"Jono, come and sit down. Let's talk." Yin Ping beckons to Qiao Nuo on the other side. It is obvious that Yin Zhu's partners are headed by Qiao Nuo.

Qiao Nuo sat in front of Yin Ping and asked carefully, "Dad, I'll tell you what you want to talk about as long as I know."

Yin Ping smiles and pats the younger generation of Qiao Nuo, "don't be nervous, just chat. How do you know Yin Zhu?"

When Jono heard this question, he talked about his fate with Yin Zhu vividly. At the beginning, he just took it as a responsibility. After all, Yin Zhu was pregnant at that time. As a pregnant female of a tribe, she didn't have a partner to take care of her. Montay, as the head of a tribe, gave her son away. Jono didn't think about the relationship at first, but later he slowly changed Attracted by Yin Zhu, thinking of the initial beauty, Jono recalls the past with a smile on his face.

The reason why Yin Ping chats with Qiao Nuo is that he wants to know how his daughter is living in another world. His daughter knows that she always reports good news but not bad news, so he doesn't ask Yin Zhu at all, but asks from Qiao Nuo directly.

When you hear that Jono says that Yin Zhu just used to be a mother, and Tengxiao doesn't accept her daughter, it's like leaving everything to her daughter. At this time, Yin Ping coldly looks at Tengxiao and snorts. According to Jono, females don't have much fighting power. In the orc world, females rely on their partners to survive. Tengxiao knows that Yin Zhu is pregnant But not accepting it is tantamount to forcing Yin Zhu to die. Even though what Jono says now is just a word, it seems very simple, but Yin Ping can imagine how helpless and afraid his daughter was at that time.

Don't like Tengxiao, Yin Ping again cold hum, and then throw Tengxiao a look to kill.

Tengxiao looks at Qiao Nuo pleading. His ancestors beg you to stop. Now Yin Zhu's father wants to kill him. When he knows that he still betrays Yin Zhu for his children, does he have a way to live?

People really can't do wrong things. If they do wrong, they have to atone for it all their lives.

Qiao Nuo looks at Yin Zhu's father, listening to himself and looking up at him. He is very happy in his heart. At the same time, he thinks his father-in-law is very funny.

"Jono, you're a good, good boy." Yin Ping is grateful to Qiao Nuo for her maintenance of Yin Zhu. Qiao Nuo stands beside Yin Zhu when she is in the most difficult time. Qiao Nuo smiles with pride at this time. It seems that the father-in-law's favor is very good.

Leihe couldn't help reaching out and touching his neck. He always felt chilly. Fortunately, he didn't do anything wrong to Yin Zhu. He wasn't afraid of it, but his father-in-law seemed to be smiling. He was very fierce when he should be.

But my father-in-law likes Jono more and more. If this goes on, Jono has no one else in his eyes except Jono. Jono has already talked about Leihe at this time. Leihe rushes up and tells me that he has saved Yin Zhu. Then he expresses his love for Yin Zhu. Jono knows that he likes Yin Zhu almost as much as he likes I want to give others a chance, so I just quit.

Yin Ping looks at Lei he who is eager to show his kindness. As long as he really likes his daughter, he likes it.

Leihe then said with a smile that he knew Yinzhu and what happened to Yinzhu. The happy memories of meeting Yinzhu made Leihe feel happy and made Yinping look sideways. This child really likes Yinzhu and seems to have no debt to Yinzhu. Otherwise, how dare he take the initiative to speak without looking at Tengxiao Now I'm in the corner, I wish I didn't have the best sense of existence.

Leihe said something about Yinzhu for a long time. Cheng an also said, "I, I helped Yinzhu a lot. I betrayed my tribe for Yinzhu." In fact, betraying his tribe is really not a good thing, but Cheng'an is still happy to say that jonoreh can show himself one by two. If he doesn't show himself, won't he be compared?

Leihe was not happy at this time and said: "Cheng An, what's wrong with you? You're still very late. Wait for me to tell Dad first." Did not look at Yin Zhu PA, this will be looking at himself lovingly, very satisfied with it? What does Cheng an do at this time?

Seeing this, Yin Ping smiles sincerely, "you are all very well, very well."

Yin Ping poured a glass of water for Leihe at this time. "After talking for a long time, Leihe, you are thirsty. Drink water first."

Leihe happily drinks tea with the cup, and then takes a proud look at Jono. This is the tea that the father-in-law poured for him alone, but no one else has.

Yin Zhu can't help but smile when she looks at her father listening there. Huang Xiaoling calls at this time to say that she is going to take the supermarket people back and ask the old man to pick them up at the door. Obviously, she doesn't want the supermarket staff to see Yin Zhu.

Yin Ping stopped taking the key and went out. After a while, the couple came into the room with two bags of things.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu said, "my God, mom, how did you buy so much food? Did you feed pigs at that time?"

