Xueyu's heart is about to vomit blood. These are not like the foundation building period. Although he is not strong, he has pills. Now he takes pills and fights with Jono. However, he still has no upper hand. Look at the other side of the valley, where the dust is flying, he can only hear the roaring sound, and the green devil may not be able to occupy anything No wonder these guys dare to stop and intercept them like this. If they really don't have any strength, how dare they do such a thing.

Xueyu is very clear that if he can't win Jono several by taking pills, he has to find a way out. Even though it's not so easy to know Jono they want to beat him, Xueyu has one thing, that is, he is cautious. He also knows that he has offended a lot of people. If he is defeated by Jono several, then he doesn't know who is the cheapest He can't do this kind of fool like thing. He might as well retreat a little, and then look at their results. If it's good, he'll jump out to pick up a bargain. If it's not, he'll retreat directly. Since there are half demons born, there will be other half demons in the future. Why do he have to fight here? He doesn't believe that every half demon is so powerful, but it's powerful Half demon refining medicine is sure to have a better effect. It doesn't matter. Xueyu says that he can take his time. He can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Besides, as long as the jonos are in the open, he has a way to calculate them. After all, jonos can't stare at them every day. No matter how fierce they are, there are times when they are negligent.

At this time, Xueyu's heart is ready to retreat. He's going to leave, but he's not ready to tell the green devil that the two of them are working together temporarily. Xueyu knows very well that if the green devil thinks he can't handle it, he will steal away. He'll promise not to tell him. Maybe he will get a knife if he has a chance.

Xueyu wants to go. He soon catches the chance and rushes to one side. Tengxiao wants to chase them. He is stopped by Jono. There are still many people chasing them. When they leave, what should Yin Zhu and Cheng'an do? Besides, in case that Xueyu is deliberately chased by them, who knows if he has made a trap. Furthermore, Leihe is still here. Although Leihe says he has dealt with me against the green devil, he should be careful. Since he can't kill both, let's kill a green devil first.

The green devil was really subdued at this time. He thought he was just a half demon. As a result, he was directly transformed and crushed to death. His poison was absorbed by reih. Then the gem on reih's forehead was more and more shining. The green devil was a little scared at this time. He had an intuition that he could not continue to throw poison, That is to give the Banshee benefits, but if it doesn't rely on poison, the green devil said that he can't bear it. He thought that the Banshee would soon be unable to bear it. After all, the Banshee will change completely, and the power will be used very quickly. How can he know that Reich is not a banshee at all, they are orcs, and it's no burden for them to turn orcs into wild animals.

Even Leihe and his animal body are the most comfortable for them. During this period of time, Leihe can't change his body. Now it's hard for him to have a chance. Moreover, this man has seen his change, and how can he kill him? Besides, this stingy guy doesn't use poison. It's a waste. It doesn't matter, When someone is killed later, he can still get some babies.

When Xueyu leaves, Yinzhu and Chengan rush to meet him. At this time, Jono takes a look at Leihe and the green devil in the valley and says to Tengxiao and baikun, "you two go to help Leihe. I'll stay outside and solve the green devil with the fastest speed."

The two families understood Jono's meaning, which was to make them change directly. These two were not polite. They rushed to the valley directly. The green devil could not help staring at this time. He couldn't hold this guy, so he had two more? This old bone of him is not to be explained in this small place.

At this time, the green devil also found that there was a shining gem on the heads of the two beasts who were coming towards him. He could not help wondering. He had seen a lot of demons. It seemed that other demons did not have this gem. Before, there was a gem on reih's head. He just thought that reih was a variation. Look at the winged one on the other side, It's a lion. The lion has wings. The green devil thinks he's a bit mysterious. But he thinks these guys are not human beings, and it's normal for them to look strange. At this time, he doesn't think of anything vaguely, but he thinks it's a little strange about the jewels on Reich's head.

