When Yinzhu and songkui return to Yinjia village, Baiji and Mengji also take Cao Lingyun to Yinjia village.

When Yin Zhu saw Bai Ji and Meng Ji coming back, he was stunned at first, and then asked with a smile, "Oh, where is this baby from? Can't it be stolen? I tell you it's against the law to steal children. "

When Yin Zhu saw Cao Lingyun behind Baiji Mengji, he said with a smile. In fact, Yin Zhu also knew that Baiji and Mengji would not steal a child. Yin Zhu was angry at him for saying that, but where did the child come from? There are children in the mountains? It's not weird, is it?

"It's me and Mengji. Are you satisfied?" Bai Ji hummed coldly and said angrily, "steal." how can such a noble man be associated with the word steal? If he wants to have children, there are more people holding the children in their hands.

"Oh, that's great, but since you have the energy to have children, would you like to pay for the meal first? After all, someone keeps saying that he doesn't want to eat rice. Now your family has another one, which is a big problem. Our family can't afford it. " Yin Zhu shook his head and said.

It's just a child's meal. Yin Zhu won't give it. Isn't it Baiji who likes to target her? She is not easy to provoke, which naturally is the tip of the needle.

Yin Zhu likes to choke Bai Ji when he's free. The main reason is that Bai Ji, an old man, is not willing to say an apology when he's clearly wrong. He can't help saying that Yin Zhu doesn't deserve Bai Ji. It's strange that Yin Zhu is comfortable.

Mengji is used to the scene of meeting these two people. Anyway, these two are just two sentences. What can she say?

Bai Ji hummed coldly at this time, "be mean. It's not a small filial thing. Even if you give the old man some food, you won't be afraid of drowning in the village people's saliva. Fortunately, I don't have to rely on you for food. If I really rely on you for food, I will starve sooner or later. " As for filial piety, Baiji looks at it from the Internet. Baiji says that children must be filial to the old man. He likes it very much.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help humming, "people say father is kind and son is filial, didn't they see father is put in front? That is to say, if the father is not kind, the son can be unfilial and learn from others. This is still a good example for you. "

It's estimated that the two quarrels won't stop for a long time. Bai Kun shakes his head helplessly. He didn't expect that baiji would find the demon clan, so he simply said, "father and mother, I just found something when I went out. Let's have a chat?"

Bai Ji said faintly at this time: "I also happened to have a discovery."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he looked up at Bai Ji. Isn't this guy the little doll he brought behind him? It's not that goblins need Yuanying to turn into shape. If Xiaowa is really Yuanying, no one will be his opponent. In that case, when the child comes here, they will be very dangerous. It's reasonable to say that Baiji won't bring such experts back to Yinjia village even if he is in danger. Of course, Yinzhu will think like this. He doesn't trust Baiji enough. It's Bai Kun's face .

Yin Zhu takes a look at Bai Kun. Bai Kun nods and says that the party goes to the room and sits down. Then Bai Ji builds a mental barrier before he starts to talk. After all, it's better to be careful. No one can guarantee whether someone will come here to look for them or not. What they say can't be known to others.

"Let's change the information." Bai Kun said simply.

Bai Kun first told the story of meeting Wang canming after he went out from beginning to end. Although Yin Zhu had heard about these things before, Bai Ji and Meng Ji didn't. moreover, he also wanted to let them see if there was anything missing that they wanted to add.

Baiji is definitely an old Yinhuo. It would be better to have this guy. Yinzhu admits that Baiji has this ability.

Yin Zhu said that she is a sincere person, where the enemy is stronger than herself, she will never deny, she will clearly realize where the enemy is stronger than herself.

Later, Bai Kun talked about Wang canming's appointment to do the task, and then told song Kui's story again. After hearing song Kui's story, Cao Lingyun couldn't help patting himself on the chest with his little hand. Fortunately, he made a smart decision early, or one day he would be found and killed just like him. Song Kui was lucky to meet Bai Kun and his party escaped. If they didn't, they would die.

Cao Lingyun can't help but wipe his tears at this time. It's not easy for them.

"What are you crying for?" Bai Ji frowns at this time. He finds that his new apprentice is a crying bag. He likes to cry when he has nothing to do.

"I, I just heard about songkui and thought he was too pitiful." Cao Lingyun said pitifully.

