"Pain, what kind of pain is this? Bai Kun is more painful than you Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu in disgust and thinks of what Bai Kun did. He doesn't want to worry about it any more. At that time, Bai Kun's heart was cut to pieces. As a result, Bai Kun didn't say a word. Yin Zhu is just a little pain in his body. How can he compare with Bai Kun's mental torture?

But in the end, he wanted to save Yin Zhu's life to serve Bai Kun. Bai Ji was a little relaxed.

"Can you tell me who Bai Kun is? I'm sorry, I can't remember Yin Zhu thought for a while and said.

"What? You said you didn't know who Bai Kun was. Did you forget Bai Kun? " Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu in amazement.

"You lost your memory?" Bai Ji asks in amazement. If Yin Zhu can't remember Bai Kun, she can understand that she hasn't thought about Bai Kun all this time.

Just think of being forgotten is his son, this white sacrifice to think of the heart is not comfortable.

"No, I don't have amnesia. I remember everything else, but there is no memory of Bai Kun, and Leihe and they don't tell me anything." Yin Zhu said with some headache.

"Baiji, can you tell me who baikun is? Why did I forget about him alone? " Yin Zhu can't help asking, why don't Leihe and Jono tell her about baikun? Are you afraid that she will be sad?

All the memories are good, but the memory of Bai Kun is gone. It should not be done by Jono and Leihe. These two people don't have such great skills. It's easy to make one person lose his memory, but it's very difficult to erase one person's memory without any trace, and it won't affect other memories. In his memory, apart from the palace master, he can do it Then there is only the way of heaven.

If the way of heaven is good, it won't erase Bai Kun's memory, so the most likely thing is that Bai Kun made it himself when he integrated the way of heaven. Thinking of this, Bai Ji can't help gritting his teeth. The damned son of a bitch is really infatuated, and even makes Yin Zhu sad?

Then he wants to make Yin Zhu sad, but also let Yin Zhu suffer.

Unfilial son is willing to make him and Mengji sad. Thinking about their suffering for a while, baiji is angry. How can Yinzhu be alone? There is nothing wrong. Unfilial son is unfilial son. Now Baiji wants to rush back and beat baikun.

Isn't this son of a bitch very powerful? Why don't you just point out and erase the memory of them, so he doesn't have to worry about Bai Kun.

As for Jono and Leihe, they should test Yin Zhu first. After knowing that Yin Zhu has lost Bai Kun's memory, especially Bai Kun's accident, they naturally won't tell Yin Zhu about it. They don't have to let Yin Zhu worry about it. In addition, they can't be sure that they still have fun. They have one less rival.

The clever Baiji thought about the whole story. In the face of baikun's cruel teeth, Baiji told himself again and again that it was born by himself.

"Bai Kun, Bai Kun is one of your partners. Do you remember that you wanted to integrate the way of heaven? He did it for you. He almost died. " Bai Ji said angrily.

One of Bai Kun's own partners, he almost died for himself? When Yin Zhu heard this, she couldn't help but feel a pain in her chest, but she still couldn't remember it at all.

Yin Zhu really doesn't know how to integrate the way of heaven. She is confused. She only knows that the system hidden in her body and threatening her safety has really left. There are no more people coming to her trouble because of this. She is finally free.

"And you, Baiji, who are you? Don't you always count on me? What's the relationship between you and Bai Kun, otherwise you wouldn't bother so much and be angry for Bai Kun? " Yin Zhu thought for a moment and said.

"I'm Bai Kun's father, and Bai Kun is my son and Mengji's son. You are the female who cheated Bai Kun's feelings." Bai Ji scolded angrily.

Are you Bai Kun's father? Even if there is no memory, Yin Zhu can guess that Bai Kun is arranged by Bai Ji when he comes to his side. After all, there is one in front of him. However, Bai Ji is really cruel. Even his own son can take advantage of it. It is worthy of being a cruel and unfulfilled Bai Ji.

"Cheat, what do you mean I cheated Bai Kun's feelings? At the beginning, he didn't come close to me to cheat my feelings and trust? If you want to say this, you can only say that you are responsible and deserve what you have done. It's not my fault Yin Zhu has no memory of Bai Kun now. All of Yin Zhu's work depends on his own conjecture. For those who didn't have a purpose at the beginning, Yin Zhu won't have any good words.

Bai Ji was so angry that he pressed Yin Zhu to the ground and threw him down several times, "Yin Zhu, sure enough, Bai Kun has done so much to make you have no conscience to say such words. You are too cruel."