It's really fast for Tengxiao to join the battlefield. The green devil wants to poison Tengxiao. Unfortunately, as soon as the poison is spread out, Leihe is just like a dog's nose. He can find the poison and absorb the essence at the first time. It can be said that from the beginning to the end, he sends food to Leihe. The other two are also powerful bodies. The green devil wants to escape at this time Yes, Leihe, how could they give him a chance? The green devil remembered vaguely at this time that the damned Xueyu would not have run away, right? And he didn't say a word. Damn it, he shouldn't have left for a little pill before. Who knew that would happen. However, it was too late for him to regret. Lei hetengxiao didn't give him the chance to regret at all.

These people are also worried that someone will come after them. When they find them, they don't keep their hands at all. That's all they do. Soon the green devil will be scarred. At this time, he begins to beg for mercy and says that he can serve them as slaves. Some people may want to take a strong Jindan as a slave. It's a shame that Leihe doesn't want to be a slave at all Don't look in the eye, no matter what the green devil said, they don't need any outsiders to get involved in their family's life.Green devil is not reconciled, but there is no way to be reconciled. Finally, he died miserably. Leihe absorbed the poison of green devil in a hurry at this time. Bai Kunze collected the useful things of green devil. Jono and Yin Zhu also came in at this time. Several people quickly cleaned the battlefield and took away all the things they might have left around. That's it For example, they also directly destroyed the original terrain. Although this place has been riddled with holes by Reich, they are worried that people will infer the battle scene. A few people can say that they have turned over a valley directly, even the mountain nearby is short. After doing these things, they leave in a hurry.

After several people left, not long after, Xueyu ran over and made sure there was no trap inside. Then she carefully walked into the valley. Seeing the fierce appearance of the valley, Xueyu couldn't help smoking. The valley became like this. Even if the green devil was still alive, it was not very good. These half demons were really powerful.

Then Xueyu continued to walk inside, but then his eyes seemed to see something. He couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Then he rushed to the front of the thing. He looked at a hand coming out of the soil, but he really said it was a hand that had been bloody and could not even see the skin, and the meat was black. At that moment, it was poisoned. Xueyu took it out carefully Put on a glove, and then you start to pick up the dirt.

Soon a man was dug out by Xueyu, but Xueyu's face changed after he dug out the man. At the beginning, he saw the poisoning and thought that it was one of those half demons. He wondered if it was the green devil who was defeated by those half demons. Then he didn't dare to take the corpse. Those were seriously injured and didn't dare to stay. However, after he dug out the man, the blood came out Yu knew that he was wrong. His skin was gone and he should have been corroded by poison. His flesh is dark now and he can't see his face. Xueyu also knew that the dead man was the green devil. The skeletons of those guys are very big. Only the green devil is the body material, and there are green devil's clothes left beside him. Leihe should be careful of the injuries found on the green devil If you want to find out what to do, you should strip the person and then use the poison directly to ensure that nothing can be found. Otherwise, if the poison continues, only bones will be left.

At this time, Xueyu was secretly surprised that those people had the ability to kill the green devil. We need to know that he and the green devil have the same strength. Does that mean that those people have the ability to kill him? At this time, he secretly congratulated himself. Fortunately, at that time, he escaped. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Xueyu wants to get some useful clues earlier. However, this place has been destroyed too thoroughly. Unless he has a lot of time, he can turn it over here slowly and look for it slowly. Just like that, it's not very useful to find it. This group of half demons are very powerful, and the green devil has played with poison all his life. He didn't think that he would end up like this Right?

Xueyu looks at it and turns to leave. There are many tails behind. He'd better go first. Don't ask people to pay attention to them. As for this group of half demons, there must be many people who want to be interested in them, such as the demon king. At that time, these half demons are very powerful and can fight against each other. If you want to see those demon kings who dare to be interested, the half demons are so powerful. I believe it's OK The right people will also be interested. Who doesn't want to be more powerful?

Xueyu thinks that the world is more and more interesting now. After tianjizi says that he hopes to appear, the world will no longer be dead and come out to play. Xueyu says that he will definitely find something more interesting in the future. He will stop here first. These guys will give them to him and he will remember them well. He will get them back one day.

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