Jono took Tengxiao to work outside. In the past two days, they also met several groups of monks. In fact, few people really make trouble. Before, there was no hope. Some people who have come to the end may make trouble. After all, they are desperate and crazy. Now, with hope, who can make trouble for normal people? It has long been said that the state has done nothing for them It's just that they don't want to do harm to ordinary people. In a word, the state has been tolerant enough to them, except for some lunatics. In any case, Jono and they haven't been involved in any trouble in this period of time.

Jono has known several friends because of this, and then he can discuss with these people about their experience of practicing Taoism when he has nothing to do. These are very important to Jono. Now Jono's practice is based on instinct, and they don't have perfect skills. Originally, the skills in the orc world are a little different from those in this world.

They can continue to practice, but they can't say it, so Jono is slowly absorbing their knowledge. In order to worry about missing some key things, Jono also secretly recorded them, which can be taken back to Bai Kun for slow deliberation.

In these processes, Wang canming has been following Jono, and Jono has no opinion. Of course, it's mainly because Wang canming knows those people, and Wang canming introduces them to Jono. Otherwise, Jono, a nameless little man, will be ignored.

Jono doesn't know much about many key things. Wang canming knows this in his mind. The half demon is born with Demon power. That's why human beings don't accept half demon. The demon clan doesn't like the weakness of half demon. You know, the demon clan is born with strong physique, and sometimes others rely on it The big body can be compared with those who practice Taoism. Although semi demons can cultivate demonic power, they don't have the powerful physique of the demons. The demons dislike semi demons very much. Wang canming doubted their origin before. After all, they don't understand a lot of things about Taoism. At least they don't know much about what he says. Now they finally understand.

Wang canming doesn't have a bad heart for Jono. He is willing to introduce some friends to Jono. He even wants to teach Jono some basic things. Anyway, as long as it's not the secret of Qingyun sect, it can be taught by people all over the street.

Jono was very grateful for this. No matter what kind of purpose people held towards him, at least the knowledge was true, and there was no hidden mystery. Of course, these are basic knowledge, which can be asked by others. Knowledge is troublesome.

"I can tell you anything you want as long as I know." Wang canming was embarrassed to think that he wanted to watch each other. He wanted to make up for it.

"Thank you. We have been living in seclusion for a long time, and we are not familiar with the outside schools and the high school people. Can you tell us that we know what is easy to get along with is not easy to get along with, or those people have taboos, so as not to offend us carelessly?" In the past, Jono didn't dare to ask too much about many things. He was worried that he might reveal his secrets. Now there is no such thing. Anyway, Wang canming knows his biggest secret now.

"That's true." Wang canming is not like pouring bamboo tubes. Anyway, he says everything he can, such as which school is good at shooting, which school is good at shooting, and some people are villains. Although most of these people know about it, they don't know about it.

These news are really useful to Jono. Jono is more grateful at this time. "Thank you very much, canming. This is very useful to us. The reason why we chose a small mountain village like Yinjia village is that we were afraid of offending people outside. Moreover, you know that the people in Xiuzhen world don't like us. I really didn't expect that we could meet canming Good friend, I didn't tell you my identity at the beginning. I'm really sorry, and thank you for not abandoning me. " Jono said with emotion.

Wang canming felt more and more guilty when he saw this. In fact, Jono didn't dare to say his identity. He understood it. If he were him, he would not say it. It was just that Jono was so sincere to him, but he wanted to watch him. He felt very guilty and uneasy.

But the things that master told me had to be done. Besides, the hope of the cultivation world was extremely important. What he had to do.

"We have been off the road of cultivating the real world for tens of thousands of years. It's a pity that we can't study what happened tens of thousands of years ago. Anyway, there are still some strong people who can soar, and even the aura is less and less. If we know what happened before, it's easier for us to find a new way. Ah, when it comes to hope, everyone is very excited, but where is the hope, No one knows. " Jono's faint sigh.

