Baiji also felt the fusion of the heavenly way for the first time. The heavenly way did not wantonly retaliate against the dreamers. This should be what the palace master did. Although the palace Master said at that time that it was to save baikun, Baiji was very clear that the palace master's rescue of baikun was only incidental. In addition, it was to get his favor. I hope that he will defend the dreamers in the future. The palace master ate up many dreamers. If every one of them died Look at it as a descendant. If he wanted to die for the other party, the palace master would have died long ago. He would not wait until now. The palace master should have calculated the way of heaven. However, with the integration of the way of heaven, Baiji also felt that the invisible shackles of the dream people had been untied.

Bai Ji felt his body for a moment. His strength could be said to be one in ten, even one tenth of it. He was so suppressed that it was estimated that the other dream people would be even weaker.

The palace master calculated so much and didn't get much. I really don't know that the palace master calculated so much. Is it worth it?

Can you do better if you are yourself? At this time, Bai Ji looks at Bai Kun who is dizzy. Forget it. After so much calculation, he still doesn't want to think about it. He doesn't want to admit that he is not as good as the palace master.

The palace master is more calculating and more powerful than himself, so what? It's not the end of the world. There is no palace master or his father in the world, even the last shadow.

Meng Ji looked at Yin Zhu with a fierce look and said: "what are you doing standing there? Take good care of Bai Kun, talk to him and lead those mental forces around him. If Bai Kun's spirit fluctuates, it's called Bai Kun to absorb."

Mengji is really unhappy. She thinks that if Yinzhu works, she will keep Yinzhu. If Yinzhu doesn't work, she won't be polite to Yinzhu and let Yinzhu bury her son.

"You don't have to talk about these things. I'll do them." Yin Zhu said unhappily that her willingness to do is different from being forced to do.

"You'd better protect my Bai Kun, or you won't live." Meng Ji expresses her meaning very clearly. She wants Yin Zhu to stimulate Bai Kun. After all, she has pressure to be motivated.

Yin Zhu squats down and looks at Bai Kun seriously. The more he looks, the more familiar he feels, but he has no memory.

Yin Zhu reached for Bai Kun's hand and put it on his face. He said in a calm voice: "Bai Kun, I don't have your memory now. I can't remember it. I can't remember anything. But it's hard for me to see you like this. Why are you so cruel to yourself and me? Even if you want to die, how can you erase my memory and how can you do it Don't you want me to remember? I hate people like you. They think they are right about everything. They think that if they have considered everything well, they will have nothing to worry about. You cause me more trouble and make me more painful. " Yin Zhu said, tears fell down.

Yin Zhu was a little surprised. Her tears came so fast, but she just wanted to cry. She was a person who didn't know and had no memory, but she couldn't stop crying.

"Bai Kun, what do you want me to do? You make me incomplete, even I'm not myself. How can you do that? Do you think you're dead? No, you leave more questions. Your father and mother said that if you don't wake up, I will be buried with you. But I feel aggrieved. I didn't do anything, or even don't know anything. I don't know what it's like to die for no reason. Would you wake up quickly? It's your parents who arrested me to tell me about you. I'm the last one to know about you Well, do you think it's a special irony and you don't know what to do? " Yin Zhu murmured.

"You said that you have no memory, but I cry when I see you like this. Do you think that my body is more happy than my heart and my body, and I feel your existence, your injury and pain together?" Yin Zhu wiped the tears on his face.

"Bai Kun, do you want to get up well? I really have a lot of words to ask you. I also want to ask you, how can I let you do this? But I don't know anything. I want to find it, but I can't get up early. Do you know the feeling of hesitation but no way? I am particularly flustered, I start from, I want to stimulate you, want you to wake up, but I have no memory, nothing, I just want to miss your past is a blank, blank in my heart flustered, more feel sorry for you, how can I forget? No matter how powerful the power is, it can't erase my feelings for you. Isn't it? Because I don't love enough? If so, I feel more guilty and even reproach myself. You are so affectionate to me, but I can't repay half of it. Your affectionate feeling is so heavy that I can't carry it. What do you say to do? " Yin Zhu desperately thought that his head was aching, but he still couldn't remember the memory of Bai Kun.

