Several people looked at each other, and then looked at Wang canming sitting on one side. You know, at the beginning, you will know Jono, which is also introduced by Wang canming. At the beginning, you get along well with Wang canming, and Jono's personality is really OK, so you can play together.

I came here to have fun, and I met more friends by the way. After all, Jono's family are all monks, but I never thought it would involve Jono's secret life experience. They didn't want to know these secrets, and they always thought it was not a good thing.

Changshan of baicaomen looks at Wang canming at this time. What's the matter?

The sect of baicaomen is mainly alchemy. Their disciples are all named after medicinal materials, and Changshan is one of them.

Wang can Ming also looks at Qiao Nuo foolishly at this time. He can understand the meaning of Qiao Nuo's words, but he really doesn't know that Qiao Nuo wants to tell his life experience. Before he said that he thought Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun were very tactful. He couldn't find any loopholes in what he said, and he couldn't catch anything useful. Qiao Nuo wanted to make friends sincerely You, you should say such an important thing. Isn't Jono a fool?

Chen Lin of Wuji sword sect didn't think much about it. He simply said, "since Qiao Nuo is sincere, you can say that no matter what your identity is, I will accept you." All the people in this sword sect are sincere. In order to win their trust and be their good friends, they are even willing to tell the secret mystery of their life experience. Chen Lin said that no matter what the other party's identity, he would accept this friend.

Wang can Ming can't help but cover his eyes at this time. Chen Lin has a straight heart. I don't know if Chen Lin will regret it after Qiao Nuo has finished his death.

The last one is sun pang of fuguifang. His original name is sun Pang, but he didn't know it. So no one named him. We all remember the nickname of "fat man". Although sun Pang is called "fat man", he is not fat, and relatively he is very slim. As for fuguifang, it doesn't look like the immortal world of Xiuzhen, It is said that Fugui Fang was only engaged in business in the first place. Then the owner of his family got lucky one day and liked business very much. So he went into the cultivation world and took his family to practice. He made more money in business and had more interests. Later, he took in people to look for Dharma protectors and adopted some gifted children. Gradually, he became a family The nature of the Xiuzhen sect is that there are not many others in this rich and noble place, and there is a lot of money.

Maybe he is a business man. He always laughs at people and doesn't speak very loud. Although it seems to be soft, he is very good at speaking, but he is very slippery. The reason why he chose these three is that Jono has carefully considered them.

Chen Lin is one of the best friends he can make. Baicaomen and fuguifang are the two schools that make friends all over the world. Even if they are friends, they won't talk about it, but they will definitely sue zongmen. Later, they will be explored or spread out, but they won't spread all over the world. What's more, these two people are not the same There are many sources of information. When he tells his secret, he will be embarrassed. Then he will be able to find a way to ask for something from the other side.

Jono said that at that time, they can stay in Yinjia village. They don't have to contact too many people, and they won't be discovered any secrets. However, the energy source keeps getting the information they want. This is very good.

In fact, at the beginning, Changshan wanted to say that since it's a secret, they don't know each other's background when they make friends. But Chen Lin, who has no brain, let people say it very simply. I don't know if there is a saying like this? Curiosity Kills the cat, too many secrets kill the cat.

But Chen Lin has said it, but it's hard for him to say no.

Sun pangzi is very angry at this time. What kind of secret is it? It's no fun if it's just someone who has an illegitimate child. However, with Jono's prudence, sun pangzi thinks that he should be surprised this time.

"I'm half demon, our family is half demon." Jono said very seriously, and then looked nervously at several people present.

Wang can Ming turned his head and looked at other stunned faces. He could not help but cover his head powerlessly. When master Ji Xi told him this, he was also dull, half demon. The legendary existence did not expect to appear in front of them.

In the past, half demons had to be killed by people. In the back, demons were absolutely not allowed to be with people. It can be said that no half demons were born. As a result, several half demons were found in the family.

Changshan took a long time to respond. Changshan swallowed his saliva and turned his head to look at sun pangzi on one side. Looking at sun pangzi's silly eyes, Changshan said that what surprised sun pangzi was a big thing.

