Jono hasn't figured out what to say about baikun yet. Baiji has arrived at the orcs by this time. Baiji knows too much about the terrain of the orcs, especially in Hanhai. It's estimated that no one is familiar with him in Hanhai.

The orcs only camp and fight for a short time. Before Baiji, there were many subordinates. Although Yin Zhu had been promoting that Baiji was not good, the orcs firmly followed Baiji and Mengji. After Baiji came back, the first thing he did was to organize these orcs and let them do things for themselves.

He and Mengji probably won't be able to return to the orcs after that. Even if Jono is willing to agree, he doesn't want to. Besides, he has the strength of his subordinates. It's good to have a tribe of his own. Besides, his subordinates will always give them a way out after they have been with him for such a long time.

As for the dream clan, Bai Ji doesn't plan to join the alliance. He doesn't want to be a dream clan, and he doesn't want to be controlled by a person whose strength and intelligence are lower than himself. He is more comfortable to be the head of a tribe. He can do whatever he wants.

And then there is Bai Kun. Isn't that dead child taking a fancy to Yin Zhu? Yin Zhu is famous now. What if Bai Kun doesn't have some backing and doesn't have a firm foothold in the future? Parents owe their children. They knew that they shouldn't have babies at the beginning. This is a trouble.

As for Yin Zhu's side, Bai Ji has people staring at him and knowing his life pattern. Maybe it's because the two sides have stopped fighting now. Yin Zhu will come out for a walk in the evening these days. The place he goes is not far from the orc's camp, and there is Leihe with him. He doesn't have to worry about safety.

Bai jileng hum, Yin Zhu is so good that he can enjoy the care of his partner. What about Bai Kun? The fool is still in bed and can't move like a living dead man.

Others may not be able to take Leihe. He is not afraid. Even if Leihe is with him, he can snatch people away. As long as Leihe is away from Yinzhu, his people can take Yinzhu away with the fastest speed.

Although there is no war now, Jono still has a lot of things to do. Jono doesn't have time to accompany Yin Zhu. When Jono is resting, Xiao Jin forces him to do so. According to the statistics after the war, those people are injured and killed, which tribe they belong to, and how to arrange them next, and how to deal with them in the dream clan. These things are not something Jono can do alone It's up to you. Jono is busy.

Jono wants Yin Zhu to make arrangements with Leihe. As a result, both of them show a lack of ability in this aspect. In Leihe's words, what's good to arrange? It's good to drag people back to bury them when they are dead. If they are not obedient, they will fight until they are obedient?

Bai Kun used to help, and Bai Kun was very good at doing these things. Now Jono really misses Bai Kun. Where can he be so tired when there is a guy here? Where can he be so tired when he talks nonsense when he sees people? Where does he need to work so hard.

As for the integration of heaven and nature, the world is changing day by day. We all feel it. Jono doesn't know whether such a change is good for the orcs. Everyone's strength is degenerating day by day, and the wild wild animals are also degenerating. However, the degradation rate of the wild animals is not as high as that of the orcs. It seems that heaven has suffered a loss, so it's necessary to take this opportunity Some people's strength is suppressed in a certain strength, so that no one can fight against him.

On the surface, it's a relative balance, but I don't know if the decrease in force has any effect on their bodies. After all, orcs always rely on their strong body, as well as their strong self-healing ability. I don't know that these things will change, and the orc's strength will decrease a lot. I'm afraid that it's not suitable to go hunting at that time, and the main lifestyle of orcs will change Change.

Although Yin Zhu has taught us how to plant before, we can't hunt in the future. I'm afraid it all depends on planting and breeding. Yin Zhu has publicized a lot of knowledge about these two aspects, and some people go to learn them. But it's mainly about hunting. Planting and breeding are not bad either. It's just that planting and breeding may be unparalleled. Planting depends on the weather, and breeding is afraid of getting sick, These are the major difficulties to be overcome.

Jono has a lot to do. Now that he has come to this stage and become the leader of the orcs, he has to work for the welfare of these orcs, make contributions, and strengthen the orcs. The orcs finally get rid of the oppression of the dream people. If the way of heaven changes and the orcs are lonely because of this depression, he will vomit blood.

Baiji stares at Yinzhu for a day and then decides to take action. He takes people to ambush on the road where Yinzhu and Leihe often walk, and then injures Leihe. Before Leihe comes, Yinzhu has asked Baiji to catch him. When Leihe wants to catch up, seven or eight orcs come forward and surround him.

