Baiji and Mengji don't make trouble in the demon clan. They just have nothing to say to those people. Then they check the cultivation of their subordinates by the way and secretly inquire about all kinds of news. There are nine demon kings in the demon clan. Baiji and Mengji don't plan to challenge the bottom line of these people. Can't they develop well?

If they don't provoke other demon kings, others will not. It's good for a race to produce a demon king. There are few people who want Baiji and Mengji together, so no one will provoke them even though they are a little weak.

It can be said that the two people are developing in the demon clan. Bai Kun didn't say anything after he knew that they were safe, but the two sides would have a conversation for a fixed period of time to communicate the information they got and the skills they studied.

the Terran side, because there are two more demons king over there, and not nervous, after all, the difference between the two sides is bigger. Once the conflict arises, then the monk will get more pressure. Even Wang Canming can make complaints about it. Why is this demon king so easy to come out? It's very difficult for the friars on their side to produce a Yuanying friar.

Bai Kun wants to say that the Terrans have the advantages of the Terrans. The Terrans are smart. The Terrans occupy most of the places and resources in the world. What else do you want to do?

The news of Banyao came out. Many strangers came to Yinjia village these days. Some of them just came to watch the fun. Maybe they haven't seen Banyao. They want to have a look. After seeing it, they feel that they have only one nose, one mouth and two eyes. Apart from being strong, they are no different from the Terrans, but they are very similar to the Banyao people No matter in what Dynasty, there were all kinds of crazy people and researchers. Naturally, there were also such crazy people in the cultivation world. Those who didn't come over were not strong enough. In addition, Wang canming, sun pangzi and Changshan all lived here, but they didn't dare Just do it. As for the scammers, Jono said that if they are scammed in his base camp, they should not mix up. It's easier to find a noodle to hang themselves.

At the beginning, Wang canming lived with them, but now Changshan is here, and so is sun pangzi. Qiao Nuo directly says that there is not enough room in his family. He drives people to a house not far away. They live well together, so they don't need so many light bulbs. Because these outsiders and many idle old houses in the village have a place to use now.

Yin Zhu said that after coming to Yinjia village for a long time, she could not make any contribution to them. Now she finally had a chance. She also told the village head that if the price was a little higher, these people would like to experience the local customs and people's feelings in the countryside when they have a lot of money. For them, it's the same good thing as specialty products. Specialty products are often not cheap. What people want is feelings. Don't offer low prices, So that people don't think it's local.

The village head is a kind-hearted person. He didn't dare to kill as Yin Zhu said. But the price is a little higher than the rent in the town. In fact, the village head doesn't understand whether these people have brains. They come to play and live in the houses in the town. The houses in the town are spacious, bright and have everything, and the service is very good Their houses are dilapidated. It has to be said that the people in the city are strange. It's estimated that people want feelings when they have money. In addition, these people are basically the kind of people who don't know how to do housework, so Yin Zhu let the people in the village have nothing to do, such as buying and selling vegetables, or helping clean and do housework. These are all ways to make money.

Yin Zhu knows what the village head thinks and will probably laugh to death, but the old man is really lovely.

Those people are rich, and they don't care about the small amount of money, and they don't care about ordinary people. Besides, they want to get along with the people in the village, so as to find out what's unusual about the Jono family.

Naturally, it's hard to find out, and the people in the village basically speak well of them. After all, apart from refusing to talk to each other, Jono has great respect for the old people in the village and will help them if they can, but there are exceptions, of course, the exception is Li Min's grandfather's family.

Li Min is badly cleaned up by Miss Liu Xi. She can't stay in the big city at all. Li Min doesn't dare to blame Liu Xi and take revenge on them. She has a grudge against Bai Kun and others, but she doesn't dare to take revenge. Because even Liu Xi is going to shrink back, she can't get angry. Just because she can't get angry doesn't mean she doesn't dare to spread some rumors, such as what she said to her grandfather's family It's Bai Kun. They're monsters. They can do it. She'll come to this end. It's because they hurt her.

