Yin Zhu shook his head and said, "no problem." It's just that it will attract people's attention. It seems that we can't stay in this city.

Yin Zhu knew that if he said there was a problem, who knew what kind of methods these men would come up with to change their height, so it was better not to say.

When Qiao Nuo hears Yin Zhu's words, he thinks deeply. It should be a bit of a problem. Otherwise Yin Zhu would not have said it before. Now Yin Zhu says it's OK. He just doesn't want them to worry.

"It's nothing. It's just more attractive. People as tall as you don't have it. As soon as we got here, I wanted to keep a low profile." Yin Zhu thought for a while or explained it, in order to avoid these wishful thinking.

When there are so many people who have no status, the best way is to go to the countryside. There are few people in the countryside, and these people don't know anything. It's good to go back to farming or farming, and the countryside won't contact so many people. It's just that there are many places in the countryside. Her father's hometown is in the countryside. It's just that Yin Zhu went to that place when he was very young I have no impression at all.

Yin Zhu's car was driving very fast, and his party soon arrived at the community. Fortunately, this is the old community, and there is no camera, otherwise Yin Zhu would still be worried.

Yin Zhu took a few people out of the car, and then told them, "turn back and step gently. Now many people are at home late at night. Don't disturb others."

Jono nodded a few times to show that he knew that they could not attract other people's attention when they came here. It was best not to disturb people.

Jono and his parents, who were waiting anxiously in the room, quickly opened the door of the room. Several people bowed their heads and entered the door. At this time, Yin Zhu's parents were looking at a group of sweaters, many people, and others who came into their room Three people carrying, what's the matter, injured?

Yin Ping quickly shut the door, and then anxiously asked, "what's the matter? But what happened on the way? My daughter's identity can't stand checking. What if something happened? "

There is no one to check them. Once something happens, he will check it out. Yin Ping's heart is shaking. What will he do if his daughter's identity is discovered?

Seeing Yin Ping's anxiety, Yin Zhu said in a hurry: "Dad, don't worry. It's OK. They were injured in that world before. We didn't have an accident."

When Yin Ping heard this, he felt relieved. Fortunately, it wasn't an accident, otherwise he couldn't be at ease.

Looking at the dizzy Bai Kun and the injured Bai Ji and Meng Ji, Yin Ping can't help but pull them up. It seems that something has really happened in the world where Yin Zhu lives. Otherwise, how many of them are injured? Even if Yin Zhu escaped back to the earth?

I don't know what kind of thing it is. Is it serious? If my daughter wants to go back in the future, I have a headache.

At this time, Huang Xiaoling had already brought out her cooked egg noodles. "Come on, let's have some noodles first. Let's finish if we have anything to do." Yin Zhu said that she and her partner, she thought there were only four or five people, but one of them was still dizzy and didn't know how to deal with it. Just like them, they didn't dare to take them to the hospital and had a headache.

"Good." I've been busy for most of the night, but I'm a little hungry.

At this time, Yin Zhu asked people to put Bai Kun in the room where she used to live. Just now, Huang Xiaoling and they had arranged the room. Even the quilts were made several beds over there, and the floor was finished.

"Jono, let's eat first." Yin Zhu says hello. Jono smiles at his parents carefully, and then sits down to eat noodles. Fortunately, they can still use chopsticks or something. The orcs directly grab the food at the beginning, or Yin Zhu goes to make a bad guy to eat, or it will make a joke here.

Jono several people finish their meal with the fastest speed, and then sit there. Huang Xiaoling comes forward to help them collect the dishes and chopsticks. Jono wants to help, but he is afraid of doing something wrong. He is very constrained and stands there at a loss.

"It's all right, kid. Sit down and have a rest. I'll clean it up." Huang Xiaoling looks at Qiao Nuo several very uneasy, then opens the mouth to comfort, these guys besides the body is strong, this face anything is quite good-looking, she this daughter has the blessing.

After dinner, everyone sat down. At this time, Yin Zhu introduced the people in the room, starting from Jono, and then to Baiji. When they knew that Baiji and Mengji were Bai Kun's parents, Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling couldn't help but glare at Yin Zhu fiercely. Some elders didn't say in advance that it was impolite of them to do so?

"Baiji Mengji, right? My daughter is careless. Don't care." Yin Ping is embarrassed to decorate for Yin Zhu.

