Yin Zhu knows his way back to his home, because he has to pick up Qiao Nuo later. Even in the middle of the night, Yin Zhu has no choice but to call his parents up.

Yin Ping, Yin Zhu's father, vaguely heard someone knocking on the door in his deep sleep. At this time, he pushed his wife, Huang Xiaoling, "old lady, did you hear someone knocking on the door of our room?"

Huang Xiaoling blurry directly scolded, "who will knock on our door in the middle of the night, you hear wrong, maybe it's upstairs." It wakes people up in the middle of the night. Really, Huang Xiaoling turns over and continues to sleep. When she is sleeping comfortably, she is awakened by people, and she is very uncomfortable in her heart.

At this time, Yin Ping continued to listen carefully, either upstairs or at home. Thinking of this, Yin Ping got up straight, "old lady, it's not someone else's home, it's our home. I don't know what's the matter. It's so urgent in the middle of the night."

Yin Ping got up to turn on the light, picked up the coat on the bedside chair, put it on, and was about to open the door. This would make people wake up. Then Yin Ping found that something was wrong. The knocker was standing outside the door, not the suite. At this time, Yin Ping could not help but ask in his voice, "who is that?" If you are familiar with them or your own family, you will surely answer yourself. If you don't answer them, it's probably a thief or something else. Why did the thief knock on the door to wake him up or make a trial?

"Dad, it's me. I'm Yin Zhu. I'm back. I have something to do. Open the door." Yin Zhu said in a low voice.

If it were someone else, Yin Ping would not believe it, but Yin Ping knew that his daughter had not died. She had come back before, and now she is back.

At this time, he didn't care about anything else. He opened the door, and then he saw his daughter standing outside the door. At this time, Huang Xiaoling, who was lying on the bed, quickly got up. Didn't she say she would never come back? Why are you back.

"Yin Zhu, you come back. My mother really miss you. Are you hungry? My mother cooks noodles for you." Huang Xiaoling took her coat and put it on to get food for Yin Zhu.

"Mom, I'm ok. I'm not in a hurry. Dad, I want to borrow your van. I've brought your sons-in-law back this time. They're still at the top of Qingshan park. I'll take them back first." Yin Zhu said the important things in a hurry.

The van in Yin Ping's hand has been for a long time. It was used by him to carry goods. They didn't do business in the back. However, the van has been used for many years, and it can't sell for much money, so they keep it for their own use, so it's convenient to get in and out.

"My son-in-law is back, too?" Huang Xiaoling said in surprise.

"Well, I won't leave after I come back this time. I will be filial to my parents in the future." Yin Zhu said with great certainty.

In fact, Huang Xiaoling still has a lot to ask. Yin Ping stopped Huang Xiaoling from saying, "OK, there are still many things for the child. Let the child take the person back first. If there are any words, wait until you go home." The girl didn't bring her son-in-law back before, and she said that she would not come back later. This time, she brought her son-in-law with her. Obviously, something happened. However, no matter what happens, as long as the child goes home, he will protect his children.

Huang Xiaoling nodded and then said to Yin Zhu, "you haven't driven for many years. Can you drive? Can you drive? Why don't you ask your father to accompany you? " Yin Zhu has a driver's license. He took the test when he was in college. But the problem is that Yin Zhu has been in another world for more than ten years. Can he still drive now?

Yin Zhu looked at his old father, who was half squinted and sleepy. He shook his head and said, "it's OK. Isn't driving like that? I'll go back to the gate of the community and master the feeling. Besides, it's OK in the middle of the night. " Yin Zhu's implied meaning is that there is no car in the middle of the night, even if she is unrestrained, she is OK.

Yin Zhu took the key and turned to go out. The couple had no sleepiness at the meeting. Huang Xiaoling poked the old man with her finger and said, "I thought Yin Zhu would never come back. I thought she would live a good life in another world. As a result, when she came back, she would be here all the time. I'm glad to think about it." Knowing that her daughter is still alive, Huang Xiaoling is really happy, but sometimes she will miss her daughter.

At this time, Yin Ping grabbed her head and said to Huang Xiaoling, "if you have kung fu, you'd better hurry to get something to eat. I remember Yin Zhu said that she had four friends. Don't you show your four sons-in-law's first visit?"

