Yin Zhu stayed in daze tribe for more than a month. After getting along well with his family members in daze tribe, he left with several of his friends. When Yin Zhu left, Yage asked all the fallen people to send him some.

Because of Yage's high profile, she let the people in the surrounding tribes know about Yin Zhu's existence, which made Yin Zhu run away with Jono. She was not used to being surrounded by so many people.

After leaving daze tribe, Yin Zhu didn't deliberately go to find Bai Kun. Instead, he obeyed his own will and walked slowly. Along the way, Yin Zhu obeyed his own heart in everything he did. He spread knowledge when he wanted to spread knowledge, brought fresh and novel seeds to those people, and even became a teacher when he had nothing to do Small businessmen buy and sell goods to help market flow.

With Jono around, their skills are relatively good compared with ordinary people. Yin Zhu is not bad at eating and drinking. Yin Zhu, who has no life pressure, is really free and happy.

Looking at Yin Zhu's bright smile, Jono can't help saying to Lei he, "Yin Zhu should live such a simple and happy life."

Leihe nodded, "that's because Yinzhu is easy to satisfy."

Yin Zhu's happiness is very simple, and she doesn't have high requirements for the quality of life. As long as she has enough food and drink, she really has no other needs, and seldom competes with others. Some females like what their partners give them and put a lot of pressure on themselves when they have nothing to do. Yin Zhu really has little material needs.

"That's because Yin Zhu is simple." Jono said with a smile, he likes such a simple woman.

Because he thinks a lot and carries a lot of things, he likes a simple partner, because he is afraid of too complex, he has no way to guess what she wants, no way to meet her partner's requirements, it is a failure for a partner, so it is better to be a simple partner.

"We'll live like this in the future?" Tengxiao couldn't help asking at this time. Recently, they are just like the wandering orcs, and they have no place to live.

"Are you worried?" Asked Jono?

When it comes to wandering orcs, they are generally looked down upon, because normally only the orcs with poor strength or character are not accepted by the tribes. Half of the wandering orcs are miserable representatives, but Yin Zhu and his party are different. Each of them has his own strength and lives well. It can be said that Yin Zhu is welcomed by which tribes wherever he goes.

Yin Zhu is a warm-hearted person. He is willing to answer the questions raised by others as long as they don't deliberately create difficulties for himself.

Although Yin Zhu has spread cultural knowledge in the orc world before, there are still many people in the nightmare world and the dream tribe who don't know about it. Moreover, some of this knowledge is not well spread, so it's best to have Yin Zhu to give advice in person.

Of course, some people recognize Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo. After all, Qiao Nuo's deeds have spread all over the mainland. Fortunately, those people are curious about their knowledge, and they will leave after Yin Zhu's persuasion. Most of them want to learn something from Yin Zhu. Of course, orcs are very simple. When they learn from Yin Zhu, they often give Yin their own food Bamboo is the best food at home. Yin Zhu doesn't want to take it. Those people basically leave things behind and run away. They don't give Yin Zhu a chance to refuse.

"You see, many people like Yin Zhu." Jono looks at Yin Zhu with pride.

Tengxiao points out and agrees with this statement, aiming at Yin Zhu's selflessness. I don't know how many people hide their knowledge for fear that others will know. Yin Zhu's selflessness has changed the world.

The world just needs people like Yin Zhu. At the beginning, the dreamers and orcs were selfish, so they made the world like this. Fortunately, the way of heaven has recovered.

The threatened Tiandao knew Tengxiao's idea at this time, and said that he was in tears. He recovered and he was threatened, but fortunately, generally speaking, he was the master in the general direction, and the other two were just tools to monitor him. He couldn't go too far. He was still the master.

He hates all the people who have detachment power. In this world, except Bai Yangui and Bai Kun, all the others should stay with him.

It can be said that every place where Yin Zhu went left their legends, and those places where Yin Zhu had never been were looking forward to their past.

Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo went around like this, leaving their footprints in the whole world.

It can be said that Yin Zhu has been away for three years. In these three years, she has almost traveled all over the world and made the world prosperous because of the depression after the World War II.

Just three years later, Yin Zhu didn't find Bai Kun, and even Bai Ji didn't know where he had gone. Yin Zhu didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts. If Bai Ji wanted to avoid her, they couldn't find anyone.

