There are other people with some hostility, but the hostility of other people is not so obvious. In addition, Changshan and sun pangzi both say that they are not good people. Jono naturally dare not be at will. He directly asks Tengxiao and Leihe to keep an eye on these two people. It's OK for Tengxiao and Leihe to deal with them. Jono is thinking about the rest What do individuals want from them?

Changshan and sun pangzi have already contacted their master at this time. By the way, they want to find out who spread the news about the Banyao. They have to find out who the traitor is. They say they will find out. By the way, they will ask a Jindan elder to come here to ensure the safety of Jono.

After listening to Changshan and sun pangzi's description of the two men, Yin Zhu can't help feeling a little disgusted. Moreover, the two men still describe them briefly. It's estimated that what they did is much more disgusting than what they say now. Yin Zhu can accept Xiuzhen's killing. After all, he has a hostile relationship, or because of something else, but why should he torment others like that? It's sadistic killing People are psychopathic.

"Jono, if those two people dare to reach out to us, they will be abandoned directly. You're welcome. We can be regarded as tianxingda." Yin Zhu doesn't like to kill people. It's obvious that those two people don't like to see each other if they can make Yin Zhu say such a thing. In fact, after those two people entered the village, Yin Zhu felt that these two people gave her a very bad impression.

"By the way, Changshan are so abnormal that they won't attack the ordinary people in the village. If they hurt the old people in the village, I will be upset." Yin Zhu said very worried.

Changshan shook his head and said, "it shouldn't be. These two people like to study these things very much. The main reason is that there is energy in the body of practitioners and demons, but there is no energy in the body of ordinary people. They are useless to him. What's more, the secular world has an agreement with us that the punishment for hurting ordinary people is very heavy, far more than the punishment for hurting us It's much heavier. Normally, as long as you don't provoke them, it should be OK. "

When Yin Zhu heard this, she patted her chest. That's good. That's good. She's really afraid of attracting some murderers. When they want to save them, they will be trapped.

"Don't worry. We are responsible for this. We will help to watch the people in the village." At this time, Wang canming said in a hurry that in fact, Wang canming was worried that these people might not do anything to ordinary people. But once these people find out that the Yinzhu family are soft hearted and care about these ordinary people, it's hard to say what they will do.

The people who spread the news are really damned. How can such people know the news?

I hope some experts can come here quickly. Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do. You know, he's in a temporary position in the country. He'll be responsible for something.

"Yin Zhu, you don't have to worry too much. It's going to be OK. We're all here. It's going to be OK." Qiao Nuo patted Yin Zhu on the shoulder. It seems that this place can't live here. It's better to live in the mountains. It's better to stay away from ordinary people. Even if those people don't trouble ordinary people, it's hard to know if they will be involved when they fight.

"Yin Zhu, you said we haven't lived in caves for a long time, and don't we animals like hibernation? Let's go back to the mountains and find a cave to hibernate. Let these people look for it slowly, OK The weather here is much worse than that of the orc world. In the cold winter of the orc world, it was snowing for four or five months in a row. What kind of severe winter is here? It has little influence on them. Besides, in the deep mountains, they can never live better than those human beings.

Yin Zhu thought for a moment, nodded and said, "it's true. What about Wang canming

"Of course, they stay outside to help us find out." Jono said with a smile, and then took all the people in the family to discuss it. Several people discussed it, and they were happy to say that they were all orcs, and they had long wanted to run well in the forest.

"OK, but before we leave, let's get the green devil away. There are many poisons on his side. It's most suitable for me to advance." Leihe said with a smile, he is a snake. The poison is bad for others, but the poison is good for him. If he wants to advance, he needs all kinds of poisons to improve his combat effectiveness. Of course, he can improve his combat effectiveness without poison, but the combat effectiveness will be reduced. Snake venom is one of his natural abilities.

"Yes." Jono said with a smile, this is the benefit of sending it to the door, not for nothing. Leihe has been staring at the green devil for several days, and found that the green devil really has many treasures, and Leihe feels that these things are very good for him, very good.

