"I told you to take care of Bai Kun, not to be in a daze." Mengji said unhappily.

Yin Zhu looked down at Bai Kun at this time. Bai Kun still had nothing to do. He would not absorb the soul power around him. He could do nothing.

"How many ways have you tried to save Bai Kun?" Yin Zhu can't help but ask, in fact, Yin Zhu believes in the way of heaven. The way of heaven says that there is no possibility in this world, so it's really impossible to go to the earth? Yin Zhu only really misses her family on the earth and the simple and peaceful days on the earth, but she can't give up the people here, and the other thing is to see Bai Ji and Meng Ji care about Bai Kun so much. Will they let themselves take Bai Kun away?

Besides, it's not easy for Yin Zhu to leave. She doesn't represent herself. She has Jono and Lei hetengxiao in her body. Are those people willing to follow her to leave their hometown forever and go to another world? Even if they do, will their relatives?

Yin Zhu can't be so selfish and do such things.

At this time, Meng Ji was very unhappy and said, "if we have a way, we won't look for you. If you are useless, I will directly scrap you. There is no need for waste to exist, you know?" Mengji said coldly.

After hearing this, Yin Zhu was silent for a long time and said, "I said I have a way to save Bai Kun, but I want Bai Kun to leave you forever. Are you willing?"

"Yin Zhu, how can you be so selfish? Bai Kun is my son. How can you ask him to leave us forever?" Mengji thinks that Yinzhu resents him and Baiji, and plans to threaten him with baikun.

"Yin Zhu, Bai Kun is your partner. Do you want to save him? Are you still not human? " Meng Ji said angrily.

After a long silence, Yin Zhu said, "this is my condition. If you choose, how will you choose?"

"Bai Yan GUI?" At this time, Bai Ji thought of Bai Yangui, who had gone to the earth with Yin Zhu. At that time, Bai Yangui was more injured than Bai Kun. But after he got to the earth, he came back to life again, with another rule and another force.

"Yes, go to the earth. The power on the other side of the earth can make Bai Kun alive. The way of heaven will send us away, but he won't let me come back again. His world doesn't need the existence of different kinds. The way of heaven wants to absolutely control the orc world. It's not that I don't want you to see Bai Kun, but once you leave, you will never see Bai Kun again, so I want to say you Is there any other way? If so, you are not willing to choose this way Yin Zhu said very simply.

Bai Kun is Bai Ji's son. Bai Ji is much smarter than himself. Yin Zhu directly leaves the problem to Bai Ji to choose and see what Bai Ji will do. As for Jono, they should go back and discuss what to do.

Bai Ji is silent when he hears this. He doesn't like Yin Zhu. He thinks Yin Zhu is not worthy of his son. If he doesn't have a way, he will never let Yin Zhu see Bai Kun again. But what Yin Zhu says now, he is really silent.

Bai Kun is in a coma now. It's still that they use their own strength to maintain the status quo. It's just that the rules of heaven have changed. Their strength has been reduced too much. If Bai Kun doesn't get better, they won't last long.

Thinking of what Yin Zhu said, Bai Ji couldn't help sneering. After so much calculation, they were not as good as the way of heaven. Now even Yin Zhu, who helped him, has to be driven away.

"Let's think of another way." Mengji looks at Baiji imploring. After baikun's accident, Mengji deeply reflects on herself. It's because she deeply regrets baikun that Mengji is more reluctant to give up baikun. Now Yinzhu says that there is a way to save baikun, but she wants them never to see baikun. Mengji really can't give up.

However, in terms of the situation that the way of heaven wants to catch up with Yin Zhu, the way of heaven is really completely integrated, and there is no need for her help.

"Don't worry. We still have time. Think about it." Bai Ji first stabilizes Mengji, and then starts to think whether he has other ways. If he can, who wants to separate from his son, especially Mengji, probably can't accept that his son is so far away.

"Take good care of Bai Kun and don't be lazy." Meng Ji yells at Yin Zhu angrily, then turns to one side to discuss with Bai Ji.

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Kun sitting in deep sleep and couldn't help sighing, "Bai Kun, you think you are very good. You don't discuss anything with me, but it's ok now. I don't have to discuss anything with you in the future. I can come as I want, and I learn from you."

Yin Zhu snorts twice, looks at Bai Kun and sighs. He has to inform Qiao Nuo to discuss what to do.

"The way of heaven, let me have my memory first. I'm thinking about other things." Yin Zhu cried in his heart.

