Tiandao doesn't want to tell him where baikun is, but according to the news from Tiandao, baikun is still alive at least. And according to Tiandao, baikun should be OK, but it's not OK now, so it means that he will meet naturally.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she could not help but feel very comforted. That would be good. Before Bai Kun was taken away by Bai Ji, there was hope in her heart, but she couldn't find it in three years. Even if she had been comforting herself, her heart was still unstable.

Now that there is the right word of heaven, her worried heart has settled down. As for the problem of Bai Kun, Yin Zhu doesn't care at all. It's the greatest happiness for her to be alive.

In the past three years, Yin Zhu has been to many places. He has met his old friend Bai Yangui. They all have a good life. Everyone has started his own new life.

Qiao Nuo looks at the silent Yin Zhu, walks to Yin Zhu and gently hugs her. He knows that Yin Zhu is missing Bai Kun. Yin Zhu has been living very fast in the past three years, but Qiao Nuo knows that it is not only Yin Zhu that Yin Zhu is thinking about Bai Kun, but everyone of them is thinking about Bai Kun.

Yin Zhu gently leaned against Jono's arms and said with a smile, "Jono, I remember that there is a dream swamp in the swamp jungle. The environment there is very beautiful. I've almost gone all over the world. Shall we go there for sure?"

It's been three years since she left. In the past three years, she has seen the scenery of the world and looked for corners of the world. Unfortunately, she has not found Bai Kun. Now that their family is about to add new members, she should find a place to settle down.

Yin Zhu touched his stomach and said to Jono, yes, after more than ten years, Yin Zhu became pregnant again. This time it was Jono's child. Of course, Xiao Jin said it was his. Anyway, both of them were very happy.

"Good." Jono should come down.

The swamp jungle was originally the ancestral land of Meizu. It was dangerous for outsiders, but there was no danger for Jono who had a map. Dreamy swamp is a small valley in the swamp jungle. Because of the water vapor, it emits colorful light under the sun, which makes it very dreamy. So it's called dreamy swamp, and it's also called dreamy swamp The valley is full of sunshine, and the gossip is also very bright. In addition to some hidden dangers, the place is really beautiful and beautiful.

Qiao Nuo once heard Bai Xue say that Bai Kun's favorite place in the past was dream swamp. That guy always said that only dream swamp could match his face. Yin Zhu chose that place for Bai Kun after walking the world. Since Bai Kun liked that place so much, he would go back to have a look.

Jono soon built a beautiful wooden house for Yin Zhu in the dreamland swamp, and the surrounding shallow swamp also let them grow food. Since they want to settle here, they have to take good care of the surrounding.

After settling down, Jono sent a message to Daze tribe. Someone wanted to come over there, but Jono refused. They are the only one here. Their life is very good and they don't need other people to be busy.

Yin Zhu's life can be said to be very comfortable. She doesn't have to do anything. Her three partners take good care of her. Yin Zhu gets up every day to bask in the sun, look at the flowers and plants, and occasionally help to get some food. It can be said that she has no worries.

Yin Zhu pinched his fat arm, frowned and said to Jono, "you've fattened me up. You'll always know how to feed me."

Leihe said with a smile: "fat point good-looking, you have no meat before, not good."

The orc's aesthetic view is that the fatter the better. In the past, orcs didn't have enough to eat. Being able to eat fat means that their partner has the ability. Being able to eat fat can be regarded as a blessing. They think that being fat is beautiful, but Yin Zhu has some aversion to it.

"I don't want to be fat. I've become a pig." Yin Zhu said, for these aesthetic, she worked hard to correct, but it was useless.

"You are a bear, not a pig. Besides, have you ever seen a bear with ribs? " Tengxiao said with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was speechless. Forget it, just like these. No matter how ugly she was, they didn't dislike her. They didn't dislike her when she was so ugly. They like Yin Zhu even more after she had long meat.

Yin Zhu's stomach will soon become a ball. Jono has gone out more frequently these days, because Yin Zhu is about to give birth, so he needs more nutrition and eats more. In addition, Yin Zhu can't go out when he gives birth, so they have to prepare the food for that period in advance.

However, no matter how they go out, they will always leave a person to take care of Yin Zhu and will not leave him alone.

On this day, Yin Zhu walked out slowly with a huge stomach, but she sprained her feet carefully. She looked at her feet with tears in her eyes. She just wanted to call Leihe, but she saw a familiar person standing there not far away.

Yin Zhu blinked his eyes in a hurry to make sure it wasn't his illusion.

At this time, the opposite person has come to Yin Zhu's front and reached out to help her. He asked softly, "are you ok?"

Yin Zhu heard this, tears fell down, very aggrieved said, "something feet hurt."

When he heard this, he was stunned, and then said, "don't cry, you make me feel bad.""It's more painful to see you. Why are you here now? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Yin Zhu cried.

"I'm sorry." Bai Kun picked up Yin Zhu and walked towards the house.

Hearing the sound of sorry, Yin Zhu couldn't help crying, "sorry, I shouldn't blame you." Bai Kun did nothing wrong, needless to say sorry.

"Sorry, I remember you. You are Yin Zhu, but there are many things I forgot. Anyway, my mind is in a mess, but I know you are very important to me." Bai Kun holds Yin Zhu in his arms and can't help saying it very sad.

After hearing Bai Kun's straightforward words, Yin Zhu hugs Bai Kun directly. If Bai Kun would never show his fragile side in front of him before, now, Bai Kun is also very good. He's back, back to her side, that's good.

She had been waiting for a long time, but she finally got it.

Leihe has already come back at this time. Seeing Bai Kun with Yin Zhu, he can't help laughing. It's so good that Bai Kun has come back and their family has finally reunited.

White sacrifice and dream Ji two people in dream swamp not far from the top of the mountain, dream Ji looked at the face of black white sacrifice said: "how, reluctant to go to bring that boy back, so give me face to do?"

In the valley, Jono has returned. They are happily celebrating the return of baikun. They are very happy. Their laughter can be heard from afar.

"I can't bear to have a fart. My mind is not on our side. I can't keep it. I don't want to run out in three days? It's said that to raise a son is to raise a barbecued pork. If so, you will get angry. " Bai Ji said angrily.

Mengji can't help laughing when she hears this. Baiji loves baikun. Otherwise, she won't try her best to save him. Baikun can recover so well. Baiji has spent a lot of effort. This guy's mouth says that he dislikes baikun, but his heart is the most concerned about him.

They didn't like Yinzhu before. When Yinzhu was running around, they deliberately took baikun to hide from Yinzhu. It was only three years. They watched Yinzhu step into the corner of the world, watched baikun's soul wake up little by little, and watched baikun slowly recall Yinzhu. They also thought about helping baikun erase the memory of Yinzhu. Later, they found out They have no way to erase it. On the contrary, they are helping Bai Kun to deepen his impression.

The choice to send baikun back was something they had considered for a long time. After they thought about it, they sent baikun back. After all, Yinzhu never concealed her place of residence, so it was easy to find. Especially after knowing that Yinzhu finally chose dreamland swamp as a residence, there was no last reluctance in their hearts. Yinzhu finally had a little conscience.

"It's good to see them have a good life. Let's go. In the future, we'll go to see mountains and rivers when we have nothing to do, and then we'll find a small valley with flowers and grass. Shall we live in seclusion?" Mengji asked with a smile.

"Well, you like it." Bai Ji walks away with Mengji in his arms with a smile.

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