"I think the Qingyun sect is following us. We haven't been given a moment's rest. They just put Wang canming on our side." Yin Zhu sighs that it's inconvenient to have an outsider at home.

Although Wang canming also knows the relationship between them, after all, Yin Zhu didn't hide it when he went out before, but in front of outsiders, Yin Zhu is still shameful. Besides, an outsider suddenly came to his home, which is uncomfortable. Yin Zhu really doesn't welcome Wang canming. If he is a simple guest, it's OK. Wang canming has a purpose. Who likes that.

After hearing this, Qiao Nuo hugged Yin Zhu and said, "don't worry. Besides, we also need Wang canming's news, so we can use each other. If others are here, we can get the news we want all the time."

"I just don't like many strangers at home. I feel very uncomfortable and it's not convenient to do anything. If there are no outsiders, we can do anything we want." Yin Zhu understood what Jono had done. It was one thing to understand, but another to feel.

"Well, what's the matter? Wang canming doesn't have any bad ideas. He's OK with us. It's not good if another person with bad ideas comes, so you can bear it." Qiao Nuo can't help kissing Yin Zhu on the cheek when he sees her wronged.

If it's OK, no one would like to have an outsider in his own home. He would like to live in their own family. If it bothers him and Yin Zhu who love each other, just go as far as you can, OK?

Unfortunately, they can't. They don't know much about the world. In the secular world, Yin Zhu and his parents all know about it. But in the Xiuzhen world, it's black. Can people not care?

Wang canming is the one they contact most and is relatively friendly to them, so this person must be grasped.

"Well, I'm also very ambivalent. I hope they can find out the hope quickly, and then prove that this matter has nothing to do with us. Then I can live my own life in peace, but I'm worried that we will be found, and then we will never have peace of mind. I feel that the way of heaven is full of malice to me." Yin Zhu said angrily.

When Jono heard this, he touched Yin Zhu's hair with a smile. "No, I think the world is still full of kindness to you. After all, not everyone has the chance of rebirth. After all, rebirth is against the heaven. God must ask you to do things for him. Otherwise, how can you be reborn? No matter how difficult things are, we have to believe that we will get through them, even if it is difficult It's a fatal robbery. You have to believe that there is still a chance. After all, there will always be a chance. It depends on whether we can seize it, so don't worry too much. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, he laughed, "you will comfort me. It's good in your eyes."

Jono nodded at this. "Isn't that a good thing, of course? If you think about it, you will go to Daze tribe. Because of your arrival, daze tribe has learned how to cook soup, Xue Hui's planting, and even all kinds of cultures. At least you don't have to starve to death. The orc world behind is also completely changed because of you. The orcs are liberated, and the dreamers are also redeemed. Everything is life. Is that a good thing? Without you, the orc world can only go to destruction, you say, these are not good? All the people in the orc world appreciate you. I think even if you leave the orc world, you can still feel the gratitude of the orc world. If you are really in danger, I don't think the way of heaven in the orc world will watch you have an accident. After all, sending you back is not for you to die. "

"That's a good thing in your opinion?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"I don't know. It should be mixed. There are no absolute good things in this world. For example, if you are successful in the calculation of Baiji in the orc world, you may become a helper to destroy the world, so it's hard to say these things." Jono said with a smile.

"You're good at deceiving people, but you're deceiving me. You haven't said anything yet." Yin Zhu gives Jono a white look.

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this. "OK, OK, I'm afraid. Aren't you worried? You just like to copy your heart. You think a lot about everything. It's OK. You have us. You have to believe that your partners are heroes of the world and will protect you. "

When Yin Zhu heard Qiao Nuo boast, he couldn't help laughing, "I believe you. I just don't want you to be too tired. If this heaven way makes us do things, it won't benefit us. I will never do it. I have already retired to enjoy my happiness. As a result, I'm working again. I'm not afraid to kill myself."

If you know the way of heaven at this time, you will surely answer, haven't the benefits been given? Otherwise, how can Bai Kun's cultivation speed be so fast? They are all like flying. What kind of benefits do they want? Strength is the most powerful and practical, isn't it? No one else has such a chance.

"That's because you are good at Yin Zhu. That's why you were chosen." Jono said with a smile.

