Bai Kun is really curious about the word hope. He can't help but ask Wang canming carefully. Those people are so crazy, but they don't even know what hope is, but they try their best to find it. It's said that many Jedi have people to go. Bai Kun is very curious. Why do you believe what tianjizi says so much? It can't be right Did Fang cheat people?

At this time, Wang canming said the existence of Tianji gate again, even Tianji gate has never been involved in the affairs of Xiuzhen world. They only come out to say a few words on the right and wrong of Xiuzhen world. Moreover, Tianji gate is inherited from ancient times, and their cultivation purpose is to protect the whole Xiuzhen world. It can be said that no one will doubt Tianji Zi's words.

You should know that so many people of Tianji sect are basically sacrificed in the divination of the major events in Xiuzhen world. They can be said to be heroes of Xiuzhen world. No one will doubt them. Besides, tianjizi can't lie with the honor of all Tianji sect members, so it's impossible.

Bai Kun thinks it's incredible that there is such a clan. It's not for profit. It's only for name. What's the use of name? Is it worthwhile to fill in life for name? Anyway, he felt that everything was less important than life. If life was gone, what else would he do?

"This is the way of tianjimen's cultivation. The more important things happen in the world, the more they become Tao. When they guide the right way to success for the world, then when they die, they become Tao. When they die, they gain merits and virtues and become God directly. What's death? Tianjimen people want to have something happen and use their martial arts If it's a time of peace, it's a bad time for them. " Wang said with a smile.

Bai Kun nodded. It's almost the same. Otherwise, it's no good at all. Who would have spared his life to help.

However, the way of Tianji gate is a little interesting. Of course, their way of cultivation is more interesting. Bai Kun is thinking about whether he wants to encourage his old man and his wife to go to Tianji gate and get the skills of Tianji gate. You should know that the direction of the old man's cultivation depends on his intelligence to calculate the world, and the calculation arrangement is similar, which is different from Tianji gate But there are some similarities. I believe the old man will be interested in telling him about it.

At this time, Bai Kun asked Wang canming curiously, "this day the machine can predict the world, so his strength must be very strong?"

Although he is strong enough to watch his old man's bustle, Bai Kun still has a conscience. He first asks about the strength of this day's machine, and then he wants to encourage the old man and his wife to go to tianjimen.

"He was in his infancy, but he mainly relied on divination. His fighting power was not strong. All the people in the middle of the golden elixir could beat him. Of course, if they could find him, his divination ability was unparalleled in the world. Therefore, when someone was malicious to him, he arrived ahead of time and avoided him directly. Maybe he could counter calculate the other side." Wang said with a smile.

"Anything?" That would not be fun. Bai Kun was disappointed.

"Of course, not all of them can be calculated. After all, if that's true, there will be no secret for him in this world. Besides, if you want to count someone who has nothing to do with you, you need media, such as the clothes that the person wears, the things that he used or the hair. If his strength is higher than that of him, you can't count them. That's it." This Bai Kun is not worried that their family's secret will be calculated.

In fact, generally speaking, tianjizi doesn't count someone's business. After all, every time you count, you have to pay the price of your life. Otherwise, other people's secrets are so beautiful? There is no price. If you want to calculate, the world will not be in chaos. Unless there is something very important or some friends ask, otherwise tianjizi will not calculate. He is more about the way out of the world, his own business and his own future.

Bai Kun nodded. It seems that they should be careful in the future. Even if the clothes they wear are broken, they can't throw them around. If they want to throw them away, they must destroy them thoroughly. They should be careful with all kinds of strange ways of cultivating Taoism.

"You said there was hope. When the news came out, all the people were excited. If they couldn't find it, would they despair?" Bai Kun asked curiously.

Wang Chan Ming shook his head and said, "no, since tianjizi said that hope has already appeared, it will certainly appear. This is a major event in Xiuzhen world. Even if we can't find it now, it means that the time has not yet come. There will always be a time. Don't worry. You don't think it will be a long time in two months. There are dozens of Xiuzhen people It's nothing more than a finger flick. I hope it's nothing as long as it appears in a hundred years. "

Bai Kun can't help but be convinced that they have not lived for a hundred years. In the orc world, because of the short life of the animal elixir and the orcs, they almost died in their 50s. Now they are much better, but they are only in their 100s. The long-lived one hundred and twenty-three will have a long life, but it's not a problem here.

