After Baiji and Mengji's torture, Xiaoyao finally said that his name is Zhucao Lingyun, a grass demon. There are hundreds of miles of mountains around him, and he is in charge of them. That's why he said that the elixir is his. He has been guarding it for decades, but who knows that these two old monsters are here. Although they rob him, Zhuling Yun wants to cry when he talks about it.

Then Bai Ji began to ask Cao Lingyun if he had any friends. When Cao Lingyun heard this, he quickly shook his head. Even if he had friends, he couldn't admit it. How could he pull them into the water? Although he was a monster, he was also a demon of righteousness.

Bai Ji and Cao Lingyun said a lot. They found that the demon was relatively simple. At least they had never been to the outside world, and they could not turn around. When they met someone they didn't want to say, they shut up and didn't say anything, but they said something unimportant.

"You don't want to say your friend is OK. In fact, I just lost my way and wanted to ask where I came from here." Bai Ji said nothing.

Bamboo grass Ling Yun turns a white eye when he hears this, which will deceive the little demon. He is a clever demon, so he won't believe what the bad guy said. But the bad guy is so powerful. If no one comes to save him, will he die?

Then Bai Ji asked about the division of strength, and then he found that it was wrong. He looked at Cao Lingyun coldly at this time, "didn't you say you can't change shape until Yuanying? How do you transform yourself? "

When Cao Lingyun heard this, he couldn't help crying. After a long time, he said, "are you stupid? Haven't you seen me change? I'm a shape changing grass. It's rare to see shape changing grass in ten thousand years. Can you understand me?"

After roaring, Cao Lingyun cried again. He shouldn't have said so loudly. In case other people's monsters know, they all want to eat him.

He was careful to hide in the mountain. He didn't go to the monster base camp. He was afraid that he would be caught and eaten. As a result, hiding in the mountain didn't come to a good end.

After Bai Ji carefully understood the function of this thing, he looked at it coldly. He thought that he had met an alliance, but it was a disaster in itself and he had to hide. He probably couldn't find out anything.

"OK, what are you crying for? As long as you answer my question well, I can't let you go." Bai Ji thought for a moment and said.

Hearing this, Cao Lingyun looked at Bai Ji in surprise, "don't you eat me? No, you're all in shape. You don't need to eat me. You don't need to be in shape? " Cao Lingyun asked carefully.

Bai Ji looked at him, rolled a white eye and said, "no, I don't need it." They orcs are born to be transformed. It seems that the orcs in this world have a hard time.

"Do you know where the demons are?" Bai Ji asked directly.

"I don't know. You also know that as far as I am concerned, I don't dare to have more contact with the people of the demon clan. Unless I'm not dying, I just know that every 50 years, the goblins will gather in the moonlight forest in the west of Kunshan mountain, and then some people who want to live in the demon kingdom will take people there. Master, you haven't been to the demon kingdom?" Cao Lingyun looks at Bai Ji in surprise.

This normal goblin knows it. It should even be said that as long as the goblin wakes up, he will receive such a message. How can this person not know anything? It's strange. Moreover, the elder's strength is so high, so why not? It's very wrong.

"How many years are there now?" Bai Ji couldn't help asking, moonlight forest, this place is related to moonlight, but it's suitable for their cultivation.

"Seven years from now, the moon forest will appear." Cao Lingyun said, and then explained the place of moonlight forest. It doesn't appear on weekdays. It only appears in people's eyes every 50 years. At that time, the moonlight of moonlight forest will greatly increase the demon clan's strength, and those who are in the right way don't want to go near the moonlight forest.

When Bai Ji asked about the cultivation methods, Cao Lingyun said that he didn't know. Anyway, he was a plant. He absorbed the moonlight by instinct. In addition, he had a special species. Anyway, he gradually grew into intelligence. Just because of his own particularity, he didn't dare to communicate with those demon spirits. Even if he had communication, he would find someone under his strength. Anyway, he could become a human, He can also pretend to be an elder to deceive those goblins. As for the powerful one, he always goes as far as he can. He is afraid that people will see through his real body and be eaten.

Bai Ji then asked a lot, but Cao Lingyun didn't know much about it. At last, he couldn't ask. Bai Ji and Mengji let him go. Cao Lingyun looked at Bai Ji and Mengji, who turned around and left. He couldn't believe it. He was OK. Did they let him go?

