When Mengji heard this, she couldn't help looking at Baiji, and then stretched out her hand to wring Baiji, "I want my daughter, but I can't stand it. You can't do it." Mengji said quietly.

Bai Ji's face turned black when he heard this. He could not help grinding his teeth. "Mengji, do you dislike me?"

"Come on, don't talk so much nonsense. We're going to have an adventure next. Take it easy for me. Don't let them see the joke at that time." Mengji stretched out her hand and twisted a white sacrifice.

Bai Ji nodded, "I know, I'm a hard-working laborer. I'll work right now."

"In other words, the price guy can make a lot of trouble." Bai Ji sighs. He wants to take Mengji to play around. As a result, Bai Kun and his friends make a lot of things.

When Mengji heard this, she could not help covering her mouth and smiling, "isn't this your tradition? You're good at it, too. "

Bai Ji's face turned black when he heard this. It seems that he has a lot of things to do.

"Let's go and see what kind of existence the demon clan is." With goblins leading the way, Baiji and Mengji soon entered the demon world. In fact, most of the demons in the demon family are small demons, and some of them eat the grass. Only a few of them are transformed by their own strength. Baiji and Mengji can say that the demon world is very popular. After all, Yuanying's demon family can also stand on its own in the demon world Wang's, the total number of Yuan babies of the whole demon clan can be counted by both hands. It can be said that the arrival of Bai Ji and his wife can be said that they dropped a bomb in the demon kingdom. Once two demon kings came down, the strength of the demon Kingdom increased greatly. As for why these two did not appear before, some people of the demon clan practiced all the time and didn't enter the demon kingdom until they were transformed. It's obvious that Bai Ji and Meng Ji were killed As this kind of existence.

Baiji absorbed Yuehua, and they fought with demons. In addition, Baiji's strength was high, and they also directly transformed into demons. It's proper to know that half demonization can't completely transform into demons. As for the orcs, the world doesn't exist at all. Who would think about this problem? So Baiji and Mengji soon made a mountain and became the demon king. By the way, they also accepted them He had a lot of younger brothers of the demon clan and lived a life of being waited on.

Bai Ji and Meng Ji sigh at this time, "in fact, we should leave early. With our strength, we can't farm. You say it's so comfortable waiting for people to wait."

Mengji knows that when she first came to this world, she was really wronged by Baiji. Baiji really didn't do the trivial things of farm work. He has always been a God in the sky and suddenly fell down to become an ordinary person. It's really hard, "now it's not urgent to enjoy it."

Baiji and Mengji start to wander in the demon world at this time. They want to find out about the demon family. After all, they want to have a good stroll. Baiji doesn't have the habit of condescending to others. In addition, baikun and Yinzhu are always troublemakers. What can parents do? They can only clean up the mess after them. If they want to clean up the mess of these people, they have to pay attention to it I can't do without strength.

The demon world is in a primeval forest. There should be a huge array here to separate the world from the ordinary world. The function of this array is two-way. One is to prevent the Terran from discovering their existence, and the other is to limit the demons under their power not to go out, so as not to go out and become the prey of the Terran.

At this time, Bai Ji also carefully looked at the various cultivation methods of the demon clan, and their daily life habits. Then Bai Ji found that these people are really similar to the orcs. They are all aggressive, and they have some of the habits of wild animals. Even if some of them have become human, their habits can't be changed for many years. There is also the race, which is very important People of one ethnic group always maintain and rely on each other. During this period, he saw several ethnic groups fighting together.

If there is a quarrel between the two sides, they will fight when they meet, and then no one will take care of it.

For this, Baiji and Mengji are very surprised. After all, there are not many demons. Compared with the human race, they are very rare. Shouldn't we cherish them and not allow them to do so? But nobody cares.

Later, someone explained to Bai Ji that the demon clan is a big family, but there are many different races in it, especially those that are still in the food chain. No one can control those who belong to the enemies of life and death. The one who is strong will win. As long as they rely on their own strength and do not rely on the conspiracy means of outsiders, no one will manage this matter. As for outsiders, they are the ones who are the enemies of life and death It's definitely not the demon clan, but the Terran. As long as it's not with the Terran to calculate each other, then no one will take care of it.