In fact, why do these two worlds choose people like Yin Zhu? There are some ideas in Qiao Nuo's heart. Yin Zhu has a bottom line, principles, compassion for people in the world, and reverence for life. This is the most important thing. If Dangdang is a powerful or intelligent person, there are many people like him. If Dangdang is selfish, then he can break everything, of course There are people like Yin Zhu, but it just happens that when Yin Zhu's accident happens, the way of heaven in the orc world takes people away.As for things in this world, maybe it's the world's way of heaven's temporary intention. For example, seeing Yin Zhu doing well in the orc world, he plans to teach himself how to use it?

"I want to be an ordinary person. You know, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I didn't quite understand the meaning of this before, but now I understand it more and more. After understanding it, I'm worried that I can't bear the responsibility." Yin Zhu sighed.

"It's OK, Yin Zhu. Your temperament is just like your name. Bamboo is full of tenacity and infinite possibilities." Jono said happily.

Yin Zhu was very happy to hear Jono's praise, "your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. After going out for a circle, you will praise me more and more."

"Yin Zhu likes it, so I'll say more?" Jono said happily.

"I'll come, I'll come. I'm good at sweet talk." At this time, Xiaojin excitedly came out and hugged Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, Kim." Yin Zhu smiles and hugs Xiao Jin.

Jono was grinding his teeth in his heart and communicating with Xiaojin, "Xiaojin, can you come out easily? Will you respect me? I haven't finished talking to Yin Zhu. I promised you to talk to Yin Zhu in the evening. What else do you want? " Want to know at the beginning to do a task for two months, Xiao Jin is not willing to go, or Jono coax for a long time.

At this time, Xiao Jin replied unhappily, "Jono, you also said that it would be mine at night. After dinner, it's been dark for a long time. You're still talking nonsense there. I'm impatient. Besides, what if you tell Yin Zhu about daybreak? You're wasting your chance. " Little gold said angrily, and Jono still wasted his time.

Jono is sorry to hear this. It's just that I haven't seen Yin Zhu for a long time. When I miss him, there are so many words. Isn't that normal?

Xiao Jin hummed coldly at this time, "Jono, you can have a good rest, go out to work for two months in a row, and you are tired. I will take good care of you if you are Yin Zhu."

Yin Zhu saw that Jono suddenly changed Xiaojin to come out, and then looked at this guy and didn't speak, he knew that the two probably had a quarrel in his heart. Seeing that the human eyes in front of him moved flexibly, Yin Zhu knew that this was Xiaojin, and this was Xiaojin winning?

In fact, Jono is very accommodating to Xiaojin, probably because at the beginning, Xiaojin did not hesitate to sacrifice himself to help Jono. Jono can be said to treat Xiaojin as his younger brother. Many times, Xiaojin rushed out to grab the position, but Jono didn't say anything.

"Kim." Yin Zhu looks at him with a smile.

Xiaojin nods happily. He likes Yinzhu, because only Yinzhu can tell the difference between him and Jono at a glance. The others often have to wait for him to speak before they know who it is, so he likes Yinzhu best.

"Yin Zhu, Jono talks a lot. I'm going to miss you so much. In two months, Jono went out. I didn't even see you." Xiao Jin said that he was wronged.

Yin Zhu laughs when he hears this. Xiaojin is so strange that he has never suffered a loss in front of Jono. "You, Jono is good enough for you. Next time, you have to let Jono finish what he says."

"Yin Zhu, I just miss you." Xiaojin is very clear that as long as he is coquettish, Yinzhu will be soft, absolutely reluctant to blame him.

Yin Zhu really can't blame him. Xiaojin is a little bit more of a child's heart, and he doesn't have a bad heart. Besides, Jono is willing to spoil her. It's all her friends. Since they can negotiate, Yin Zhu naturally won't have any opinions.

On the other hand, Wang can Ming is a bit bored lying on the bed. Now he is very bored. The Yin Zhu family is very happy, and he can't get in. Let alone if they hibernate, the whole family is sleeping together. He just wants to watch them, so he can't sleep together.

He wants to find out the secret of Jono's family quickly, but it's a pity that he hasn't found out until now. Moreover, Jono's half demon identity doesn't matter. As long as people are good, he will. But the demons are willing to let go. There are also people who don't like the existence of half demons. If they know Jono's identity, they are afraid of making trouble, so he'll go first Look at it. For the moment, the half demon is Jono and his family.

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