When baikun left, Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu sent him. Yin Zhu prepared money and clothes for baikun. People in the village didn't find that baikun left.

Qiao Nuo took Yin Zhu's hand and walked slowly towards the village. "Yin Zhu, Bai Kun is going to leave the village to find Li min. he is the first one to discuss with me. After I promise, he will talk to you."

Yin Zhu was stunned, and then said: "you all want to protect me. In fact, you think I'm too fragile. In fact, what the world wants to do is easier for me than you, because I know the rules of the world better. You are smarter than me, but you don't know the rules of the world."

Jono reached out and hugged Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, are you angry because of this?"

Yin Zhu shook his head at this time. "It's not angry. It's just a little lost. I know you want to protect my heart, but I want to say that I'm not weak. You've all decided everything. Tell me again. Although you didn't hide me and I agreed, you still feel lost."

"Then why don't you stop us?" Jono couldn't help asking.

"I probably know that I can't stop you. What's more, Li Min has a problem to solve. I think I'll go by myself. I'm not sure if I leave you in the village. If I don't go, I'm worried that it's really the best for Bai Kun to go. In fact, you've made the best choice, but you're not the first to know. How to say some of you, some of you are lost, but I don't know you want to protect me, Jono. You know what? You are very good to me, so good that I don't know how to repay you. Feelings are often in direct proportion to pay and harvest. I always feel that I owe you. I dare not even speak loudly to you. Ah, I've been eaten to death by you all my life. " Yin Zhu sighed helplessly.

When Jono heard the last sentence, he laughed again. "You're teasing me. I almost thought I did something wrong again."

Yin bamboo white Qiao Nuo one eye, "you Qiao Nuo when did the wrong thing, you are so rational, I am stupid, also don't be counted dead by you."

Jono took Yinzhu's hand with a smile and said, "do you hate this kind of calculation?"

Yin Zhu listened to a Leng, and then said with a smile, "no, I really like it, like you calculate me like this." It's a kind of calculation. Knowing that Yin Zhu is just like this, they all try their best to be nice to Yin Zhu, so that Yin Zhu can't refuse them.

Jono laughs happily and says that Yinzhu is stupid. In fact, Yinzhu can see what they have done, and never refuses their kindness to her. He says that they are calculating, but Yinzhu is willing to step into the trap they have set. He can only say that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

"Yinzhu is not stupid. We like Yinzhu very much." With a smile, Qiao Nuo takes Yin Zhu's hand and walks slowly towards Yin Jia village.

He didn't stay long in this village, but Jono has slowly taken this place as his home. Let alone the properties and things they bought, they can live in this mountain village with Yin Zhu in such a peaceful and peaceful way. This is what he wants most.

"Yin Zhu, let's have a baby later. Without a baby, the family is quieter." Jono said with a smile, if the life of orcs was not very long before, they could practice in this world. Jono could feel that their life would be very long, different from that of people in this world.

When Yin Zhu heard that Qiao Nuo had a baby with him, he couldn't help being coy. "This is not something I can control, though I'm looking forward to the arrival of the baby."

Do orcs like cubs best? Every Orc wants to have their own cubs, and Jono is also looking forward to it. Unfortunately, they haven't been successful in their previous efforts. It can be said that they didn't have time to think about it before. After returning to the earth, Yin Zhu really thought about it. She also wants to have a baby for each of them, so as to live up to their deep feelings. It's a pity that she has been back for several months, and she still has a baby No news.

"Is Yin Zhu suggesting that I am not working hard enough?" Asked Jono.

Yin Zhu's face turned red when he heard this, and then he looked at Jono angrily. Jono also learned to be bad.

Jono's little Jin slipped out at this time, holding Yin Zhu's hand happily, and said, "Yin Zhu, let's ignore Jono, just ignore me. I especially want a baby that belongs to me, a little darling, like mine."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he quickly agreed, "yes, let's ignore Jono. Xiaojin is the best. If we have children in the future, it's also ours. It has nothing to do with Jono."

"Yes, I'll be the father of the baby then." Xiaojin happily says that he has thought of 108 ways to exclude Jono and to fight against his father's reputation.

Jono couldn't help laughing in his heart. Even before the child was born, little Jin was going to tear down the bridge.

Besides, don't say that Xiaojin has the same body as him. Even reih and their children will call him father. He is a real husband, and no one can replace him. Xiaojin is a fool.

