After Huang Xiaoling went out, Yin Ping sat down in the chair in the living room with a serious expression. Jono knew that Yin Ping should have something to say by looking at his face, so he sat down one by one, even Baiji and Mengji.

It can be said that the things in this world, little by little, refresh their cognition, but also aware of their own shortcomings, do not see arrogance as white sacrifice, this will also put away its claws?

"Yin Zhu said to me that you will live in this world in the future. You won't live in that world, will you?" Asked Yin Ping.

Jono looked and nodded, "yes, we're not going back."

"Well, I'll tell you in detail that there are no orcs in our world, but only people. Do you understand why? That is to say, you are a special existence in this world. You can't be discovered by anyone. Otherwise, what is waiting for you is not death, but something more terrifying than death. I don't want you to have an accident, because once you have an accident, it means that my daughter will have an accident. If you have something strange in mind, I will kill you at the first time, Don't think you are powerful. We have many machines that can kill people. Do you understand? " Yin Ping doesn't know how much these people think of their daughter. Now when they come here, they certainly dare not betray Yin Zhu. Who knows, after learning the knowledge of the world, when they find out that they can only be a few people with Yin Zhu as a woman, they will not be able to stand the test. He doesn't want his daughter to stand the test, and his feelings won't stand the test The best way is to tie them together, which one others don't have a chance to do.

Jono nodded with certainty at this time, "Dad, don't worry, none of us can betray Yin Zhu, and we don't have the courage to contact other females. Just as you said, our identity, you can rest assured."

When Yin Ping heard this, he nodded. It was pleasant to hear. Either he liked to threaten people, or he warned them before they could see their position clearly.

Yin Zhu watched his father teach Qiao Nuo a few lessons over there. He couldn't help feeling his strong father's love. Her father was like this. He was super hearted and told him not to be super hearted. He would be OK.

"Well, Yin Zhu also told me about the arrangement for you. Now I'll give you a general idea and see if you have any other opinions. If you don't have any opinions, just do as we say. How about that?" Yin Ping is not a judge. If he arranges people according to his own will, they will cause more trouble.

"Dad, you say, let's listen." Reich could not help talking at this time.

Yin Ping nodded, "it's very important that you don't have identity, and the city is very strict, and your identity is not easy to fill, so I'm going to let you go to my hometown first. My hometown is in a small mountain village in the northwest. It's very far away, and there are not many people living in it. Besides, it's all from my clan, and no one will say anything to send you there, but it's not easy And behind the village is the mountain, where you don't have to worry about being found, and where you can farm or breed by yourself, and then by the way, you can learn the relevant knowledge of the world. When you are there for a few years, we will slowly arrange the identities of you. After you have the identities, it will be much more convenient for you to walk, What do you think? If you have any comments, you can make them. "

Jono heard this quickly nodded, "Dad, we have no problem, that place is very good, we like mountains best, we can run freely."

Leihe nodded hastily. "Yes, we like mountains very much." The room is too small for them. Each of them is 2.45 meters tall. The height of the room is less than 2.73 meters. It can be said that it is very narrow. There is always a kind of want to make a hole in the top of the head. Of course, the living conditions here are much better than those of the orcs. Soft cloth, warm soft quilt and magic electricity As, all kinds of fragrant toiletries, everyone is magical, people in this world really have a good life.

"You can change, right? I want to warn you that you are not allowed to change outside, nor in the mountains, because no one knows whether you will be found. No one has some surveillance or even some secret video heads. Except in your own home, you should be careful everywhere, or you will take your own life as a joke, or even take it Yin Zhu and all of you are joking. Do you understand? " Yin Ping said very seriously.

"I know." Leihe nodded in a hurry. He would be careful. This is the world. He is very strict.

However, Yin Zhu said that when the world develops to the back and gets better and better, it will naturally be like this. The orc world will also be managed in this way. Only in this way can no one make mistakes and break the law.

"Well, that's about it. I have nothing else to say. I hope you can have a good life with Yin Zhu." Yin Ping is smiling now.

