Bai Kun and Meng Ji throw Cao Lingyun to Yin Zhu, then turn around and run out. Bai Ji says that he has found a way to make money. This time he digs a lot of valuable medicinal materials. As for farming, Bai Ji says he doesn't want to plant any more. He says that he will take Meng Ji to travel when he has money. However, because he doesn't know the pronunciation of foreign countries, and he doesn't know a lot of common sense in his own country I understand. He said that he would not go far for the time being. Let's turn the country around first.

Cao Lingyun didn't expect that his newly worshipped master was so unreliable, so he threw him to a stranger, and then he took his mistress away.

Baiji and Mengji walk neatly. This is what Yin Zhu didn't expect. These two people adjust so quickly. Even Baiji has made plans for the future. According to Baiji's idea, they have nothing to take a risk, and then they can eat for several years. When they have nothing to do, they travel with Mengji to play. They don't want to see Yinzhu's stinky face because of this After another fight with Bai Ji, she thought that she wanted to see him. The old man was more and more annoying. Sure enough, her father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't agree with the young man.

Cao Lingyun couldn't help feeling sad at this time. He thought he held his thigh, but his thigh threw him away.

Cao Lingyun is relatively young, at least its appearance is very confusing, at least Yinzhu can't see xiaobudian cry, she directly picked up the person, "what's good to cry, we are all here, or do you think we are not good?"

Hearing this, Cao Lingyun immediately shook his head, "no, Yin Zhu is the best." After a while, Cao Lingyun understood that Yin Zhu was the big man in the family, and even his master dared to choke. Of course, one woman could take five men at the same stage. Obviously, Yin Zhu was very powerful. Master had already left, so he had to hold Yin Zhu's thigh.

If Yin Zhu knew what Cao Lingyun thought, she would laugh. Her strength was the worst among several people, similar to Cheng an.

Xiaojin saw that Cao Lingyun leaned his head against Yin Zhu's chest and cried. He threw xiaotuanzi away and said: "you're a man. Don't pretend to be a child for me. You're hundreds of years old. I'll take advantage of Yin Zhu next time. I'll deal with you." A few of them are not enough to share. This little ball should go away quickly.

Cao Lingyun can't help but hold his little body sad. He is so hard. Even though he is hundreds of years old, he is not an adult. He is just a child. Why does this man even have to eat his child's vinegar? He can't live this life.

Songkui is jealous. He looks at the demons in this room. They are so powerful. They can all become human beings. He can go wherever he wants. He can only bury them in the soil to absorb nutrition. Yes, songkui abandons his native place and is still injured. Yinzhu doesn't know how to heal him. He can only bury them in the soil and let him absorb the nutrition of the earth Healing, but this healing is not good for a short time.

"At the beginning, we just wanted to get in touch with the experts in the world, but now there are not only experts, even monsters, and we are supposed to be planning to go to the demons." Yin Zhu said helplessly.

"Fortunately, we knew earlier, we could plan earlier if we knew earlier. If we didn't know clearly, we would have a headache." Jono touched Yinzhu's hair.

"I always feel that the world I live in is very good. These spiritual spirits really refresh my world outlook." Yin Zhu thought of her ordinary and simple life. After she went to the orc world, her world was no longer simple and ordinary.

"That's because you don't know. Did you know you had such an adventure before? So don't worry too much, but we know how to do it. " Reich said with a smile.

"The world is very big. No one knew there was such a world before. We didn't think there was only one Orc world before. Who could have thought there was such a beautiful and rich world, so we still have to study hard. Only our own strength is strong enough can we touch things we don't know. So we all have to work hard, as long as you don't accompany us in the future All those who accompany Yin Zhu will work hard for me. Next time, whoever makes the least progress will be punished. " Jono thought for a moment and said.

The world is too stable, so these guys have no sense of crisis. Especially some time ago, they were all idle to death, and they were not very active in their cultivation. Now I want to force these guys. As for why they didn't say that their strength was the lowest, because it's unfair to Cheng'an, so it's still up to them to improve.

As soon as Jono said this, there was a burst of wailing at the bottom. Isn't it? Jono was too cruel. They wanted to spend more time with Yin Zhu, but Jono's order came down. Who dares to be lazy? Apart from the day they assigned to accompany Yin Zhu, they have to work hard in their spare time.