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoling couldn't help but look at her daughter who had no words to hide. "Several sons-in-law's appearance and temperament are not bad. It's really cheap for her daughter. I can only say that a fool has a fortune.""It's not feeding pigs. You can eat more than pigs?" Huang Xiaoling rolled her eyes.

When Yin Ping heard this, he laughed, and then quickly reached out to help, "Mom, I'll help you." Orcs eat a lot. It's hard for her mother to think of a recipe for so many dishes.

"Heartless dead girl." Huang Xiaoling gritted her teeth and poked Yin Zhu's forehead with an index finger.

Yin Zhu followed up with a smile, and Jono also followed up the kitchen in a hurry, "Mom, what can I do for you? You say, I will do the washing and cutting."

"You don't need to come here. You go to the hall and chat with them. I'll just talk to Yin Zhu." The son-in-law has just arrived. She doesn't want to ask for help.

"I've heard Yin Zhu say for a long time how delicious the food you cooked is. You didn't see the noodles yesterday. We drank all the soup. We mainly had barbecue and soup. Yin Zhu taught us. I want to learn some tips from my mother so that I can cook them for Yin Zhu later." Jono said with a smile, the father-in-law's favor is almost finished, the mother-in-law's flattery also needs to be patted, in the orc world, female partners will also listen to their parents' opinions, so their parents must please.

At this time, Yin Ping put down the things in his hand, and then waved to Tengxiao on one side, "Tengxiao, let's have a chat and get familiar with it." Bai Kun has been in a coma, and Yin Zhu's other partners are all trying to get close to him. They also say that they are good to Yin Zhu, but obviously they don't owe Yin Zhu any debt. Instead, it's Tengxiao. If he did something wrong at the beginning, Jono has made it clear. At this time, he shouldn't bow his head and admit it, and then it's ok? It should be that this guy is still doing something wrong to Yin Zhu.

Tengxiao at this time in the face of Yin Ping's eyes with the same needle, some uneasy, Yin Zhu father terrible.

Tengxiao looks at his brothers for help at this time. As a result, they don't see him one by one. They don't mean to find something to do, they just keep their eyes on doing something else when he doesn't exist.

"Why don't you have the patience to talk with me?" Yin Ping looked at Tengxiao looking around and couldn't help humming. It seemed that his guess was correct.

Yin Zhu has already said that Bai Kun has become what he is now in order to save Yin Zhu. That is to say, among so many partners, Yin Zhu has other thoughts in front of him, which is what he needs to beat.

Yin Ping doesn't think he is the kind of evil father-in-law. In fact, he doesn't like to take care of his grown-up children, because they are grown-up and don't need him to take care of them all the time. They are all old and big. They have their own steelyard in their heart. This is the first time they see their son-in-law. They always have to say something, so that others don't think that he doesn't love his daughter and bully them.

Teng Xiao shook his head when he heard this. He was quick and fierce. He wanted to shake his head down.

"Come on, shake what, show your ability, shake me dizzy." Yin Ping's tone was very light, but it was heavy in Tengxiao's ears.

Tengxiao knelt down in front of Yin Ping and hugged Yin Ping's thigh. "Dad, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me."

Yin Ping was confused by Tengxiao's crisp kneeling. Then he saw Tengxiao hold his hand and clap it with a slap. "Let go, it's painful. How strong are you? Don't you count it in your heart? You're going to break my old leg. "

Tengxiao heard this scared to let go, and then did not know what to do? Leihe at this time quickly came forward to hold Tengxiao, "Tengxiao, you talk, don't start, you are not light and heavy, don't every discretion."

"Dad, I'm wrong." Tengxiao lowers his head and dares not look at Yin Ping. He just wants to beg for mercy, but forgets that human beings are weak to orcs.

"Say, what did you do to apologize to Yin Zhu?" Yin Ping angrily patted the table and asked.

When Huang Xiaoling heard this in the kitchen, she couldn't help looking up. When she saw Tengxiao kneeling on the ground, she couldn't help frowning. What is the old man doing? Even if she wants to see her son-in-law kneeling, she can't make people kneel on the ground.

Jono, who is helping, knows exactly what he is doing, so he comforts Huang Xiaoling with a smile, "Mom, it doesn't matter. It's Tengxiao who has done something wrong. It's right for Dad to teach him a lesson."

Seeing that Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu are old gods, Huang Xiaoling is relieved, as long as the old man doesn't deliberately make trouble for others.

As for the son-in-law, the son-in-law can't bully his own daughter. Besides, it's not rare for the son-in-law to come down so many times, especially the bad one. Thinking of this, Huang Xiaoling doesn't care.

Tengxiao didn't know that he had no good face in front of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

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