But now that they have come to this world, their strength has been improved and their accomplishments have been gradually improved. How long should their life span be now? In the past, Bai Kun didn't have the idea to live a long life. In the past, he was burdened with a lot of things. His only idea was how to complete the task perfectly without hurting anyone. Now he is thinking that longevity is good, especially when he has a partner around him. A person's longevity is boring and lonely. It's perfect if we all work together."That is to say, as long as there is no hope, it will be lively for a hundred years outside?" Bai Kun asked with a smile.

Wang can Ming nodded. If he didn't find it, I'm afraid it won't stop outside. It's going to be a headache for the country. After all, I'm afraid I can't afford to ask them to maintain it for a long time. At that time, I'm afraid they will unite and arrange tasks.

Well, if they have a hundred years to prepare for it, they won't worry. Bai Kun says that he can almost break through Yuanying without a hundred years. Who dares to find fault at that time?

However, a little headache is that if Wang canming has to live in his own house for a hundred years, Bai Kun will swear. How can they play with Yin Zhu and practice happily with such a person? Besides the value of Wang canming, he estimated that it would not take a few months for him to dig it up. What will the worthless money do here?

It's not embarrassing for Bai Kun to throw it when he's finished. He often does it.

"You said if we want to go to Qingyun sect, will we be left behind in your sect?" Bai Kun suddenly asked.

Wang canming was stunned when he heard this. Then he said with a guilty heart, "our sect is the right way. How can we imprison you? Don't ruin our sect's reputation." Even if most of them look down on Banyao, they won't do anything to them. However, Wang can Ming can't guarantee the individual. But if someone attacked Jono at that time for no reason, he would certainly help.

"It's said that Zhengdao's favorite is to dig the inner elixir and meat of the demon clan. After all, these are excellent cultivation resources. Will we be slaughtered and eat meat when we go?" Bai Kun looks at Wang can Ming embarrassed appearance, eyes blinked, can't help but say again.

Wang can Ming heard this almost did not jump up, "we do not eat human flesh, even if half demon, you also belong to people, will not eat." As for the meat of the demon clan, it's not fair to eat it secretly. The demon clan and the people in the world of cultivation are opposite. But when the demon clan has a mind and can become a person, basically no one will eat it. First, the other party has a mind and is not comfortable eating it. Second, the demon clan is not easy to cultivate into a strong person and respects the strong They won't do that. Moreover, the powerful demon clan won't allow them to do so. This defeat was accepted by the killers. But if they eat their bodies clean, the demon clan and the Xiuzhen world will have a big mess. Of course, if one day they secretly make an anonymous demon clan, and no one knows that they are secretly eating, it's OK.

"Is the meat of the demon clan delicious?" Bai Kun turns to another topic.

"Delicious." Wang replied quickly.

Then Wang can Ming saw that Bai Kun was half a meter away from him, and looked at him with a very complicated look. At this time, Wang can Ming couldn't help crying and looked at Bai Kun without tears. "I, I just had a bite. My master came from the headmaster's uncle. I just had a taste. I didn't know it at that time. I didn't know it until I finished eating it. Really, I didn't cheat you." Wang canming almost raised his hand to swear his innocence.

Bai Kun wanted to go to Qingyun sect after he passed Ming Road. By the way, he could let the masters of Qingyun sect have a look at them. They were normal. He gave up their idea. Others took the initiative to send them to the door to show them. They would let them go after seeing them. But now he found that they still didn't want to go. Wang can Ming couldn't guarantee their personal safety Go to a place like that.

It's better to wait ten years for him to become a great master and then fight Qingyun sect. That's the only way to achieve prestige. Isn't it that way?

"I can't believe you. You've eaten demons. Now I'm worried if you're in a hurry, will you give me a breath?" Bai Kun said.

When Wang canming heard this, he really cried, "I'm wrong, I'm really wrong. I can't say this casually. The demon clan knows that I will die miserably. I'm weak. I can't hear these fright." Wang can Ming is so delicate that he seems to be blown away by the wind. If those big demons know, he will really die, he will die.

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