The green devil doesn't know that someone has already thought about his little treasure. Even if he knows, he will probably not think about it. After all, his poisons are not ordinary poisons. They are things that even practitioners have to pour. How can he know that Leihe is a snake and can absorb poisons? The news of half demons has spread, but what kind of half demons are they People don't know.

Wang can Ming knows that, but Wang can Ming won't go into so much detail. He has already been sorry for Jono. What's the point? He really told all the information.

Qiao Nuo said that since we have to deal with the green devil, we can't let Wang canming rest for nothing. Those people bring people in, so we can't let them do something. Otherwise, they can't die of guilt. What's more, once they move the green devil, I'm afraid that the blood will also take the opportunity. After all, such a good opportunity is very rare.Several people carefully discussed the way to fight. The place to fight must not be left in the village. The best way is to find a way to escape and let those people chase after them, and then find the left behind ones to clean up.

Thinking of this, Jono decided that since he was going to leave, he would leave tonight. Anyway, they had space, no matter what food they used, just pack it up and put it in Yin Zhu's backpack. It broke into other places. It was estimated that those people would never expect that they would leave now, and then go to the mountain early. They could set traps.

After midnight, a few people sneak out of the house quietly, and then walk towards the back mountain of the village. On the way to the back mountain, Jono will sweep away the traces, and sometimes leave some puzzling marks. In fact, the best way is for Jono to take them to the sky, They can't find anything, but they can't for the time being. They still want someone to catch up with them. Besides, such an easy-to-use method will have to wait until they really leave, so that they won't use it now and others will be on guard later.

A few people, even Yin Zhu, are strong and strong. It's very easy for them to walk a little.

They left in the middle of the night. Xueyu and Lvmo, including others, have their own means, such as some high-tech body temperature detection. So soon after Jono left, some people would know. Then there was a bustle in Yinjia village in the middle of the night. Some people directly broke into Yinzhu's house. Then they found that the house was empty and nothing was left.

In the middle of the night, the village head was woken up. However, the village head remembered what Yin Zhu had said to him before, saying that no matter what they did, they would be OK. The village head also felt that these people were not ordinary people, and he didn't dare to take care of them, so he didn't know what Yin Zhu's family had caused them. No wonder Yin Ping had brought them They came to Yinjia village to settle down, but they didn't expect that those people would find them so soon. Hey, he can't manage this. He secretly sent a message to Yinping's family and told them to be careful.

In fact, Yin Zhu told Yin Ping's family when she left. She told them not to worry about it, and told them not to believe anyone's words. She would contact them when she was free.

When Yin Ping received the news, he was very anxious. How could he not worry about his girl? He just knew that he couldn't do anything to help him. Maybe it would drag down Yin Zhu. The best way is to treat him as if he didn't know, and then wait for them to stop. It's just that the waiting days are painful and the most difficult.

Yin Zhu didn't want to tell Yin Ping about them. He was afraid that they would be worried, but he was even more afraid that they would listen to other people's news and fall into the trap at that time. So after thinking about it, it was better to tell them personally.

Wang canming and Changshan also looked at the empty room with silly eyes. They didn't expect that the Jono family was going to leave, and then they didn't even say hello.

Wang can Ming can't help getting angry at this time. These guys also say that they treat them as friends. What kind of friends will leave without saying a word? Besides, they are not strong enough to help. It's a pity that now they don't have so much time to care about this, so they rush to catch up and see what's going on.

Everyone rushed to the back of the mountain, even if Jono had some hiding traces, but they could not stand it. The monks used all the means to chase Jono one by one, but they all walked on their feet, and their bodies were not as good as Jono's, so they could not catch Jono's, and the distance was getting longer and longer.

For running, Jono said that if those people dare to catch up, take your time and make sure those people can't catch up.

As they run, they find out where there is a better terrain and turn around to lead the Green Devils. If they are not afraid of losing them, Jono says they can still run faster.

"I haven't run in the forest like this for a long time. It's very comfortable, but we don't know if the people behind are comfortable." Tengxiao said happily. “”

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