Bai Ji and Meng Ji look at Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo laughing and making trouble. They are not happy. Their sons go out to clear the way for them. They discuss having babies here. They are not happy when they think about it. They are very unhappy.

It's just that Bai Kun found it himself. Bai Ji wanted to say that he deserved it, but he was still uncomfortable.

At this time, Bai Ji took Mengji and said, "Mengji, do we want to go out for a walk? We are not elders in this family. What do we do together like this?"

When Mengji heard this, she looked at Baiji, "are you worried about baikun?"

Bai Ji shook his head and said, "it's not that we don't feel at ease, or that there's nothing wrong. The things in our field have been planted, and I don't need to stare at them all the time. In addition, it's useless for us to study in the village. We still need to go out and meet more people. It's the best and fastest to learn and use them flexibly."

In fact, there are still some worries about Bai Kun. In addition, Bai Ji can't sit still. He always likes to do great things, which will be like a farmer. Besides farming and studying, he can't stay idle.

"And where are you going?" Mengji couldn't help asking.

"Naturally, we should go to the forest to find some valuable things first. When we go out, Yin Zhu won't prepare money for us. Besides, Yin Zhu doesn't have much money, which is given by other people's parents. I'm sorry to use the old man's money, otherwise, Yin Ping would blow his beard and stare at me again." Thinking of the old man Yin Ping, Bai Ji couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was a mean old man, and he was also an old man who didn't like him.

When Mengji hears this, she can't help but cover her mouth and smile. Baiji always says that Yinping is mean, but he is not the same himself. However, seeing Baiji like this, Mengji thinks that she finds another side of Baiji interesting. At least she thinks baiji is like an ordinary person.

"OK, let's go to the mountains and relax." Mengji said with a smile.

Mengji basically listens to Baiji in major events, and her only decision is to follow baikun to the world.

Mengji doesn't worry that she will have something to do with Baiji, and Baiji will solve it.

"You two are going, too? Why? Bai Kun has just left. You are going to leave. I don't know. I think we are not good to you. If you go out, except for something, Bai Kun has to blame us? " Jono said very frankly.

At this time, Bai Ji simply said, "I don't want to stay here. Besides, I didn't intend to be with you for a long time. It's boring to be with you. Besides, I don't like you. I've learned a little about the world. At least it's OK to go out and communicate with people. So I'm going to go out and have a look. I think I still need to connect with people Only by touching can we learn and use things flexibly. We can't verify things in this small mountain village. "

"Are you worried about Bai Kun?" Jono asked again.

"I don't worry about him. If this guy loses his life again, I don't care. And you, I'll just go out and have a look. You can watch the things in the field for me. We'll come back when the harvest comes." It's hard for him to grow it. I'm sure it can't be cheaper for Yin Zhu.

Qiao Nuo frowned when he heard this. What this guy said seemed to be true. When Bai Kun had an accident, who was angry with them? He still had a dark face. If Yin Zhu hadn't said that he had a way to save Bai Kun, these two guys wouldn't have given Bai Kun to them at all.

I guess I'm still worried about Bai Kun, so I want to go out to have a look. However, Bai Ji is an old fox, and their couple are very powerful. They don't need to worry about it. Even if they really cause trouble, I think they can solve it. Moreover, they are not qualified to manage the fate of the baiji couple.

"Where are you going, Auntie and uncle? At least tell us and let us know. " Yes, Baiji and Mengji are the elders. Even if they have calculated them before, that matter has been revealed. Jono and they call them uncle and aunt according to the name of the earth.

"I'm going to get some medicinal materials in the mountain first. After all, I can't do anything without money." Bai Ji never thought that he would be embarrassed by money.

"OK, I'll ask Yin Zhu to prepare some food for you and a mobile phone, at least to contact you." Said Jono.

It's good for these two to go deep into the mountains. One can make money. The medicinal materials they dug have been sold by Yin Ping, and they have sold hundreds of thousands of them. Yin Zhu directly tells them how much rice they can buy and how much pork they can buy, which is very valuable.

Baiji didn't refuse the mobile phone. It's too convenient for him to contact baikun at any time. He doesn't have to worry about what happened to Mengji. Baiji says that he doesn't care at all, but Mengji cares, so he really reluctantly cares about baikun.