When Yin Zhu saw the actions of her parents, she didn't know what her parents were thinking. At this time, she pulled her parents and said, "you don't have to be like this. Don't you know what kind of person your daughter is? Am I the kind of person who has no sense of propriety? "

When Yin Ping heard this, he pondered for a while. There was a lot of information in it. His daughter was not the kind of person who didn't respect the elders. Now it's obvious that Yin Zhu and his wife don't like to see each other. That is to say, they must have done something to destroy the three outlooks. Otherwise, it would be a common quarrel. Her daughter would not be like this to the elders, and the couple would see each other It's not a good thing to look like a dog. As expected, people can't judge their appearance. Thinking of this, Yin Ping's attitude towards Bai Ji and Bai Ji is colder.Bai Ji and Meng Ji look a little ugly at this time, but even if Yin Zhu's parents don't know what they've done, they will know it later. It's just that they've been shaken by such a weak person for the first time.

This kind of feeling is sour and refreshing.

"Mom and Dad, you are busy in the middle of the night. There are still many things to be busy at home tomorrow. We have nothing to do, and Bai Kun will get better. So don't worry. There will be a lot of time tomorrow. I will tell you all the things, OK?" Yin Zhu holds Huang Xiaoling's hand.

Her parents have dark circles under their eyes. It's already midnight. Let's have a rest. What can I do for you tomorrow.

Huang Xiaoling looked at Yin Ping at this time. Yin Ping nodded and said, "yes, you're tired too. Have a good rest. Let's talk about something tomorrow."

Yin Zhu brings too many people. Yin Zhu can't help but let some people sleep on the sofa in the living room. She takes her four friends to her own room to sleep. The rest of Bai Jimeng Ji and Cheng an can only sleep in the living room first. Fortunately, it's not cold now, and there are enough quilts at home, but they don't worry about it.

After Huang Xiaoling and Yin Ping entered the room, Huang Xiaoling couldn't help saying, "old man, didn't Yin Zhu say that there were only four partners before? Why are there five now? " After deducting Baiji and Mengji, aren't there only five?

Yin Ping said at this time: "isn't Yin Zhu saying that the orc world can collect several companions. It's estimated that they have collected them in recent years."

Huang Xiaoling couldn't help laughing at this time and said, "I don't see that our daughter is also a playboy."

When Yin Ping heard this, he couldn't help laughing. If someone had told him before that you would have five sons in law, and one of his daughters would have five sons in law, he had to beat people so that he couldn't take care of himself. Now I think it's a bit dreamy.

"My daughter said before that she would be here in the future and would not go back, right? I dream about her. I'm really happy that she can come back." Huang Xiaoling said nagging, any parents are thinking about their children.

"By the way, their son-in-law's appearance is a little eye-catching. You say they want to live here for a long time. I don't think it's suitable for the city. Can you let them go back to their hometown?" Huang Xiaoling thought of her son-in-law's appearance and figure. When she went out, she thought it would attract people's attention. It was better to arrange to go to a village in the countryside.

Yin Ping nodded at this time. His hometown is a very secluded village. All his brothers have moved out from there. There are more than ten families living there now. It's safe for his daughter and son-in-law to go there. Moreover, there are a lot of land there, and they can go there to farm. Of course, he didn't expect his son-in-law to farm their land all their lives, but they are not Now I don't know anything. It must take too much time. That time is very good in the village.

It's much easier to apply for Hukou in my hometown. Some families in my hometown didn't apply for Hukou for their children. At that time, I'll try to find a way to get them a legal identity, but the Hukou is in the countryside, and it's not so easy to transfer it out later. This is a problem, and the problem of children's reading in the future. There are two good students in the countryside No school.

Children? Yin Ping thought it was wrong. Didn't Yin Zhu say she had three children before? What about the kids? Did they run away and throw the baby away?

No, my daughter is not that kind of person, is it difficult that the child has had an accident? Yin Ping can't help telling Huang Xiaoling about her guess. Huang Xiaoling can't help but feel distressed when she heard this. When Yin Zhu had an accident, she almost didn't pout. If all three children had an accident, how painful would Yin Zhu be?

"This matter can't be mentioned for the time being. How can Yin Zhu's life be so bad? How can we go through so many things?" Huang Xiaoling sighed.

At this time, Yin Ping took a picture of Huang Xiaoling, "it will be better for us to watch." Besides this consolation, Yin Ping didn't know what to say.

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