"When the enemy attacked, Bai Ji captured Yin Zhu. Come and help him." Leihe was surrounded by several people and couldn't break free, so he cried out. He was cruel and fast to the people who surrounded him. He even wanted to break free faster by using the method of injury for injury.

As soon as Leihe's voice shouts, people around him rush to this side and dare to come, but Baiji has already run away quickly by this time.

When Jono arrived with the people, he was injured and there were four orcs wounded by him on the ground.

"What's the matter?" Jono asked anxiously."It's Bai Ji. Bai Ji took Yin Zhu. These are Bai Ji's people." Reich said anxiously.

"Baiji, he took Yinzhu?" Qiao Nuo is a little worried at this time. Although Bai Kun is Bai Ji's son, Bai Ji may not give his son face. He is an old stubborn man who cares about power.

If baikun is still well at this time, he can naturally stop Baiji. Now baikun is dizzy. Who knows what Baiji will do to Yinzhu? Jono didn't dare gamble Yinzhu's life on Baiji's kindness.

"You said that Baiji's plot could not be realized. What did he do with Yinzhu?" Leihe's face is overcast and he doesn't have a high heart. Yinzhu lost it in his hand. It's a shame. And recently he's safe. He relaxed his vigilance. When Baiji's orcs appeared, Leihe saw them, but he didn't guard against them at all. As a result, he suffered a big loss. Yinzhu's most valuable way of heaven has disappeared It's a foregone conclusion. What else does he want?

"Jono, you'd better take care of the business first. I'll take people to chase them. I'll chase them back anyway." Bai Ji is more and more daring now. He dares to run to them and arrest people.

Qiao Nuo nodded, catching up, even if he could not catch up, he could know where Yin Zhu was, unless Bai Ji kept running.

Bai Ji runs away with Yin Zhu at this time. He will leave traces. He doesn't have the time to clean up the traces.

"Well, be careful. First, find out Bai Ji's intention. If he just wants Yin Zhu to accompany Bai Kun, you can't make trouble. Then you can accompany Yin Zhu." If Bai Ji doesn't have a bad heart and doesn't hurt Yin Zhu, Qiao Nuo can accept it. Of course, if Bai Ji has a bad heart, they won't show mercy. Now it's up to Bai Kun.

Reich nodded. "I see." Then he took 20 orcs from daze tribe and chased them.

Baiji wring Yinzhu all the way, Yinzhu was wring some uncomfortable, "Baiji, can you put me down first, so uncomfortable."

Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu with disgust. What kind of treatment does this woman want? When he sees her kissing me with Lei he, he is angry and cruel.

"It's hard. I'm more hard than you. That's not hard. You can bear it well for me." Bai Ji said impolitely, and he shook hard. He would not stop if he did not toss Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu was shaken dizzy. At this time, she couldn't help thinking, is this white sacrifice because the goal has not been achieved and the layout has failed for so long, so now she is crazy. She used to put on a show, but now she doesn't even want face?

Help! It's hard.

"Baiji, what do you want me to do? I don't have what you want anymore. " Yin Zhu couldn't help talking.

Bai Ji couldn't help getting more angry when he heard this, "you know the consultant, you should be very proud now. Are you thinking about me, stealing chicken can't eat rice? You Yin Zhu are so powerful that you turn my good son into a toy for your love. "

Bai Kun has done so much for Yin Zhu. If Yin Zhu has any feelings for him, he should be sad, not happy with his partner.

The more you think about it, the more you replace Bai Kun. Bai Ji wants to shoot Yin Zhu to death. But think about it. Yin Zhu is the most important person for Bai Kun.

Let's take people and wake them up first. Of course, if we can't wake them up, we will ask Yin Zhu to be buried with us.

"Son, play with affection? What are you talking about? I never play with other people's feelings. I'm serious about feelings. " Yin Zhu defends that although she has several partners, she is not the only one. Besides, Yin Zhu dares to say that she has never been bad hearted to several partners and that she has paid for their feelings. What's this white sacrifice nonsense?

"Yin Zhu, you're really powerful. You're the only one who can speak so eloquently and justly. How can you forget Bai Kun and start over so soon after he died? I've forgotten the orc tradition. If I die, I can find a new one. The old one won't go and the new one won't come, right? Guess how many days the dream clan has been colluding with Cheng'an. In order to get rid of the clan, you have great charm Bai Ji said fiercely, adding to his strength.

"It hurts. It's going to kill you." Yin Zhu cried out, this white sacrifice is crazy, do you want to crush her to death?

And who is Bai Kun? She seems to have heard Reich mention it before, and then she didn't say it again. If these guys didn't say it again, she didn't ask. She thought it was unimportant. Now it seems that she was wrong?

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