"It's recorded in our family. It seems that it's because something has sealed the world. Then the world can't touch the outside world, so there is no aura. The more the aura is absorbed, the less no one can soar. But no one knows what is sealed, and no one knows where it is sealed The way, just mentioned so, so many years, our clan people have been looking for, but nothing can be found out, you think, this may not be reliable Wang canming thought for a moment and said what he knew, but it was the same as what he didn't say, because there was no basis.Jono nodded, this is a good door, such as a lot of outside don't know the news, people also know, outside but even this is not reliable news.

Wang canming also sighed at this time. Yes, there is hope. Who is not happy, but no one knows where the hope is. There is also hope. Whether someone has hope or everyone has hope, no one knows. It will be hard for him. Recently, because of this incident, people in the mountains have come out, and even many people's hearts are floating, such as In the past, it was easier to talk about striving for some resources. After all, there was no hope. We all took our time, but now it's not the same. There is hope. Who doesn't want to go all out to reach the height and then soar?

"Yes, we'll get used to it. When we find the hope, there will be more things to do." After that, Wang canming sighed. There are some good things about this big door, but there are also some bad things, that is, there are many people and contradictions.

"You said this hope has not been found. Some people in our family have started to make a lot of noise about these things. I'm afraid that if the so-called hope is miscalculated, those people will be even more desperate at that time." Wang Canming make complaints about Tucao.

When Jono heard this, he secretly laughed. Wang canming really didn't have any tricks, but such a person was good for them. Jono didn't have the heart to use Wang canming. He just inquired about some news and didn't do anything bad for him. It's not bad.

Besides, Wang canming is not pure to them. Just like that, don't say who.

"Because of these things, what kind of old monsters have come out. You should be careful of the people from the demon clan. They are familiar with the forest and the sea, so they went to check that area. There are few people in the secular world. For the time being, you can rest assured that the demon clan is not very friendly to half demons. You should be careful then." Wang can Ming gave a careful hint at this time, so that his friends would not be prepared at all. As for him, he would certainly help. After all, it is justice for the right people to get rid of demons.

Qiao Nuo nodded, Wang canming said, it seems that the demon clan is very bad to them. He thought that Wang canming had no opinion on him, so he didn't like to see him very much. Now he thought it would be worse, otherwise Wang canming would not propose to remind him.

"I know. I'll talk to Bai Kun and ask them not to come out in Yinjia village." Jono thought for a moment, that song Kui and Cao Lingyun are two little guys, they can't feel the problem of their identity, so they are very good to them, this other is not necessarily.

Of course, Cao Lingyun is probably the one who doesn't like demons the most. Songkui doesn't have to worry about it for the time being. A demon who is seriously injured and can't run is worried about others.

Demon clan, really want to meet for a while, Jono is a little eager to try, he also wants to know whether the demon clan's body is strong, or their Orc's body is strong, you know, orcs are already famous for their strong body.

However, Qiao Nuo didn't say this. It's estimated that Wang canming will stop it. There is also a half demon. I don't know if there is a half demon in the world. He really wants to see it.

"Because of these things, what kind of old monsters have come out. You should be careful of the people from the demon clan. They are familiar with the forest and the sea, so they went to check that area. There are few people in the secular world. For the time being, you can rest assured that the demon clan is not very friendly to half demons. You should be careful then." Wang can Ming gave a careful hint at this time, so that his friends would not be prepared at all. As for him, he would certainly help. After all, it is justice for the right people to get rid of demons.

Qiao Nuo nodded, Wang canming said, it seems that the demon clan is very bad to them. He thought that Wang canming had no opinion on him, so he didn't like to see him very much. Now he thought it would be worse, otherwise Wang canming would not propose to remind him.

"I know. I'll talk to Bai Kun and ask them not to come out in Yinjia village." Jono thought for a moment, that song Kui and Cao Lingyun are two little guys, they can't feel the problem of their identity, so they are very good to them, this other is not necessarily.

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