Jono and Tengxiao are working outside to earn extra money and ask for some news. During this period, all kinds of news are flying all over the world, but there is no news really related to hope. Jono and Tengxiao have gone out for a good practice, and there are also troublemakers behind them, but they have all been suppressed by Jono. Jono and Tengxiao are also right at this time I have a clear recognition of my strength.

Their strength is not high, at least many people are stronger than them, but their strength is higher than most of the people who practice Taoism. There are not many practitioners above the golden elixir Yuanying. If we draw a pyramid of strength in this world, Yuanying is the top small triangle. According to Wang canming, Yuanying is just a few, too There are many hidden masters, but there are not many. The number of gold elixirs is not much. The world is so big, so many of them are stronger than them. If they want to meet Jono, they have to rely on luck. The gold elixir, whose strength is equivalent to the peak of building foundation, will come down. There are a large number of weak foundation periods and Qi training below In other words, they are not weak here. No wonder Wang canming is so polite to him.

With Tengxiao, Qiao Nuo has been outside contact for more than two months. Then he is quite sure that the people outside really don't count them. Although Wang canming's school has been monitoring them, they haven't found anything for such a long time. Now they are gradually relaxed. However, they think that Qiao Nuo and Wang canming may be able to count by pinching their fingers like tianjizi People, calculated to have this opportunity, so they came out, so they didn't care too much.

In the past two months, Jono met some friends, but they were basically lower than him. The demon clan also met him. However, there were many of them at that time. Even though the demon clan thought their breath was similar to that of the demon, they didn't care about it. But the most regrettable thing is that Jono had never met a half demon in the past half a month, or even a half demon I haven't heard of Banshee.

This is the most puzzling place for Jono. According to Wang canming, all the monks in the world should come out. This Banshee should also come out and walk. How come there is no news? It's too tightly hidden. But it's not hard to find Jono. There's always a chance.

To make sure that his family is safe for the time being, Jono doesn't plan to continue working outside. He has been out for two months. He misses Yin Zhu very much. Yin Zhu's previous crops will be harvested, and winter is coming. Their animals will hibernate in winter. Although they are orcs, they won't hibernate completely But winter still has some effects on them. For example, they are lazy, sleepy and do not want to move. Their strength will be slightly reduced.

Originally, they planned to travel after the harvest, and then go to spend the new year with Yin Ping. Now, Yin Zhu has no good intention. They are worried about causing trouble to the old people. Yin Ping and Huang Xiaoling know that there is something wrong with their daughter's identity. Since her daughter doesn't want to come, she has something to do. They won't force her for Yin Zhu's safety Yes.

Qiao Nuo and Wang canming said that they had been working on the task for more than two months, and they wanted to have a rest. Wang canming didn't feel reluctant either. Originally, people who practiced Taoism didn't like being reluctant. They said that this task was not something that Qiao Nuo couldn't do. The reward given by the state was not bad, and there wasn't much danger. Many people were willing to do it.

However, after working as a character for two months in a row, he was a little tired, so he said to rest with him. Of course, the most important thing for Wang canming was that his master told him to watch Jono and his party.

Qiao Nuo looks at Wang canming, who follows him every day. It's not easy for him. If he likes to follow, just follow him. He thinks about Yin Zhu. If Wang canming likes to watch, just watch, as long as he doesn't feel lonely.

Wang can Ming doesn't know what Qiao Nuo thinks in his heart. If he knows, he will go out and find a girlfriend immediately, so that he won't be looked down upon by Wang can Ming.

The three returned to Yinjia village happily. When Bai Kun saw Wang canming following him like a little tail, he couldn't help but smile. Then he looked up and welcomed Wang canming into the village with great joy. "Canming, you're here. It's great. We're just ready to hibernate. We didn't have to worry about safety before, but now we're here Just come and we won't have to worry about safety. "

When Wang canming saw Bai Kun's enthusiasm, he felt a little embarrassed. After all, he didn't really come to see his friends. What Bai Kun said stunned Wang canming. At this time, he suddenly remembered that they were half demons. They inherited the power of the demons. If the demons were animals, they would hibernate. So Jono probably inherited the habit of animals hibernating It's customary for the demon clan to hibernate in their old nest, which is unknown to anyone. Only in this way can they be safe enough. Who has ever seen someone hibernating outside? Now it's such a mess outside. Wang canming says that he is weak and can't protect Bai Kun.