Jono thinks that if he and Xiaojin go on together for a long time, they may be led astray by Xiaojin. It's good for them to have a good combination of swords. They have to be separated. Besides, can they be separated? Also want to calculate him, Jono said that he is not too good to Xiaojin recently, so this guy can be so presumptuous.However, it's good for Xiaojin to come out occasionally. Xiaojin is more likely to amuse Yinzhu. Seeing Yinzhu, he has forgotten about baikun's departure and is not worried. It's really good.

Two people soon returned to the village, Leihe saw around Yinzhu chattering people know, this is Xiaojin, Jono is not so much nonsense.

"Xiaojin, you are still a cub. Will you raise a cub if you have one? Can you bear the responsibility of being a father? Yin Zhu is going to be pregnant and should be my husband. I have the experience of taking care of children. " When it comes to cubs, Reich says he wants a cub, too.

Among Yin Zhu's many partners, Leihe has the experience of taking care of children. At the beginning, tengan was always taken by Leihe, and even Yinzhu didn't take care of children. Tengxi was not around Yinzhu when he was very young.

Xiao Jin was choked by Lei he, and he couldn't help but say, "who said at the beginning that we should never have a baby, don't you? You stand aside. "

Leihe was a Orc at the beginning. He had suffered as a Orc since he was a child. He didn't want his children to bear his own suffering. Even at the earliest time, he didn't plan to find a partner and didn't dare to harm the female. This is not because he met Yin Zhu. Now he has lifted the curse. Why doesn't he have children now?

"I didn't want cubs because of the curse. Now the curse has been lifted. Why don't I want cubs?" Leihe said angrily, he dreams of having his own family. It's good to have Yinzhu, but it's not enough to have Yinzhu. In fact, he likes soft cubs, cubs born with his blood.

"Yin Zhu has a baby?" Cheng An, who comes out of the kitchen, just hears this and looks at Yin Zhu in surprise.

"Go on, you two, Yin Zhu has cubs. Who are you still arguing about? Shouldn't you help Yin Zhu in first?" Cheng An is not very angry.

The dream people haven't had a new baby for thousands of years. They dream of seeing a baby. No matter who it is, it's good to have a baby. The baby with a heart is born, which represents the hope.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry. She looked at Cheng An, who carefully supported herself and regarded herself as fragile. She patted Cheng An's hand. "Cheng An, you heard me wrong. I don't have a baby. I mean to be ready to have a baby. Then these two people are fighting for the priority."

Cheng'an stops for a moment when he hears this, and then carefully supports Yin Zhu, "there is no cub. Yin Zhu is also the most precious and needs my care. When Yin Zhu comes back, I'll go to the Internet to learn how to make soup for you, so as to make sure you are healthy and have a baby."

Well, even Cheng An has discussed this issue. Yin Zhu is ashamed. In fact, it's useless to argue about this matter. It really depends on the probability.

However, looking at the happy faces of Xiaozai, Yin Zhu can't help but start to look forward to them. She has to put more pressure on herself. She must be there. Otherwise, she really feels sorry for them.

She also wants to have a baby. Teng Xi was conceived by calculation. At the beginning, she had it in her own body. Then Yin Zhu was born, and she didn't manage it very much. She has a lot of feelings. She thinks that those clever children, Teng in the end, are very clever. Her children will be as sensible and clever as they are.

Yin Zhu doesn't believe in gods. At this time, she can't help worshipping the gods and praying for a few cubs.

Tengxiao naturally also heard the noise of several people in the yard, Zizai? He also wants one, but he already has one, which can be a little behind. Yes, Tengxiao rejected Teng when he was in the orc world. He didn't admit it all the time, but now he still regards that child as his own.

After all, the child had his own blood, respected and admired him as a father, and didn't do anything wrong to him as a father. How could he deny that child? Thinking of Teng's desperate appearance in order to find him, Tengxiao couldn't help laughing. Teng was really a good child, but he didn't say a word to that child in the end Excuse me, that child is guilty in his heart.

Tengxiao feels that he can't compare with Yin Zhu at this point. You can see that Yin Zhu has forgiven him, but he hasn't forgiven Teng. At last, he didn't say a word to ease Teng's mind when he left. It's wrong of him. I hope that the child can be well in the orc world.

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