Tiandao sighs and returns the memory of Bai Kun to Yin Zhu. This is also a little plot. Yin Zhu only has memory of Bai Kun, and only has deep love will he desperately want to save Bai Kun, right? Only in that way can he send Yin Zhu away. Of course, it's OK to force Yin Zhu away according to the ability of heaven, but he owes Yin Zhu. If he does something like that, he will have an accident sooner or later because of Yin Zhu. Since the rules are complete, he can't break the rules himself. He can take care of or do something else in the rules, but he can't do anything else Sooner or later, he will pay the price, but he can't do that. The best way is to let Yin Zhu leave willingly, so that he won't lose money.The erased memory will come back soon. Yin Zhu thinks of the way he finally met Bai Kun and Bai Kun's determination. Then he looks at the guy who is still in bed now. Yin Zhu really doesn't know what to say. Does he say that he has his own ideas? Or gas he lurks in his side, can see he now unconscious lying there, she has nothing to be angry with.

"Bai Kun, what do you say I want to choose? What do you say you do? How hard do you make Jono and them? What do you want us to do?" Yin Zhu sighed, but he didn't know what to say.

On the other side, Meng Ji held Bai Ji and asked, "Bai Ji, what do you say we should do?"

Bai Ji thought for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "let's think of other ways first. If there is no way, let him go. It's better to live than it is now."

Dream Ji heard this very uncomfortable said: "but I can't bear to baikun, we have sorry baikun, I want to be good to him, but I have no chance to be good to him, I'm not reconciled, Baiji, you think of a way."

Bai Ji hugs Meng Ji tightly at this time, "I know, if I can, I don't want to let go, but we tried a lot of ways." If it wasn't for this, they wouldn't bring Yin Zhu over. They can say that they are the strong men in the world. They know what they can do. There's no way to catch Yin Zhu and stimulate Bai Kun. But it's obvious that there's no way. Even heaven can do something in it. If heaven wants to force Yin Zhu to leave the world, heaven can do something If they don't, they have no way to save Bai Kun.

When Mengji heard this, she looked at Baiji with tears in her eyes. "But just like Yinzhu, will she treat baikun well?" Mengji is not satisfied with Yinzhu. Now she says she wants to hand over baikun to Yinzhu. She can't see baikun in the future. She doesn't know whether baikun is good or not. She doesn't know if she is bullied by Yinzhu's other partners. How can Mengji be at ease.

Bai Ji patted Meng Ji on the back when he heard this, "this is Bai Kun's choice. Our son is not so stupid. He dares to do this to Yin Zhu. That's to rest assured of Yin Zhu."

Bai Ji knows something about Yin Zhu. He filmed Zichen and Bai Kun go to Yin Zhu, and carefully analyzed Yin Zhu's psychology. It's absolutely impossible for Yin Zhu to say that he is not good to his partner, not to mention that Bai Kun wants to defend her. In fact, Bai Ji knows something about what Yin Zhu just said. Yin Zhu should choose to save Bai Kun, and she won't let him go Let baikun die.

As for whether Yin Zhu's other friends are willing to leave their hometown and go to a strange world, none of these things can affect Yin Zhu's decision. Just for this, Bai Ji can rest assured.

Yin Zhu really has a decision, that is to save Bai Kun. Bai Kun can give up everything just to save her life, so she can. In Yin Zhu's heart, life is the most important thing. There is no way to compare everything with life. As for Qiao Nuo, if she is not willing to go with her, she will let them go. If she is willing, she will do her best Try to protect them.

"The way of heaven, I know what you mean. I want to save Bai Kun, but it's not right now to leave. Even if I want to leave, I also want to see the world become better. I can rest assured that daze tribe in Orc world is stable. Help me to protect Bai Kun first, and don't let Bai Kun have an accident, otherwise, I will make your world a mess." Yin Zhu said angrily.

Tiandao heard that Yinzhu was willing to leave, so he said with a smile, "OK, I will help you to protect baikun." As for Yin Zhu's request to keep the orc world safe, it's normal. After all, Yin Zhu's other partners bear a lot of responsibilities. If you want them to leave, at least you should let them rest assured. As for Yin Zhu, he seems to be a little angry now. It's because he's calculating her.

Tiandao said that he really didn't want to count on Yinzhu, but he was worried that the world would change again, and he really couldn't afford to toss. Besides, sending Yinzhu back to that world was not all bad for Yinzhu, and it was also good for Yinzhu. It could only be said how people from all walks of life thought about it.

Of course, the way of heaven also has some guilt. The way of heaven has thought about it. When Yin Zhu leaves, he will send some gifts to Yin Zhu, which can be regarded as making up for Yin Zhu himself.

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