Changshan and sun pangzi are very close to Jono, but after they leave yinjiacun, their expressions are hard to say. Of course, they are more speechless to Jono. How can you trust others so easily? People like you will die quickly.

To cultivate the truth is to go against the heaven. Even the right people dare not say that they are pure and flawless. Most of us are fighting for the sake of cultivating resources and interests. We have to talk about the birth of a half demon.

Although Chen Lin says that he has recognized Jono as a friend, and he won't talk about these things himself, it doesn't mean that he is a fool. He can't see Changshan's and sun pangzi's thoughts clearly. It can be said that there is no fool in the world of Xiuzhen. It's just that Chen Lin is a straight man. All his intrigues are dust in front of absolute strength. What he pursues is strength.

"Chen Lin, we didn't want to do anything to Jono. We just told our teachers that as long as they didn't do anything bad, they wouldn't do anything to them." Changshan was very embarrassed to explain, saying that they told Jono's secret to the elders of the school, but it was a bit morally wrong.

Sun pangzi also explained at this time, "that is, maybe they can protect them when they are in danger."

Chen Lin tilted his head and looked at the two of them. However, although these two guys were careful, it is estimated that the two clans would investigate Jono. However, as these two guys said, even if the two clans were careful, the general direction is OK. As long as Jono doesn't have what they seek or hinder them, they will be happy I won't fight Jono. At least I'm not the one who has no bottom line.

"It's up to you, but just tell your elders. There's no need to spread it around." Chen Lin thought for a moment and said.

Changshan and sun pangzi nodded in a hurry, of course, but they only told their elders, but they would tell how many people they could not control.

After the separation of the three people, the fat man called his grandfather at the first time. At first, his grandfather was just a little puzzled, but he didn't expect that even the Banyao came out. When he knew that Wang canming of Qingyun sect had been living with Jono, he couldn't help suspecting that he knew Wang canming of Qingyun sect, which was so strange outside How can Wang canming mix with several half demons for a long time? Half demons are not welcome after all. Does Wang canming do that represent that these half demons have something good to plot or something else?

Thinking of this, sun pangzi's grandfather said in a hurry that he would let Sun pangzi have nothing to do with Wang canming. He would ask people to find out the news of these half demons.

On the other side, Changshan also got similar news. After all, those people are not stupid. Some people have even gone to Qingyun zonggaomen to inquire about the news.

Of course, baicaomen and fuguifang also went to check the news at this time. It is said that the Banyao had been killed completely in ancient times. Of course, no one can guarantee that there will be any fish who will miss the net. After all, if the demons and the Terrans really love each other, they will naturally love their children, and they will certainly arrange for their own children. And Jono will probably survive that way Yes.

After seeing off Changshan, Wang canming couldn't help sighing, "Jono, you are too sincere. In fact, you don't have to tell us these things. After all, it's about your life. If you have a meeting, you can know your nature. The most important thing to be a friend is to get along well with your personality and not care about your family background."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he spat on Wang canming's face. Is it still rare for him to say that he is a good match? You see, some of the rich and powerful parties are poor people from rural areas. This is not true.

Wang canming probably also knew that he had said something inappropriate. He couldn't help saying to himself, "at least I never look at each other's background when I make friends."

"You don't forget to remind me at this time, which means that you are my good friend and you are sincere to me. I feel guilty if I don't tell you." Qiao Nuo sincerely grabs Wang canming's hand and says.

Yin Zhu feels that since he came to this world, his friends seem to have opened the door to a new world, especially acting.

"You don't regret it." At this time, Wang canming felt very guilty and didn't know what to say.

"Be careful in the future. Don't say that to anyone else." Wang canming thinks that he is tired. This matter will surely spread. I don't know how many people will know. It's estimated that Yinjia village will not be calm at that time.

"Don't worry, it will be OK." Jono smiles and comforts.

Wang canming wanted to say at this time, brother, your strength is much higher than mine, but there are still strong hands in the strong. If you are too conceited, something will happen sooner or later.