The other people couldn't find out anything, but Li Min's family did. They also said that Bai Kun's family were monsters, but they were monsters? Half demon is also a demon, so those who are interested in Jono and them, one by one, ask them to say, what did they see.

The Yin family hates Bai Kun and they have done harm to Li min. now someone has sent a lot of money to them. Why don't they? They're not stupid. This group of people are looking for Bai Kun to get in trouble. If they can get money and revenge, why can't they do it? What's more, if these people are powerful, can they get rid of the curse on their granddaughter?

Li Min's grandfather and his family said that their granddaughter was persecuted by Bai Kun's family. When they heard this, they couldn't help frowning. The half demon family even attacked ordinary people. It's really not a good one. People with a strong sense of justice have repeatedly promised to help Li Min lift the curse.Each of these people moves so frequently that Jono and Bai Kun are looking at them. They are not worried about anything else. They are worried that Yin Zhu will be left alone. When they let Yin Zhu go out, they must not go out alone. At least two or more people can go out. As for him, Jono said he would arrange it.

Jono said that he is very kind, as long as there is no malice to them, he will not do it, but if there is malice to them, don't blame them for doing it, they are not soft buns.

Wang canming and Changshan also frequently came to Jono's home at this time. "Jono, I think these people are looking for you, especially the green devil. He's a demon cultivator, and he's very good at making poisons. He's cruel. You should be careful. I think he's coming for you, and he's the blood remnant. He's the abandoner of baicaomen. He likes to use demons or Terrans most There are many means of alchemy.

”A few people chattered and talked about all the people they knew. In fact, they were also guilty. The reason why these people came to this place was that they spread the news, otherwise it would not be like this at all.

"I'm sorry, Jono." Changshan and sun pangzi are very embarrassed to apologize at this time.

"Never mind, I don't blame you." Jono smiles faintly.

"Well, it's all our fault. We just want to tell our elders that we don't know where these people come from. Jono is sorry." When they saw Jono's attitude, they felt even worse.

Jono at this time a faint smile, "in fact, it's nothing to say, because this is our origin, there is no way to change, in fact, half demon is not wrong, why should you dislike, we don't do evil, we don't want to repair the real world, we don't want to go to the demon world, we don't want to do anything treacherous, we just want to live like ordinary people In the sun, I don't know why they dislike us? " Then Jono looked sad at the sky.

Changshan and sun pangzi felt even more guilty at this time. "In fact, we don't dislike you. We are willing to make friends with you. Don't worry, Jono. You can be regarded as our cause. I've already passed the news to the elders of the school. You can rest assured that we will advance and retreat together with you. As long as we are there, they dare not do it. Once we do it, we will never forget it I won't stand idly by, but I want to see if they are going to fight against our sects. " Changshan said angrily.

Jono couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous after hearing this. If these people were really worried, they wouldn't do it, especially the one named Xueyu, who is the abandoned disciple of baicaomen, isn't it the enemy of baicaomen? Other people are not living well. It can be said that the ferocious people can still live well. They must have some skills. These people dare to appear here aboveboard. If they are not sure, it is impossible.

"It doesn't matter. Our strength is not weak. There's no need to be afraid of them. "Jono gave a faint smile.

”Changshan a few heard very embarrassed, do not know how to say, in fact, the strength of these people are not low, otherwise they will not inform the clan. Changshan and sun pangzi felt even more guilty at this time. "In fact, we don't dislike you. We are willing to make friends with you. Don't worry, Jono. You can be said that we have provoked you. I've already passed the news to the elders of the school. You can rest assured that we will advance and retreat with you. As long as we are there, they dare not do it. Once we do it, we will never stop Looking on, I'd like to see if they are going to fight against our sects. " Changshan said angrily.

Jono couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous. If these people were really worried, they wouldn't do this, especially the one named Xueyu, who is the enemy of baicaomen, would not do this, especially the one named Xueyu, who is the enemy of baicaomen,

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