Ji Xi obviously doesn't believe Jono's statement. There is no such coincidence. Besides, if it's not very important, how can the half demon come out? It's hard for the half demon to survive than the demon family. As a result, the whole half demon family has come out. If there's no problem, he doesn't believe it.

Jono also knows that Ji Xi doesn't believe what he said. There must be doubts, but he just doubts whether they have any internal information or where they know the information in advance. This is OK. And the more Ji Xi doubts, as long as he doesn't get the information he wants from them, he won't attack them.

"In fact, it's nothing to know the news in advance. After all, some people can divine or give early warning. After all, the demon clan's natural abilities are very strange, but you don't want to say that I understand it, but it's very difficult for you to check it by yourself. In fact, you can cooperate with our Qingyun sect. As we all know, Qingyun sect's wind criticism will never rob you of your credit You can rest assured of that. " Ji Xi is obviously not willing to give up like this, can't help but continue to lobby.

Jono could not help but feel embarrassed and said helplessly: "master, we really don't know. If we really know where we hope to be, we'd better find a place to hide our things and practice. We really don't know."

Ji Xi nods and looks at Qiao Nuo's appearance. She doesn't get anything. Otherwise, she will walk here. In fact, up to now, everyone only knows that there is hope, but no one knows what hope is. Tianjizi has been divining again. It's said that she has been eating back several times, but nothing has been taken up .

This guy is almost as old as a madman. It's said that people are getting old and have lost most of their life. Now people don't dare to call him a diviner. They're afraid that this guy won't die, and they'll lose his life.

Even the sky machine can't divine things, this half demon should also don't know, but this guy should also be from where to get tips or know hope to come, so he was born.

Ji Xi doesn't continue to talk nonsense when he thinks of this. Since others don't say it, it's meaningless to force him. Although he says that his strength is higher than Jono's, Jono has two people. These two people should be the peak of building foundation, and they are not enemies of life and death. There's no need to offend each other. Besides, he doesn't want to be here when he hopes to come.

"Well, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you. But if you find anything, you can tell canming that qingyunzong is not mean and will give you a satisfactory reward." Ji Xi casually said, as for Jono, they have no news to say, anyway, wide spread net, fish bite again.

"Master, is there something wrong with Jono's identity?" After Qiao Nuo Tengxiao left, Wang canming couldn't help worrying.

Ji Xi shook his head and said, "in addition to the half demon, there is no problem. As long as they don't harm human beings, we can ignore him. As for the demon family, it has nothing to do with us."

"Jono, they're not bad people, actually." Wang canming thought about it for a moment. At least he has a good personality. He is different from many people who practice Taoism. Many people feel that they are superior and different from ordinary people.

However, he didn't expect that the people he handed over were half demons. At the beginning, he thought that Jono and his family were physical training. After all, they were still rare for their big bodies. He didn't expect that they were half demons, so he didn't know what their special abilities were. The demons had their own talent and abilities, and the half demons certainly had their own special abilities.

"But they were born at that time. I think they should get some tips. When you have time, contact them more to see if you can get any new news." Ji Xi orders.

Wang can Ming nodded, this is OK, as long as it is not to hurt people, he can do it with ease.

Ji Xi then told the leader about his discovery. In fact, he would come here and specially meet Qiao Nuo. After all, there was a force suddenly, so he must have a good investigation. After the leader of Qingyun sect knew the news, he couldn't help but smile in a low voice. "Even the Banyao can't wait to come to an end. It seems that hope has really come."

You should know that no matter what happened before, Banyao didn't appear, because Banyao couldn't get involved even if it appeared. On the contrary, it would be rejected by people. This time, Banyao came to an end first. It seems that they didn't know what the news was when they got the news?

"Let canming stare at those half demons. Don't let the people outside find out." The leader of Qingyun sect thought for a while and said.

Jono left with Tengxiao. Jono knew that Ji Xi didn't believe what he said. On the contrary, he deeply doubted them. After all, the time when they appeared was too coincidental, just in that time period.