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoling quickly nods and goes to the refrigerator. Even if she can't make a good table, she has to get a snack for some children to taste. She thinks that the young man named Bai Yangui who Yin Zhu brought back last time is good-looking, but it's not her son-in-law. This time, she can finally see her son-in-law.

Yin Ping took out his teapot to make tea and had a drink of tea. Her mother's first thought when she heard that she was back was joy, and he had more to think about. Those children had never lived here, and they didn't know a lot of things. What's more, they were ordinary people, they couldn't help their daughter too much, and the problem of birth also had to be solved To solve a lot of problems, he always has to find a way to help solve them.

I don't know what happened to Yin Zhu. The last time he came back, Yin Zhu said with a smile that he was very good. This child typically reports good news but not bad. Even if it's not good, he won't tell them. This time, we can ask Yin Zhu how he lived in the orc world.The last time Yin Zhu came, he lied to his son that he was a distant niece. He just stayed for a while, but his son didn't have any opinions. Now that his daughter is back, he has a lot to help in the world. If we don't make it clear at this time, I'm afraid that his son will have some opinions in his heart, or he will be a liar and cheat their husband and wife out of their money.

At this time, Yin Zhu was already staggering out of the car. Except for some craftsmen at the beginning, Yin Zhu didn't dare to drive fast. After he was proficient, he drove fast. Yin Zhu soon drove the car to the mountain and found a hidden place to park the car. Then he found Jono and picked up several people.

Jono several people sitting in the car, can't help but wonder at this has a hard iron shell will run things, "Yin Zhu, this is what you say the car?"

"Well, this is a minibus. It's the worst car. My father has driven it for many years. When he gets to the city, you can see other cars." Although it's late at night and there are few cars, there are also cars.

"Yes, yes." Jono watched carefully, but they didn't dare to move. Then they watched Yin Zhu take them down the mountain.

"This car is so fast. It's faster than I can run at full speed when I become a beast." Tengxiao couldn't help talking.

Yin Zhu nodded, "there are faster ones. This old car doesn't drive fast." There was no car at night, and Yin Zhu wanted to go back faster, so he drove faster.

Soon he went into the urban area. Then Jono saw that there were street lights along the road. Looking down from the mountains, he had already seen a fire or a torch, but he didn't expect that it was completely different from what he thought. There were also high-rise buildings nearby, and none of them were refreshing their perception.

At this time, Bai Ji and Meng Ji also carefully look at the surrounding environment and see that it's more strange than they think. In addition to Yin Zhu's explanation, Bai Ji can't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, he came with Yin Zhu. Otherwise, they really don't know what's going to happen. But even if they are lucky, Bai Ji won't show it, he said He looks quite calm in his performance.

"This place looks good. The road is flat and wide. There are tall houses and all kinds of magical places. I really want to see it. Yin Zhu, when you are free, you must show me more." Cheng An said excitedly.

The little gold in Jono's body came out in a hurry when he heard this, "I'm going too. It's fun to see this place." Cheng an wants to be alone with Yin Zhu, dreaming.

Yin Zhu drove the car and said with a smile, "I'm sure I'll take you out for a walk, but I have to wait for you to know a little bit about the common sense of the world, otherwise when you go out, you won't know anything and people won't treat you as a monkey."

"We don't seem to have monkeys here. They can't see them if they want to." Reich couldn't help humming.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he gritted his teeth and forgot that there were no orcs in the world. To see a monkey is to see a joke. "We don't have orcs here. If we look at monkeys, it's like watching you joke, because you're different."

At this time, Bai Ji said sarcastically: "big fool, people think you are stupid. They think they really want to see monkeys. If you can become a monkey, they will take you to the Research Institute."

There were few pedestrians at night, but occasionally one or two of them could be seen. Bai Ji was very disgusted at this time and said, "these are you people. They are short and thin, like weak chickens. I think I can kill one with a slap."

Yin Zhu sighed at this time, "that's the height of normal people. How about your height?" It's a headache, especially for a few partners. They are more than 2.4 meters tall. In this way, Weian's height is not absent, but there are only one or two. This will lead to a crowd of people. Can it not cause people's sidelights?

"Can you find a way to control yourself and give yourself a little bit of weakness?" Yin Zhu couldn't help asking.

Bai Ji shook his head at this time, "there is no such way." Orcs always want to be strong and strong, the higher the better, who will study the way to make their body smaller and weaker, no matter.

Jono couldn't help but ask anxiously, "is there something wrong?"

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