Jono and Leihe are relieved at this time. Before they saw Yin Ping's serious expression, they were worried about what Yin Zhu's father was going to do. Fortunately, they didn't want to break them up. It's very good.Yin Ping looked at Qiao Nuo's relief and couldn't help laughing. He wasn't the kind of father-in-law who deliberately made trouble. Besides, his daughters had been married for many years, and it was useless to make trouble. Besides, his daughters were five by themselves. He didn't mean to embarrass others.

However, looking at the appearance of these people, it is obvious that they have Yin Zhu in mind. Otherwise, they would not be so nervous. It would be better if the children themselves have a good relationship than if they were involved because of their interests or some unavoidable relationship.

At this time, Yin Ping went directly to Baiji and Mengji, sat down and said calmly, "can you tell me how you bullied my daughter? Now her Laozi is here, you can tell me?"

Bai Ji and Meng Ji were stunned when they heard this, and then they looked at Yin Ping foolishly. They came to settle accounts.

"How dare you bully my daughter and admit it?" Yin Ping said sarcastically, "did you think my daughter was not protected, so you can bully her. Her parents are alive and well. How dare you bully my daughter?" Yin Ping said angrily, even the parents in law can't bully their own daughter.

Bai Ji and Meng Ji are silly at this time. They remember that Yin Zhu didn't say what happened in the orc world. How could this man bully Yin Zhu?

Qiao Nuo is watching the play at this time. Yin Zhu's father is domineering, so he should settle accounts with Bai Ji and Meng Ji. These two are not things. They have done so many things to Yin Zhu, but they don't have an apology. Now they want to follow him. If it wasn't for Bai Kun's sake, they would have dealt with them long ago.

Yin Zhu felt very sweet at this time. She was deeply moved. This is her father. She didn't say anything about it, so she guessed something from her attitude. This is her father. She knows that there is something wrong with her daughter.

Maybe Bai Ji and Meng Ji's expression is too silly. Yin Ping hums coldly at this time, "do you want to say how I know? Yin Zhu doesn't seem to say, does he? I know the daughter I taught. You are the elder. If you didn't do something too much to make her dislike you, her attitude towards you would never be like this. Do you understand? My daughter is a good filial girl. Now I won't tell you how you bullied my daughter. "

At the end of Yin Ping's words, Bai Ji couldn't help smiling faintly, and then looked at Yin Ping contemptuously, "what can I do if I bully your daughter? Can you throw us out? You can throw us out if you're not afraid to be found

When Yin Ping heard this, his face turned black, and then he stood up angrily, "you are really shameless. Do you think I can't do anything with you like a mangy dog? You dream, I have many ways to deal with you."

Yin Ping couldn't help grinding his teeth at this time. He thought this man would be obedient when he arrived at his own site, but he still had a temper. It was really a terrible thing. He had to clean up this son of a bitch.

"Dad, don't be angry. They didn't bully me either. Am I the kind of stupid person who can't fight against me? Besides, Bai Kun avenged me. I just feel sorry for him. " Yin Zhu can't bear to be angry with Yin Ping.

"Well, Bai Kun will defend you. He is a good man." Yin Ping said with a smile, and then he waited for Bai Ji and Meng Ji.

Bai Ji can't help humming when he hears the words "good man". This man should mean male, but this old man is interesting. He is so weak that he dares to challenge himself. If he were in the orc world, he would have been pressed on the ground for a long time. It doesn't work here. Who is living under other people's eaves now and has no status.

At this time, Mengji stretched out her hand to pinch Baiji's arm, and then whispered, "why do you say that? We don't mean that. Why do you deliberately provoke the old man?" If they want to say that they deliberately bully Yin Zhu, it's true that they didn't. before they calculated Yin Zhu, their positions were different. Isn't it normal for them to calculate Yin Zhu at that time? Besides, what do you want to do if their sons are compensated?

Now they come to the world with Yin Zhu. They just want to see Bai Kun well. They won't embarrass Yin Zhu much. This white sacrifice is evil taste.

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