It's said that the demons are in chaos, but once they meet with the Terrans, they will be very united. This is a very contradictory family, but it's OK in general. At least Baiji can accept it.

Baiji and his strength are high enough. Naturally, there are little demon money to take refuge in. Baiji also adopts these rules for subordinates' affairs. He can fight openly and justly. No matter what the result, he won't be biased. But if he's behind the scenes, don't blame him for being impolite."What do you think of the demon clan? If we can, let's stay here for a long time and help them to watch the movements of the demon clan. Those people are not strong enough, and it's hard to get information. They can only go astray. For example, it's a mess to pass on the half demon's life experience. We are high-level people in the demon family. Even if we just come here, those people don't trust us, but they won't hide the information about the major events outside. " Bai Ji said with certainty.

Mengji nodded, "yes, and I think the title of demon king is suitable for me, domineering."

Bai Ji nodded. After the two men decided to stay in the demon clan, the nine demon kings of the demon clan were very happy. Although there were more yuan babies in the demon clan than human beings, they couldn't stand human magic weapons. There were more friars and ants, and they could kill elephants. Let alone the hope of the real world now that the friars could find them, how could they use them Now they are eager to have more high-level combat power.

At this time, the high-level Terran also got news that there were two more demon kings in the demon clan. Because of this news, the high-level Terran friars were not in a good mood. The demon clan had more high-end combat power than them, but now there are two more. The demon clan is not ready to let them live.

If they are oppressed by several demons in the future, they will have no face to see others in the future. Of course, they are more afraid that when the demons are strong enough, will those demons do harm to the world.

When Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo knew that Bai Ji and Meng Ji had mixed up with a demon king in the demon clan, they all had some silly eyes. These two were brave enough to go directly in front of the demon king, and they were not afraid to be seen. Yin Zhu could only say that Bai Ji and Meng Ji were bold enough and crazy enough.

"Well, don't worry. Now that they have become demon kings, I don't think there is anything wrong with them. Maybe they are all enjoying themselves in the demon world now." It has to be said that Bai Kun, as a son, knows his bad parents a little.

"It's not bad. I've been worried that we can't get information from the demon clan. Now my uncles and aunts are directly fighting to the highest level of the demon clan. We can know all the information there. It's said that we failed a little and didn't get into the high level of the Terran friars." Jono said with some disappointment.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he began to smoke. Is it so easy for the high-rise to mix? The reason why Baiji and Mengji can do it is that they are smart enough, and the second and most important condition is that they are strong enough.

"Don't worry, we also have helpers. Let's try to turn Wang canming into one of our people later." Bai Kun said with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was stunned. What does it mean to be their own man? Wang canming can't betray his school. How can he become his own man?

I always feel that there are some tricks behind Bai Kun. Yin Zhu can't help but want to wax Wang canming. How unlucky is it to meet Bai Kun and let Bai Ku, you black hearted man, calculate.

This guy's calculating ability is more and more outstanding. Ah, Yin Zhu said that fortunately, the other party really likes her, otherwise she will be sold by him sooner or later, and thanks him.

Wang canming was also stunned when he received the news from the school. There were two more demon kings in the demon clan. I'm afraid that the whole people in the cultivation world knew about this news. They didn't know what kind of demon kings they were. It's said that they were Taoist brothers. They are really powerful. The demon clan's cultivation is faster than human beings.

Wang canming is thinking about how many years it will take for him to arrive at Yuanying. He is envious when he thinks about it.

"My parents are very good." Yin Zhu sighed. When he knew that these two were going to the demon tribe, Yin Zhu was worried that they would be exposed and that they would be in danger. Who knows, she just copied her heart in vain. How could they be found.

Bai Kun can't help but smile when he hears our parents. Although Yin Zhu usually hates Bai Ji, he wants to make people angry. But he will call his parents with a smile. In fact, Yin Zhu already regards them as his family. Does this also mean that what Bai Ji and Meng Ji did to Yin Zhu in the orc world has been wiped out?

Yin Zhu should have forgiven his parents, otherwise he would not have been so calm and called his parents. It's good.

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