Of course, Teng also left daze tribe after they left, but they would use a special way to send messages. In three years, Teng also used his own way to show his king's demeanor, but in these three years, Teng also failed to find Baiji, and Baiji's family just disappeared from the world.Yin Zhu stood on the top of the high mountain, opened his own system and asked silently, "the way of heaven, where is Bai Kun? Can you tell me?"

Yin Zhu knows that the current system is just a simple system, which can be used as the former host of the way of heaven. When he shouts it like this, he should be able to hear it. The way of heaven has integrated the world, controlled the world, and I want to hear her voice.

A wave line appeared on the screen of the system, "Yin Zhu, you will come to me. It's a miracle. I thought you would never come to me."

"Isn't there a need?" Yin Zhu said with a bitter smile.

Tiandao was silent when he heard this, and he was obviously frightened by Yin Zhu's outspokenness.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll go straight away?" The way of heaven asked weakly.

"It's not that you still have some humanity. You should owe me something. Heaven, I was in that world. You brought me to this world. You must give me happiness, so give my partner back to me." Yin Zhu looks up at the sky.

"I have paid back your baikun." Thinking that because Bai Kun was torn off a piece of flesh, the way of heaven was very unhappy. He was omnipotent and invincible. How could he be threatened.

"Does that mean that Bai Kun is ready and I can find him?" Yin Zhu said happily.

When Tiandao heard this, he tut Tut, and then looked at the bad man not far away from him. Even if his soul was injured, he was not so smart, and his temperament was still the same. Anyway, he didn't like Bai Kun, maybe because he was a dreamer?

"If you can find it." Heaven sighs.

"What do you mean?" When Yin Zhu heard this, he was flustered. Heaven means that he can't find Bai Kun?

Tiandao looked at baikun beside him, then sighed and said, "how did you save baikun? He integrated part of the heart of the world, and I also gave him more than half of my soul. Now he has been injured for three years, but his soul is still missing. So, he is a bit silly? Do you still need him? "

Stupid? Is Bai Kun stupid? When Yin Zhu heard this, he burst into tears. The most powerful thing about Bai Kun was his intelligence. He didn't expect that he would become a fool.

"Do you dislike him?" The way of heaven can't help but ask unhappily.

He doesn't like baikun, but now baikun has integrated part of the heart of the world. He has integrated part of baikun's soul. It can be said that some of them are essentially the same. They dislike baikun. Doesn't that mean they are abandoning him? So the way of heaven would be very unhappy. Originally, he felt that he owed Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu could not speak so much, so he would not benefit her any more.

"No, how can I dislike him? I almost lost him. Now that I can get him back, I'm more happy than anything. He's stupid. I'm just a little sad. What Bai Kun is most proud of is his head." Yin Zhu wiped away her tears. Compared with the situation that she didn't know any news in the past three years and didn't know whether Bai Kun was good or not, she now clearly knew that Bai Kun was good and she was happier than anyone else.

"That's about the same. He's not really stupid. Just teach him slowly." Tiandao thinks that how can he cultivate his son? He is always afraid that others will be bad to his silly son.

"Do you know where Bai Kun is that day? How can I find him? " Yin Zhu asked directly.

"Don't look for it. When it comes to fate, it's natural to encounter it." Heaven's rare riddle.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she couldn't help but scold. It's bullshit fate. She immediately wants to know where Bai Kun is, OK?

"Don't you have peace of mind in the past three years, Yin Zhu? Why are you so grumpy when you talk to me? It's not good for you, or are you deliberately bullying me? " Heaven asked fiercely.

"I'm not in a good mood to meet you. Why don't you say how well I live in the 21st century? I was suddenly lost in such a place. There is no mobile phone or Internet. Don't you know that I belong to the kind of person who can't live without mobile phone? But you just leave me in such a place. It's good that I didn't kill you. " Yin Zhu says impolitely. The reason why Yin Zhu is so brave is that he knows that the way of heaven is not the kind of person who will be rewarded. It won't do much to say cruel words. On the contrary, the way of heaven is sometimes childish. Maybe no one teaches him to grow up?

"Hum, ugly woman with cruel heart and black hands, you can wait for your baikun slowly." The way of heaven was obviously very angry, and then it disappeared.

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