After Xueyu left, the pursuers soon caught up with him. Xueyu had a way to identify the green devil's body, and other people had a way. They could not help frowning when they looked at the scene which was already in a mess. These half demons were so powerful that they could even kill the green devil. No wonder they could live in a small mountain village with peace of mind.

They are also half demons, but they are despised by people in this world. If they don't have certain abilities, even the green devil will die, they will not dare to pursue them. Otherwise, when they are attacked by people, they will be unlucky. If they die, they will have nothing.

Wang canming is catching up with others at this time. At the beginning of the journey, he is very worried. Changshan and sun pangzi are also very uneasy. After all, Jono lived in Yinjia village peacefully at the beginning. As a result, Jono was in danger because of their news.

They finally arrived at the scene of the fight, and then three people's mouths became a big O, how can they not go, Green Devils? As long as these people who don't reach the golden elixir run away when they hear the name of this guy, the frightening evil thief died like this. I don't believe it, and there is the fighting scene It has been completely destroyed. I think they were still brothers with Jono a few days ago. As a result, they have the strength to crush them completely.

Sun pangzi's brain turned faster at this time. He took a deep breath at this time, and then said, "Jono is OK. We don't have to worry about it. As long as they don't meet the first baby, we can say that they are walking horizontally in this world." There are many characters in Yuan Dynasty, but the characters in Yuan Dynasty are the top in the world. The world is so big that they are not easy to meet.

"You say that they are so powerful, including Bai Kun and Qiao Nuo, they are not stupid. Why did they tell us the half demon's life experience at the beginning?" Wang canming asked weakly at this time. At that time, he felt strange, especially that Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun always talk without leaking. How could they suddenly tell them such a frightening secret? It's very wrong. At the beginning, Wang canming just felt that it was not right, but he didn't think much about it. He also felt that his charm was unparalleled and moved Qiao Nuo a few. Now it seems that Jono is likely to start even if these things happen, that is to say, they are likely to be used.

When Wang canming finished, he felt a little uncomfortable. It was calculated who would feel comfortable in his heart. He really regarded Qiao Nuo as his friends, and because of his guilt, he failed to tell Bai Kun the core skill of Qingyun sect. He felt guilty. Wang canming wanted to say that he should not feel guilty, wrong, and should not want to make any friends.

At this time, Changshan could not help sighing, patted Wang canming's home on the shoulder and said, "regardless of whether he is calculating us or not, if we firmly help to keep the secret, we will not be calculated, so we are half the weight." Changshan said with a faint sigh.

Sun pangzi also turned around and patted Wang canming at this time. "In fact, there is no need to be angry. We have our position. Although we have no malice, we do have losses. Now we know that Jono and they are not pure, so I feel comfortable." Sun pangzi said that his friends are all over the world. Although there are no close friends who can entrust their lives, there are many ordinary friends. This Jono is one of the ordinary friends, who can play together, have nothing to talk about, but can't make friends.

"What do you mean by Jono and what do they do?" By this time, Changshan had put down his burden and began to think about the purpose of Jono.

Wang canming said: "to tell you the truth, I can't figure out what they want to do. I was the first monk who knew them and contacted them. When they first came out, they didn't know anything. They even asked me about the basic knowledge of cultivation. At that time, I was just a little curious, but I didn't think much about it. Now, they are half demons The cultivation also depends on their own Demon power. Naturally, the so-called cultivation methods are different. Moreover, they are just born. They should really live in a separate paradise as they say. There should be no other practitioners there. "

"You said before that they are likely to know the news of the hope, but why does this tell them to expose their identity?" Changshan asked again, but the two didn't answer him. He took it as a question for himself.

"Exposure, that is to say, maybe many people will know that they are half demons, whether they will contact people, they are half demons, all the time they live together, whether they want to find other half demons, so deliberately exposure, as long as people who pay attention to this matter know where they live, it will be easy to find them at that time." Sun thought for a moment and said.

I have to say that the answer is really convincing. They can't think of any other questions besides this.

"So Jono and his family are looking for other banshees? They want to join hands with other banshees? " Changshan couldn't help asking at this time.

Jono, it's very difficult for them to find allies. No matter they are Terrans or demons, they won't join hands with them. At most, people on the Terran side won't fight against them for no reason. Maybe the demons will fight against them. That is to say, they can only find half demons if they want to find allies.In those days, many people took part in the killing of Banyao. If the Jono family could hide, there must be other Banyao hiding. Now hope has appeared, and the Banyao will also appear. Under the premise of not knowing who they are looking for, this kind of high-intensity exposure is really very useful. Changshan believes that if there is a Banyao, I'm afraid I have received the news.

Jono, they don't want to join hands with people. In fact, no matter people or demons or half demons, they won't believe it, because their most basic essence is different, but now they want to know more information, and they really want to see half demons. They don't mean it. Jono wants to lead to hostility to them People.

After all, they can't stay in the mountains for a long time. Most of the time, they still have to deal with people from outside. Those people will find out Yinjia village sooner or later. In that case, they will just be cruel and let people from outside have a look. If they want to deal with them, they will have to pay the price of bleeding. Those people will be more cautious.

The death of the green devil made many people wake up. At least many good people knew that they could not deal with the Jono family.

Jono and his friends had already run far away. After running far away, Jono swept away the traces. Then he changed with Tengxiao and took several people away for a while. It can be said that they completely cleared the traces of their walking. Then they began to run in the deep mountains. It can be said that they were very presumptuous. Yin Zhu watched these people become happy one by one Zi can't help but feel guilty. She is used to using people, but those who are different from her are Yin Zhu's habits. She has always regarded herself as a person, and she doesn't want to be an orc at all.

Jono looked back and saw Yin Zhu's expression. He turned around and came to Yin Zhu's side. "How about this expression? I don't like your expression."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "do you like this expression?" Yin Zhu said with a brilliant smile.

Jono couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "yes, I like this. In fact, I like the life in this world very much. I don't have to worry about food and drink, and there are all kinds of new things to learn. It's fun, you know? In the future, I just want not to starve to death or freeze to death. I don't have any other ideas at all. As for whether the food is delicious or not, I don't think about it at all. The only requirement is not to die. For me, the previous life was a big mountain or a heavy one. I was also carrying the fate of the whole daze tribe. You can imagine that I didn't know until I came to this world There are many kinds of cooking methods and ingredients for a food. Then I find that eating is actually a kind of enjoyment and a very pleasant thing. You don't know how happy I am to come to this world. I believe several other people are the same way. "

Jono does think that the world is as beautiful as fairyland. Although there is a little bit of maladjustment, on the whole, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that they are far away from their hometown and can never go back. Maybe this is the most sad thing for him. However, he is satisfied to know that daze tribe is very good and orc world is very good.

"Well, I'm glad you like the world, too. Let's go." In fact, Yin Zhu sighed that he didn't worry much. Besides, Jono and his family are really happy every day.

A few people ran around, while Leihe turned his head to look at Jono and said, "Jono, let's find a place to settle down first and let me absorb those poisons. I think after I absorb those poisons, I can advance. Then we can go back to Yinjia village."

Jono is very happy to hear this. Leihe only says that the poisons are good for him, but he didn't expect that Leihe could be promoted. That's great. If Leihe is promoted, their strength will be even stronger. However, it's better for Leihe to find a safe place.

"All right, stop playing and find a place quickly. Rehe is going to be promoted. We should also work hard to avoid being left behind by Rehe in the future." Jono said happily.

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