Chen Lin also reflected at this time that this Banyao is really a trouble, but he has said everything. Besides, Jono, as far as they are concerned, they have three correct views, and they are not evil. It's not bad for such people to be friends. Don't you think that friends should not look at their identity? As long as the other party does not betray themselves, then that is the best friend. Chen Lin said impolitely at this time, "Jono, no matter what your identity is, as long as you don't hurt nature and reason, but if you hurt and betray me, you will be my friend all your life. If you don't abandon me first, I will never give up your friend."Hearing Chen Lin's serious statement, Qiao Nuo couldn't help being serious. "Me too." Jono can't make fun of such a good person.

Changshan wants to say that he doesn't want any half demon friends. After all, it's troublesome, especially in baicaomen. They don't use less demon pills to make pills. Anyway, they don't offend the demon clan. If you say that Jono is a half demon, it doesn't have anything to do with the demon, but half demon also cultivates Demon power. Looking at Jono's two eyes and hoping to look at himself, Changshan feels that if you say you don't recognize this friend It's not that it gives people a false feeling. In addition to the contrast between Chen Lin and Zhu Yu, Changshan can only gnash his teeth and say, "of course, I'm your friend."

Changshan feels very sad. It's a big secret to know a half demon family. As a loyal disciple, he always reports this matter to his family. What's the matter? You say it's good for Jono to hide his identity. Why should he tell these things? He doesn't want to know. He just wants to make friends with Jono without burden. Why should he let him know He's under pressure?

Sun pangzi is also entangled with Changshan at this time. He thinks that Jono is a bit tricky.

However, after everything is said, what can we do? It's better to get some useful information. As for what to do after the information is found out, he thinks again that he doesn't care much about half demon or demon. Fuguifang has made friends all over the world and wants to do business. No one can offend. It's hard to hear that fuguifang is a wall grass.

"Jono, just tell us something about it. You can't go out and say it casually. The world is not very friendly to banshees. You must be born because you know something about hope, right? Your strength is OK, and this small mountain village is remote. As long as you are careful, you should be fine. " At this time, Chen Lin has begun to worry about Jono's safety, which is also true to regard Jono as a friend.

"I know. Wang canming told me about this before. Don't worry about it. The reason why we dare to come out is certain. We will never come out to die." Qiao Nuo explained with a smile, but Chen Lin's sincere appearance made Qiao Nuo have some sincerity to Chen Lin.

"That's good." Sun chubby said with a smile, he is really afraid of Jono, they are not ready for anything, so out, when they are to help or not?

Changshan also nodded. Fortunately, he didn't come to seek help. In that case, Jono's frankness seemed deliberate.

"Well, hope is existence, but no one knows what it is. If we don't know, we have already made a mess of the world. If this hope really appears, we don't know what kind of change it will cause, or whether it is good or bad." Changshan sighed, saying that every time the machine was born, there was a big event, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Jono then said with a smile: "let's not think too much, just want to see, really have a tall top, don't let us copy the heart."

Wang can Ming nodded helplessly at this time, "yes, it's really not their turn to have anything happen, there are more powerful people in front, no matter it's a chance or a disaster, it's not their turn."

Then Jono accepted the rest of his family to Changshan people, and they all said hello to the three people with a smile. Changshan people also looked at Yinzhu seriously at this time. This is the first time they saw Banyao. They thought Banyao would have the characteristics of demon family, but they didn't expect that Banyao was still a human image. It was estimated that only when fighting It will be half demonized later.

At this time, Wang canming thought that when he went to work with Bai Kun before, Bai Kun waved his hand. This guy didn't try out any strength, including Qiao Nuo Tengxiao's going out to work. These two guys also relied on their own bodies from the beginning to the end, and they didn't show their strength at all. I think the strength of these guys is even stronger than what they thought Big.

After comparing his strength with those of Jono, Wang canming thinks that he is useless. If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Jono's strength can be compared with that of Jindan's people. These people's body is estimated to be similar to that of the demon clan.

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