This elder is very good. He really won't eat him, or people won't use him at all. Thinking of this, Cao Lingyun catches up with Bai Ji and Mengji, and then hugs Bai Ji's thigh. "Elder, can you take me away?" He's tired of staying in this forest, but he's timid and doesn't dare to go out. Now there's a powerful elder who is not greedy for his body. At this time, he doesn't hold his thighs tightly. You know, there are only a few people in the demon clan who are transformed by their own strength. This is definitely the eldest of the eldest."Are you coming with me?" Bai Ji looked at Cao Lingyun in amazement.

Cao Lingyun nodded at this time with great certainty, "you are a good man. If you don't eat me, you let me go. I dare not go anywhere. I'm afraid I'll be caught and eaten. Can you take me, elder? I want to go out for a walk. I'm suffocating here." Cao Lingyun was not very old after he became sane. Of course, he was thousands of years old according to his age, but he was just a child. At this time, he was still a child of five or six years old, holding Bai Kun's thigh pitifully.

Bai Ji couldn't help laughing when he heard that he was a good man. For the first time, someone regarded him as a good man. At this time, he took a cold look at Cao Lingyun and said, "I don't like trouble, but you are a trouble. Besides, I'm not a good man. You can stay there comfortably."

He and Mengji have a good world. Why add a doll?

Cao Lingyun didn't expect that Bai Ji would refuse. He is a rare treasure. However, Bai Ji's refusal further shows that the other party is really not greedy for him. If such a good person misses it, Cao Lingyun says that he will regret it all his life. But this time, he hugs Mengji's thigh and says, "madam, please help me, beg for mercy with master, and take me with you Father, are you looking for herbs? I know all the herbs around here. Ling Yun is very useful. "

Cao Lingyun said that as long as you can hold your thigh, you can try any way.

Mengji is stunned by the sound of the teacher's mother. Then she looks at the grass Lingyun like a baby and blinks her big eyes. Her eyes are pure and pitiful. She wants to please herself. She can't help thinking of Zichen. Zichen used to be so clever. Besides, the name of the teacher's mother hasn't been called for a long time. She really misses it.

Bai Ji was also shocked by the sound. After a long time, he asked seriously, "if you want to be my disciple, be my disciple, listen to me completely. I can do whatever I want you to do. Even if I want you to die, I don't have to hesitate. This is my purpose. Master is your world. If you can do it, I can accept you as an apprentice "Yes."

Think at the beginning he is also so say with purple Chen, then purple Chen agreed, really purple Chen what all listen to him, then go to die reincarnation.

Think of Zichen, think of Teng, Bai Ji faint smile, that child from beginning to end did not betray him, Teng back is not Zichen, he does not admit, his apprentice always take his master as the world, and his words as the imperial edict.

Cao Lingyun wanted to hold his thigh now, so he agreed to everything, so he turned into Bai Ji's disciple.

Cao Lingyun is very likable. After worshiping his teacher, he took Bai Ji and Meng Ji to dig herbs for the first time, which shows that he is filial to his master. Although he is small, he can walk very fast in the forest. He is also small, but he has a lot of ability. Besides, he has some simple temperament, which requires good education. Bai Ji says that he can teach a Zichen That's enough. The second apprentice should be as smart as he is.

As for Cao Lingyun's identity, Bai Ji didn't see it in his eyes. Their identity itself is also a problem. If there are too many debts, they don't itch. If there are too many lice, they don't worry.

Cao Lingyun is also smiling. He finds himself a backer. Even if he falls into other people's hands accidentally, when there is a powerful master, they dare not eat him directly. There is a big difference between having a backer and not having a backer.

After Baiji and Mengji dig a lot of herbs, they are ready to leave the forest and go out to sell herbs. In addition, even if they see if there is any news from baikun, although Baiji always wants to believe that his son can handle things well, as an elder, there are still some worries.

Because there is one more grass cloud, Baiji and Mengji plan to send people to Yinjia village, and then by the way to see how the land they planted is going, and then sell herbs to Mengji to buy all kinds of delicious and interesting things.

After playing in C City for a few days, they are ready to go back to Yinjia village. Wang canming naturally wants to stay, but Yinzhu refuses. They have nothing to do in the city. What are they doing here all the time? Besides, her friends are still in the village. If they don't see each other for a day, it's like three autumn. Yinzhu says that he is eager to return home, so everyone goes back separately.

This time, he didn't try anything out, but he spent a lot of money. Fortunately, he knew where Bai Kun and his party were. Next time he tried again, Wang canming said something reluctantly.

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