It's just that people believe him so much and say that he will guard them. He can't say that he doesn't want to guard them.

Wang can Ming is in a dilemma at this time."You want to hibernate, I forgot, but I'm afraid I can't protect you under my strength." Wang can Ming said with some headache.

When Jono heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Bai Kun is just playing with you. We don't hibernate. We have people's blood in the end. But when winter comes, we will be lazy. Basically, we don't like to move. We love to sleep late. We won't sleep to death or wake up. You can rest assured about that."

When Wang canming heard this, he was relieved. It was almost the same. Otherwise, all the people in this room would sleep to death. He couldn't walk here alone, but he didn't even have anyone to talk to. He couldn't be depressed to death. But hibernation, do all the people in this room want to hibernate? In other words, their blood is related to animals?

"In fact, hibernation is very good. I don't want to get up and sleep in winter. Unfortunately, I can't even hibernate. My master can't see that I'm lazy. The more winter I was when I was a child, the more I threw me out. I said to exercise, and I won't be afraid of cold in the future." Wang can Ming said with a smile about his childhood.

"Hibernation, in fact, for animals, the reason why they hibernate in winter is that it's hard to find food in winter." The same is true in the orc world. In the orc world, winter is very long, and there is no food. In winter, unless necessary, most orcs are immobile. They can sleep more, reduce consumption as much as possible, and then eat less.

"That's right, that's right, but we are human beings with wisdom. We are not bad for food in winter now." Wang said with a smile.

Jono smiles and nods. It's true. However, the development of the world is really good. The food is diversified and rich. It's much better than the orc world. If the people in the world are willing to contact the people in the orc world, it's estimated that most people are willing to come. However, in two different worlds, the rules will go wrong and there will be chaos.

"By the way, what half demons are you, I am, just a little curious." Wang canming is really curious about this question, and has no other meaning.

Now that the half demons have all spoken out, there is nothing that can't be said about blood, so Bai Kun points to himself and says, "fox." Then Jono and his party pointed out one by one.

Wang can Ming nodded his head. Bai Kun is not a fox. He is very beautiful. But are other animals so beautiful? He has seen other demons, some people's appearance is really hard to say, but half demon, that is to say, one of the parents is human, a monster can tempt human, think of the appearance is not bad, if it is really ugly, human are scared to death, how can we be together, so think about it, Jono group of people's appearance will understand.

Looking at Wang canming, first frowning, then smiling clearly, Bai Kun didn't know what the brain had done.

But it's all half demons of animal type. I think it's the ancestors. I don't know who their ancestors are. I don't know if there's such a force recorded in the clan. If I can find out where they came from, or I know where Jono came from.

"By the way, do you plan to stay here for a rest, or do you plan to stay here for a long time?" Bai Kun couldn't help asking.

Wang canming wants to live permanently. After all, the master has a request, but he is a family. It's reasonable for him to come here for a small stay. I'm afraid it's not reasonable for him to live permanently. At that time, people will think that he has no eyes, and most importantly, they will suspect that he has a purpose.

"In fact, I want to ask you a lot about cultivation, such as some skills, which I just know, and there is a gap between them and our cultivation, so I want to ask. Would you like to stay here a little longer and let's discuss?" Bai Kun sees Wang canming's Dilemma and says it simply.

Bai Kun has been studying the world's cultivation methods for a long time. According to Bai Kun's idea, all things will become laws in the end, and they are all similar. It's just one person's research without reference. There is something missing in the end. Wang canming has just come here. Since Wang canming is embarrassed, he should make good use of his embarrassment He's not worth it, is he.

"Really, but I don't know much. Don't be too disappointed." Wang said with a smile.

Bai Kun nods with a smile. He doesn't need people to know too much. After all, they don't know anything now. What they need most is something simple at the beginning. Wang canming is just right.

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