you were me, you wouldn't like this kind of life. If you don't change, the dream clan will be destroyed sooner or later."

"Even for the sake of inheritance, we can't do that." Someone said in pain.

There was a problem with the inheritance of the dream clan very early, but they still have a long time to figure out why to use this method. Maybe they will soon be exterminated by the angry orcs.

At this time, the palace master shook his head and said, "don't worry, the orcs can't destroy the dream clan. Don't worry about that."

A few people can't help but have no bottom in their heart when they hear the words of the palace leader. After the truth of the beast pill is announced, the orcs hate the dream clan, and they all die.

But they didn't know how to persuade the palace leader, but what made them even more alarmed was that their strength suddenly disappeared, which made them very uneasy. The feeling that they didn't have to rely on it was too bad.

"Well, the world has been abnormal for so many years. It should be over long ago. You all go out." At this time, the palace master directly drove the others away. Obviously, he didn't intend to tell them more.

"Chumo, you stay." The master of the palace left the three saints.

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