Although Jono didn't say the result of the punishment, the price guys are very clear. Jono knows that what they care about most is Yin Zhu, so the punishment is probably related to Yin Zhu. It's really cruel.

"I think it's very good to think of danger in times of peace. You all have to work hard. Besides, we still have a Qingyun sect. If the other party's people don't come to us now, they don't think we have any problems. If their sect has experts coming out, what if they want to meet us and be seen through? And then we were skinned one by one to practice magic weapon? " Jono hummed coldly, questioning each one of them.Bai Kun saw that Jono was very powerful, so he simply said, "I know, I will try my best to cultivate."

One by one, they saw that even Bai Kun promised to practice hard, so they all followed the promise. If they didn't promise, they didn't know who would be punished in the end.

Looking at each of them running to practice, Yin Zhu looked at Qiao Nuo with a smile at this time, "in fact, they have worked hard, you don't have to give them pressure."

When Jono heard this, he took Yinzhu into his arms. "I'm not afraid of Yinzhu. Are you too tired? This guy is pestering you one by one to do something earlier. "

unable to resist sustain the blows, Yin Zhu heard Jono's words, but Jono said it was a great truth. These guys were too busy to feel shy.

"Well, in the end, it's fine." Yin Zhu thought for a moment and said.

Jono just laughs when he hears this. If there is no punishment, who will be serious? Of course, Yin Zhu doesn't think it's him who punishes them. They will fight against them. It's useless for Yin Zhu to beat people. But this can't be said. Yin Zhu will be angry when he says it.

"Punishment is necessary. Otherwise, those people will take me as a joker, but I won't go too far. Do you mind if I do things?" Jono reached out and pinched Yinzhu's nose.

Yin Zhu nodded, that's right, there's nothing wrong with Jono's work, that's it.

"What about song Kui and Cao Lingyun? Besides, I think the family came back with these things after going out. I'm afraid there will be more and more of these things at home. " Yin Zhu has a headache and says that he doesn't know much about demons, but he is sure that not all demons are so good at talking. Song Kui and Cao Lingyun are kind for the time being.

"Naturally, we can't stay in our yard. We'll find a way to make a small array in our field and get people into the field. At that time, there will be all kinds of plants in the field. It won't affect them either." This family belongs to them. Outsiders are not welcome. Besides, they have so many secrets that it's inconvenient to have outsiders.

Besides, these two are botanical medicines. One is to go into the field.

As for what Yin Zhu said, there may be more of these things in the future. Qiao Nuo said that when those things come, if there are a lot of them, he will go back to the mountain to get a base. He said that the nearby mountains are all from the nearby villages. If he wants to plant them, he can open up wasteland by himself, even without rent.

"In fact, there won't be a lot of this. This is the first time that both Bai Kun and Bai Ji want to know something about the demon clan. It happens that these two guys collide and bring them back. I don't think they will bring people back next time." Jono thought about it and said, even if there are, there won't be many.

Yin Zhu nodded. This is something that Yin Zhu didn't know. They didn't bring it back, but they brought back something else. As long as Bai Ji and Meng Ji didn't see it and thought it was interesting, they brought it back. Especially the thing they brought back for the second time almost didn't make Yin Zhu crazy when they brought it back, because Bai Ji and Meng Ji didn't know it Bring back a few a Piao, of course, these are very behind the matter, anyway, back here is what kind of ghost things, this is the Afterword.

However, Yin Zhu obviously did not consider these things. Now she wants to go to Yin's home to see her parents after the harvest.

As for Yin Zhu's request, Jono agreed immediately. Yin's parents are all good, and even his elder brother and sister-in-law don't have any problems. Yin Zhu thinks it's good for them to go and have a look, but it's necessary to arrange a good-looking family. In the past, there was nothing valuable in the family. Now there are many songkui and Cao Lingyun in the family, and no one can look at them.

Yin Zhu nodded. Before, she said that she wanted the whole family to go out for a trip in good order. As a result, it's gone again, so we have to change. This time Leihe went, next time Leihe will stay at home.

Jono nodded, this arrangement is very reasonable, we will not say anything, but Baiji and Mengji, these two are obviously idle, do not know what these two out will do.

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