Bai Ji couldn't help frowning when he heard this, "where is he pitiful? Do you need your sympathy for him? You are the most pitiful. People's enemies are no more than human beings. You are enemies of both human beings and demons. "

When Cao Lingyun heard this, he shed tears, didn't he? He is the most pitiful. He has to guard against not only people, but also demons.

"What's the matter, isn't he a demon? Why are people and Demons all enemies? " Yin Zhu is puzzled to say, even if this guy has an enemy, it will not offend the whole demon clan.She thought it was not a good thing for Bai Ji to come back. As expected, it was not a good thing. She had a strong ability to make trouble. She was so quick to get out a man who was the enemy of all demons. She was so powerful, master.

"Because this guy's noumenon is shape changing grass, that is, the monster eats the shape changing grass. Do you think he is the enemy of both human and demon?" Bai Ji Leng hum. In fact, Bai Ji is just curious about the shape changing grass. What's the principle of this thing? Why can a monster become a human after eating a grass, while others have to wait until Yuanying to become a human. Bai Ji plans to study it when he has time.

At this time, Bai Ji told me how he met Cao Lingyun and got the moonlight forest from him. Bai Ji said simply, "since Yuanying is the most powerful in the world, you should practice well and try to break through to Yuanying in seven years. Then we can go to the demon clan and have a look, of course, Qingyun sect I want to go too. Since Wang canming is already inquiring about us, he just doesn't believe us. There will be such a test in the future. I'll fight with them at that time. Your strength is too weak. If you have me, you'll be more or less afraid. " Bai Ji is analyzing calmly.

Although he doesn't have Yuanying, he is also an expert in the human race. Ordinary people don't have conflicts and don't want to offend him. Bai Kun and his family are still weak, so Wang can Ming's clan still wants to try. In the face of absolute strength, does Wang can Ming dare to try?

He and Mengji also need to absorb more moonlight as soon as possible and make breakthroughs as soon as possible. Only when they stand at the top of the world can they be able to protect baikun and his party. The son is Keng dad.

Baiji says that one such son is enough. There are too many troubles. Mengji wants to have a baby. Baiji wants to say that even if he has a baby, he doesn't want a son. If he wants to have a soft girl, he likes it best.

"Yes, if you have the ability, you'd better complete Wang canming's skills. We don't have any skills. Although we can cultivate and absorb Yuehua by instinct, it's too slow. Maybe we can change it according to their skills." Bai Kun said, of course, he has no way to win people's skills. It depends on what the old man can do.

If Bai Ji knew that Bai Kun called himself an old man, he would be very angry. Where is he old?

Yin Zhu nodded. This is a good way. He didn't feel embarrassed for Wang canming and Yin Zhu. After all, he was also testing them. Since there was no pure emotion, don't blame them for being rude. Of course, Yin Zhu didn't want the other party's life. After all, Wang canming didn't mean any harm to them at present. He can't solve the problem once and for all for their safety in the future, Yin Zhu said she was not that crazy.

"Show me that songkui." Bai Ji waved at this time.

Yin Zhu directly took songkui out of his backpack. As soon as songkui came out, he couldn't help shouting, "I've finally seen the light again. I almost didn't go crazy. It's terrible to have a small dark room. Bai Kun will never shut me up in a small dark room again. " In that quiet place, it's too painful. I can't hear anything, I can't see anything, and I don't even know how long time has passed. A lonely person seems to be the only one in the world. Song Kui says that feeling is too bad, and he doesn't want to realize it any more. Before, he wanted to ask for help and let Yin Zhu release himself, but he didn't know Nothing happened. Naturally, Yin Zhu didn't know.

Yin Zhu is very embarrassed to hear this. She knows what it's like to keep people in such a small dark room alone. At that time, she was worried that song Kui would be discovered, so she put people in the backpack and forgot to take them out. If she drives people crazy, what should she do? It seems that she can't take smart things next time Get in your backpack, so there won't be a tragedy.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, we've arrived at Yinjia village. In the future, you just need to talk and run around, and you can do anything else." Yin Zhu will admit that he is wrong.

Fortunately, song Kui is not so stingy. Of course, he has to be stingy even if he asks for help. "It doesn't matter. At that time, I was worried that I would be discovered by the people of Qingyun sect. It's not your fault." Song Kui is very generous to forgive, and then everyone is happy.

Bai Ji can't help humming when he hears what these two people say. The pine tree flatters very well.

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