After the guilty Wang canming is finally sent away, Jono is arranging their affairs at this time. Jono says that they must find a new foothold now. The first one is to send songkui and Cao Lingyun away. These two guys are still in the valley not far away. Wang canming can't see anything under his strength, but he doesn't know If their identities are publicized, there will be some experts who come here in the future. It's hard to know what they will see through. So it's better to get rid of the two little cute members of the demon clan. To be honest, if they know the so-called adults they follow, will they be half demons?But Jono thinks it's better not to talk about it, so that the two little girls won't go crazy.

There are also Baiji and Mengji, these two people can be said to be their hidden behind, temporarily let these two people don't come back.

Even if someone comes to inquire, they know that they still have two partners. As long as they don't see Baiji and Mengji, they can't guess their strength, but most of them think they are similar to them, so they can be caught off guard.

Another thing is that the people they have to face don't know if there will be people who are malicious to them. Their clan in Changshan should not be malicious to them. At least when they don't find something, they won't be malicious, but it's hard to say about other people.

With the contact of the baicaomen Qingyun sect and fuguifang, many people know that the Banyao is born. The baicaomen side also inquires why the people of Qingyun sect are monitoring the Banyao. It's because the Banyao seem to know that hope is coming, because they are born before tianjizi says it.

This half demon's news can be said to spread in the high level of Xiuzhen world. Everyone is interested in these half demon's sources.

The high-level of the cultivation world knows, and the demon clan naturally knows. If the cultivation world still maintains a neutral attitude towards the half demon, the demon clan is disgusted. The demon clan always feels that their blood is strong and can't be defiled by the blood of the Terran. In addition, they are naturally antagonistic to the Terran. The Terran cultivators kill demons, while the demon clan cannibalizes people Hatred, there is no way to repair the existence, you say half demon is the evidence of traitors on both sides, who likes this thing.

When the demon clan knew the news, they had sent someone out to prepare for a good meeting with Jono.

On the other side, Bai Ji and Meng Ji also receive the news from Bai Kun. When Bai Kun sees the news, he smiles and says that they won't go back. They are having a good time outside now, and they are ready to join the demon world at this time.

In fact, the orcs are closer to the demon clan. The orcs can be completely transformed into animals and then become human beings. This is no different from the demon clan who has been cultivated and refined. The only difference is that there are human elements in the orcs' body. Even if the demon clan changes into an adult, it is not human or demon at the end.

Baiji and Mengji want to play in the demon clan when they know that the demon clan exists, but Cao Lingyun said that it will be a long time. As a result, because of tianjizi's hope, the demon world was closed and opened. At this time, Baiji and Mengji are mixing with several little demons.

Baiji and Mengji are pretending to be Yuanying's big demons. They are fighting with several little demons. Baiji and Mengji's strength is the peak of Jindan in this world. They have absorbed a lot of Yuehua. In fact, they should break through the spiritual world. Anyway, they are very powerful. They say that they are Yuanying, and those little demons believe it, of course, the most important thing It's that they've become human.

At this time, Bai Ji and Meng Ji found out that the little demons of the demon clan can't change into human beings. They are actually the bodies of animals or plants. At most, they can conjure up a face on the body. They have intelligence to talk with you. That's it. Of course, they have relative strength, that's it.

When Bai Kun knew that these two guys wanted to go to the demon clan, he couldn't help telling them to be careful. He didn't say anything else. Bai Ji's intelligence is excellent. He calculated that if others don't, it's not sure who will win or lose. So he was very relieved to let Bai Ji go. Moreover, Bai Kun had a premonition that these two guys would have a great harvest when they went to the demon clan When individuals come back, they may be able to remove a lot of confusion and understand a lot of things.

Baiji saw that his son only told him to be careful and ask for more information. He couldn't help saying to Mengji: "our son is really born in vain. He knows how to work for Yinzhu. We don't care about our business at all. Instead, we ask Laozi to work very smoothly. Mengji, let's have another baby. It's better to be a soft little girl. I'd like to help you I like my daughter, my little cotton padded jacket. My son is a barbecue. "

make complaints about this, and make complaints about his son's Tucao.

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