However, their identities have been affirmed now. Half demon, I don't know where the half demon in this world is. Now they have seen people and demons, but they haven't seen the half demon that is very similar to him.

Jono hoped that the Banshee would appear soon, so that they could carefully study the difference between themselves and the Banshee."Jono, don't they believe us?" Teng Xiao asked.

Jono nodded and said, "don't you believe it's normal? Anyway, we really don't know anything. " Even if they know, they can only pretend they don't know. Besides, all of them depend on guessing, which may not be true.

Tengxiao looks at Jono's watch and knows that Jono has other meanings in his words. Is it because he is worried that someone will watch them? "Forget it, it's really hopeful for those people to find it. Let's patrol well and earn some extra money." Because it's for special personnel, the salary of their patrol is very high. Teng Xiao said that the salary has always been so high. I'm afraid that I can't afford it. It's too easy to earn.

"Well, now we all know that hope is just calculated by heaven. No one knows exactly what it is, whether it is dangerous or not, and how it comes from. No one knows. So there is no need to take risks. Our strength is not high. We'd better stick to it and live is the best." Jono said quietly.

After so many things in the orc world, Tengxiao also thinks that everything is empty talk, and only living is the best thing. He was really afraid of those schemers.

"Jono, let's all be well." Tengxiao said with emotion.

Jono nodded. They will be fine. There are so many disasters in the orc world. They can also walk through this world.

Ji Xi really let people watch Qiao Nong at this time. Normally speaking, this time is the time when Qiao Nuo is most likely to talk about secrets. Especially if they really have secrets and are guessed by him, will Qiao Nuo consult with someone or call back? As a result, what they say is ambiguous, which will only make the problem further and more difficult Problem, it seems that Jono is very treacherous.

It seems that he can't eavesdrop on any secrets, but he's got people watching him. Unless they really don't know anything, they'll show up.

There is also a need to go to Yinjia village. After all, there are only two Banyao here. Wang canming said that there are eight of them. It seems that there are two that Wang canming has never seen.

Wang canming has been to Yinjia village, but Baiji and Mengji left at that time, so they never met Baiji and Mengji at all. Where are the two hiding people? Ji Xi can't help but wonder if the two will go out on business, and this Jono they stay at home?

Anyway, go to Yinjia village first. If there's something wrong with Yinjia village, he can definitely see it. If there's no problem, it's OK to go there.

Jono there found a time to call Yin Zhu, said their half demon's identity was seen through, the other didn't say much.

Yin Zhu said that the phone and the Internet are easy to use, but they all have the means to crack. Some important things can't be said above. It's a bad thing to worry about being intercepted. Qiao Nuo also gives Bai Kun a signal about this. Bai Kun knows what to do at that time.

Tengxiao doesn't say a word about these things. He can't play these things. He's telepathic. Let Jono play with Bai Kun. He just has to be obedient and responsible for fighting.

Bai Kun smiles when he hears about it at home, and then tells Yin Zhu that he should be careful and don't run around. People from Qingyun sect should come to visit them. No one knows whether they are from Guangming Zhengfa or secretly.

Yin Zhu nodded, indicating that he would be careful.

This Qingyun sect says it's the right way, but it's always secretly spying and monitoring them. But if they are evil people and don't directly attack them, it's really uncomfortable to be monitored like this. They are worried that their own affairs will affect Yin Zhu's parents. During this period of time, Yin Zhu has reduced his contact with Yin Zhu's parents. Fortunately, he said that something might happen before, so he called They don't go out much. Yin Ping probably understands what they think. Apart from occasionally sending messages to make sure they are safe, there are less phone calls and videos.

"Wind and rain are coming." Yin Zhu sighed, and then looked at the sky helplessly. The sky looked up to her too much.

"It's OK. We'll give you shelter." Bai Kun sits beside Yin Zhu and reaches for her hair.

"Well." Yin Zhu answers quietly, and the whole person nestles in Bai Kun's arms. No matter what the way ahead, at least she has a partner who can live and die together. It's enough to accompany her regardless of everything. No matter how heavy the storm is in the future, there's no need to be afraid.

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