Yin Zhu was beaten all over and could not help crying, "why do you say that I am cruel? Who can be as cruel as you Baiji? When you send your own son to me as a tool, you should consider the consequences, or do you think that you father and son can play with my feelings, so I should follow your plan and die according to your will You are satisfied now. There is no such beautiful thingBai Ji can't help grinding his teeth when he hears this. Yin Zhu is right. Recently, Meng Ji has been bothering him because of this. In fact, at the beginning, he just wanted to use Meng Ji. Who knows, because he had real feelings for Meng Ji and didn't want to give up Meng Ji, there were a series of things behind. In addition, it happened that Tian Dao wanted to escape from the world, so they sent Tian Dao to the world where Yin Zhu lived Then he came back with Yin Zhu from the back of the way of heaven. Yes, he couldn't give up his partner himself. Why didn't he think that his son would be reluctant to give up, too? He had the same temperament. It's a pity that he knew too late.

"Yinzhu, you are sharp mouthed. I admit that I am responsible for baikun's affairs. But Yinzhu, you are so cruel and indifferent. If it wasn't for me, do you know that baikun has managed to get one life back now, which is also in exchange for another life. That's all. Baikun's soul is badly damaged and unconscious now. I hate you, but for you, baikun Kun is still well now, but Bai Kun is seriously injured. Meng Ji and I managed to find a place with or without spiritual power for him to absorb, but he couldn't. You know what it means. If it's a good thing like this, Bai Kun will soon die. Yin Zhu and Bai Kun have saved you several times. Without Bai Kun, you would have died long ago. Bai Kun has never betrayed You, hurt you, do you treat baikun like this? Even I guess your memory was changed by Bai Kun, because he didn't want you to be sad about him. Yin Zhu, you said, "Bai Kun is like this to you. What you said before is worthy of Bai Kun?" Bai Ji looks at Yin Zhu with red eyes. There is a tendency that Yin Zhu will kill him just as sarcastically as before.

Yin Zhu was silent when he heard Bai Ji's words, and his heart was very heavy.

She is forgetting the memory, but she is also rational, can judge how heavy this feeling is, a person for her can die for her, because she betrayed her parents, there are a few people can do this.

"Yin Zhu, Bai Kun doesn't owe you. He doesn't owe you." Bai Ji called fiercely.

There is no way to complete his great career. The only thing he still cares about is Mengji and baikun. If Yinzhu dares to talk nonsense again, he will not let Yinzhu go again and again. No matter how baikun likes it, he will kill her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said just now, but I'm not apologizing to you. I'm apologizing to Bai Kun. Don't play hard with me here. You don't deserve to be a father." Yin Zhu said angrily.

Would she like that? She doesn't know anything and has no memory. What can she expect? Besides, baiji is insidious and cunning. Who knows if he is prepared to deal with himself? It's better to find Leihe or Jono to find out.

However, Yin Zhu thinks that Bai Kun should be his partner, otherwise Leihe would not have asked himself at the beginning. Yin Zhu desperately remembers, trying to find some useful information from Leihe's and Jono's words, only to find very little.

As for whether Bai Kun's injury is what Bai Ji said, it remains to be verified.

Although she still keeps vigilance in her heart, Yin Zhu believes that Bai Kun should be good, but Bai Ji doesn't believe it. Bai Ji tells too many lies and is cruel. Will such a person take a son seriously? At the beginning, since they were willing to send their son out, they should not care too much. Otherwise, Jono and Leihe would not hide themselves. If they really betrayed someone who would hurt them at any time, Jono and Leihe should tell her that she lost her memory in the first time, so that she would not be cheated.

Where does Bai Ji know that no one believes him when he tells the truth for the first time? It's impossible for Bai Ji to say that he doesn't care about Bai Kun's son at all. He cares more about Mengji, and Bai Kun is Mengji's son.

Bai Ji was hit by Yin Zhu again, but he was lost when he thought of Bai Kun lying unconscious on the bed.

"Let me down. I'll go by myself. You can rest assured. It's not so easy for me to escape under your eyes. You can also save some energy. I'm going to see Bai Kun myself, not forced to go." Yin Zhu said, biting his mouth.

Bai Ji didn't insist on it any more. He just threw people away and said coldly, "let's go."

Yin Zhu can't help but feel annoyed when she looks at Bai Ji. Even though she was on the road before, she had a good life. At least someone took care of her. Yin Zhu found that her distress was all related to Bai Ji. This time, she was in a special distress, and her body was still very painful. She looked at Bai Ji in disgust. Bai Kun was really unlucky to have such a father.

Yin Zhu did not think that if Bai Ji was Bai Kun's father, he would be her father after that.

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