"The way of heaven, I know that you have integrated the rest of the way of heaven, and it is complete. Now the world is under your control. The way of heaven, you answer me, talk, why do you want to erase my memory, return the memory of baikun to me, return baikun to me, OK? Heaven, I've done so much for you. I don't want revenge. Can you give me Bai Kun? " Yin Zhu in his heart desperately cry.There's no sound. Can't heaven hear it? Impossible, certainly can hear, but heaven is not willing to reply to themselves.

"The way of heaven, you dare not answer me? Heaven, I've been with you for so long. You can take charge of your people, but I'm not. I've done so much for you, won't you repay me? You owe me, you owe me the way of heaven. " Yin Zhu couldn't help crying desperately.

"Ah." A faint sigh rang out in Yin Zhu's ear, "Yin Zhu, I really owe you. I admit that I know what you want, but it's basically impossible for Bai Kun to recover, unless you go back to the world where you live, and the Yuehua in your world is useful to him. Just like Bai Yangui, the original Bai Yangui can be said that all souls are destroyed It's peeling off, but it's better to be behind your world. "

"Then give me back my memory and send me back with Bai Kun." Yin Zhu made his own demands.

The way of heaven said weakly at this time: "Yin Zhu, you know, when you were able to go to that world, it was Bai Ji who left a lot of spiritual power in the Hanhai side with his conspiracy. With the power of array, he gathered those together and rushed through the channel. The power of crossing time and space is very powerful, not to mention bringing you back. Now those forces can't be found in the world If you want to learn how to refine the orcs with white sacrifice

When Yin Zhu heard this, he directly retorted, "the way of heaven, you know I can't do this, and I won't be so cruel. The way of heaven, as the way of heaven, I don't believe that you have no way. The way of heaven, I beg you for such a thing, can't you promise me? If you help me to do this, then we will be clear and never owe each other again. "

After a long silence, "Yin Zhu, you know, I've just merged. There are still many places in the world that have been destroyed by the dream clan. I need to protect them. I really don't have so much strength. Even if I concentrate all my strength to send you back, I don't have the strength to take you back. I can't ignore the world, and I won't let myself go into a coma The law is autonomous. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was silent. The meaning of heaven is very clear, that is, to let Yin Zhu leave the orc world and go to the earth, he would not come back. The earth Yin Zhu still miss very much, but will he never come back? In this world, she still has many friends, friends and relatives, let her give up?

Are there any real things in the way of heaven that don't have the power to bring them back? Even if there is no power for the time being, after a period of time, I probably don't want to take them back. No matter she or Bai Yangui or Yang Wantong, those who go to that world will mutate. When Bai Kun comes back, it's estimated that it will be the same. At that time, the way of heaven should not be able to control those people who are outside the rules, so it's only Yin who wants to send them away quickly Bamboo several completely left, the world will be really in the hands of heaven, they all sent away, never come back, do you want to do that?

"Yin Zhu, if you want to leave, I can let some of your friends and friends go with you. Anyway, they are all open channels." The way of heaven continued.

Yin Zhu said with a wry smile, "the way of heaven, are you throwing it after you use it? Because my existence will probably hinder your development, so I can't wait to get rid of you. "

Tiandao heard what Yin Zhu said. He was silent for a long time, and then he laughed helplessly. "There is a little bit of that, but what I said is true. Although Bai Kun's soul still has so much left, it can only become a living dead man. He can't live in this world. So if you want to save Bai Kun, you must go to the world where you live, and only the rules of that world are different If you can make him come back to life again, you have a system of cultivation that can make Bai Kun live again. The rules of the world have been determined and can't be changed. Bai Kun can't live. I really like you, Yin Zhu. Really, but you will bring great changes to the world in this world. Even I don't know how much the world will be brought by you. I'm still very weak and don't need a strong world. And which world do you belong to, don't you want to go back? "

The way of heaven said, "Yin Zhu, you are kind to me. If you don't leave, I won't force you. You can choose for yourself."

Yin Zhu's face was very bad when he heard this. He chose how to choose. Didn't he force her?

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