"Then I'm not polite. I owe you money for my mobile phone. I also owe you money for my previous meal. I'll give it back to you when I make money." Bai Ji is still uncomfortable in his heart. It's not good, it's not good. Because of this, he didn't dare to give Yin Zhu a look. If he did it before, he would do what he wanted."Yes." Baiji said he wanted to pay back the money, but Jono didn't refuse. In fact, he could understand Baiji's mentality. If it was him, he would also pay back the money.

"You said, how come Baiji and Mengji are going to leave?" Yin Zhu said a little sullen.

"I don't think they're used to it. Even if they've relieved their hatred with us now, we're not close to them. They can't stay when Bai Kun leaves here. In fact, they don't have to follow us. They can live well wherever they go. It's mainly because Bai Kun is here with us. In fact, I thought they would leave when Bai Kun woke up. Now I'm surprised that they have lived here for so long. " Jono sees better than Yinzhu.

"You say, I have been light to Bai Ji and Meng Ji, and I haven't called them father and mother. Do you think I don't respect them very much?" At this time, Yin Zhu said with some entanglement, because of the things in the orc world before, for Baiji and Mengji, Yin Zhu still felt uncomfortable in his heart, and didn't call their parents.

"I can't blame you. Besides, even Bai Kun didn't say it. You don't have to worry about it. It has nothing to do with you. " Jono patted the back of Yinzhu's hand.

"It's definitely not because of me. I don't have that ability yet." Yin Zhu knows himself very well.

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He reached out and touched Yin Zhu's hair, hoping that things would go well here. They didn't have any ambition. Otherwise, when Yin Zhu proposed to farm, everyone would not agree. Now he wants to open a company, and he doesn't want to be looked down upon by others. He also wants to have less trouble. He doesn't think much about the rest. He just wants to be simple here In a peaceful day, it's better to have a few cubs to pet Yin Zhu. That's perfect.

"Jono, I think you are very good. You can always guess my mind and open me up. Jono, are you the roundworm in my stomach and know everything?" Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"Yin Zhu is also very good. He often enlightens me." Jono said with a smile.

"When can I get rid of you?" Yin Zhu said that he didn't seem to have solved Jono. Jono doesn't need to be solved for many things, so he won't get into trouble, OK.

When Jono heard this, he laughed happily, "no one has trouble. Gods have trouble. I just don't say much about it. Besides, every time I see Yin Zhu happy and full of fighting spirit, I think there is nothing to worry about. It's good to live happily like you."

"I find that you are all very special and will coax me." Yin Zhu leans in Jono's arms.

"No, if I can really coax you, how can I let Bai Kun take you away with one look." Jono shook his head.

"Jono, are you jealous?" Yin Zhu looked at him in surprise.

Jono then reached out and pinched Yin Zhu's nose. "Why can't I be jealous? Is it necessary to be so surprised? I also care about Yin Zhu. I care very much. How can I not be jealous? I just didn't show it. Besides, I'm your husband. If I'm also jealous and fight for you all day, how can I manage this family? "

"Hard work, Jono. Thank you, Jono. Kiss me." Yin Zhu kisses Qiao Nuo in the face. It has to be said that the family is still so friendly now. Qiao Nuo pays a lot, and even leads by example. Then Bai kunleihe and his family will not trample on the rules. They will quarrel occasionally and enhance their feelings. As long as they don't make some mistakes of principle, they won't have any problems.

"Just kiss me off?" Jono looks at Yin Zhu with an eyebrow.

Yin Zhu smilingly close to Jono's ear, "nature is not enough, Jono baby, you are so good, where is enough to manage the pro."

Jono laughed with satisfaction. "You said that."

"Yin Zhu, I want a baby too. You can give me a baby. It's better to be a female. Like you, a soft girl, she must be very cute." Jono said eagerly.

"No, if you want to have a baby, it's better to be like you. It's so beautiful. I don't want to have a baby like me." Yin Zhu said that she was not beautiful enough, including some of her body shape. Because she was a bear, she was not slim. She could only say that her face was round and lovely. If she was like Jono, her daughter would be a beautiful woman. Yin Zhu shook her head again when she thought about it. She wanted her daughter to be a beautiful woman, not like herself.

Jono was speechless when he heard that, and there was something else about him.

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