Several people then searched several places. Later, it was daybreak before they found a place. It was a secret cave. The cave was in the middle of a cliff. There were many vines and weeds at the entrance of the cave. If this place could not be covered, Jono would not be able to find it after flying around for a few times.

A few of them have seen it. They can't see the cave at the bottom of the cliff, and even more at the top of the mountain. It's estimated that no one can imagine that there is a cave in the middle of this half, and there are still people living there.

However, the caves are small and narrow for them, but it doesn't matter. It's every Orc's talent to make a home. The orcs used to have no house to live in, and everyone lived in their own caves, so small space is not a problem. We have a small earth digger. We went up one two three four five and soon dug out a big cave.

Yin Zhu was also a little tired at this meeting. Although they all said that they had arranged it and were safe, they just didn't make sure of their own safety. It's useless to say anything. The spirit of this meeting can be relaxed.

"I'm tired. I'll have a rest. I'll have something to eat before I go to bed." Jono touched Yinzhu's hair with concern.

Yin Zhu nodded and took out the things in her backpack. She had prepared some ready to eat things before, so we didn't have to cook them. After eating, Jono set up a warning array on the other side of the cave, and everyone was ready to sleep.

Although it's hard for ordinary people to find the cave, it's not a big mistake to be careful.

A few people fell asleep, but there was no peace in Yinjia village. Even the villagers in Yinjia village didn't miss the excitement in the middle of last night. Some people even secretly got up to watch the excitement for a while. If the village head hadn't warned them before, no matter what happened, they would not be allowed to come out. Maybe someone was there at that time Come out.

The Jono family is empty and nothing is left. The village head of Yinjia village sighs when he sees this. He tells Yin Ping that the Jono family left. Then Yin Ping is very worried and keeps asking about their family. However, looking at the people who come back to the village, he knows that the purpose of these people should not be achieved, Jono One should be safe.

He had seen earlier that the Jono family was not right, at least not like a farmer in the countryside. He was really a promising person. If he had really welcomed the Yinzhu family before, after all, they had a good temper and didn't cause any trouble. They helped the old people in the village, but they were in trouble It's not simple. Yinjia village is just a small place, and it's all ordinary people. I really don't want to deal with these people.

The head of Yinjia village also told Yinping about this. He wanted to take back his rented land and house. According to the contract, it was against the rules. But this is Yinjia village. He and Yinping are family members, so there is no so-called rules. Yinping brought several Jono with him at the beginning, and they accepted it. They also have human feelings in it.

When Yin Ping heard this, he didn't understand, and he didn't want to embarrass the village head. He just thought of the people who the village head said. Yin Ping was very upset. The village head said that they were only afraid of being special people. How could they all stare at Yin Zhu, and their identities were not exposed? Thinking of this, Yin Ping is going to be unable to sit down. He wants to go to Yinjia village to find out, but no one in his family agrees. Moreover, Yin Ping is also worried. What if they escape well and have to stand up because they are caught?

He can't help his girl as a father. He can't be a drag.

Yin Ping had a hard time, and Huang Xiaoling also had a hard time. When she thought of her daughter, she told them to stay at home and not go out. She said that something might happen. Isn't it a big deal? What can we do?

There are also those people who can find out the relationship between Yin Zhu and their own family. After all, on the surface, they are not related by blood. At most, Yin Zhu asked them to pretend to be their relatives, which is something that no one has ever done.

Worry, really want to worry to death, before the girl in another world, they are miss, but now people come back to the front, but found that they can't protect her, even will become the object of procrastination, this kind of feeble feeling is too bad.

"Old lady, what do you think we should do?" Yin Ping didn't pay attention, so he had to ask Huang Xiaoling.

Huang Xiaoling was also in a bad mood at this time. "What can I do? I wish I could grow three heads and six arms now, so that I can help my daughter."

Hearing this, Yin Ping sighed, "I'm going out to make money." In addition to making money, Yin Ping really doesn't know what he can do. In fact, if he had enough money at the beginning, he would have kept his daughter at home. If he didn't let them go out, would they be safe? Would they have nothing to do? Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine.

Yin Ping is also afraid that he will think wildly. If he makes money and works, he doesn't have so much mind to think about it. It's better to make money.

Huang Xiaoling looks at Yin Ping, who is going to be busy. She also follows him in a hurry. Now she has no idea who to tell her many things. It's better to follow the old man.Yin Zhu doesn't know that his parents have lost their mind because of their own affairs. Although Yin Zhu told Yin Ping and his wife the day before he was ready to take action, which worried them, they can't rest assured without receiving the news of their safety.

Wang canming and his disciples arrived behind him, and then went to the scene to investigate. They could only see that the scene should have been severely hit by people, and the shape of this thing was not small, but it was not sure what it was, but it was certain that the other side should have fought with the green devil in the form of a beast, and the other side should not be afraid of poison, if not With this repressive relationship, it's not so easy for Jono's people to want the Green Devils.

Others don't know what kind of monsters they are, but Wang can Ming knows it. When Jono's blood is drawn out, he will know that the one who fights with the green devil is Leihe. Among them, Leihe is not afraid of poison. Thinking that Leihe can defeat the green devil, Wang can't help shivering. How big is Leihe when he turns into a snake?

Another is that a lot of people behind them went there to find the trace of Jono, but they couldn't find anything. It's strange that Wang canming had a good idea. He thought that he would fly away from the sky. The monster is very big. Can't Jono fly? He's supposed to take the others with him.

Jono would have laughed to death if he knew about it.

Yinjia village has been busy for a while because of the news of Jono, but they have been looking for several days in succession. They can't find anyone, so they have to stop. However, the news of a half demon family in Yinjia village has spread in Xiuzhen world, and they really notice it. Someone has already started to come to Yinjia village, and they want to see Jono.

After they had a good rest, there was no signal on the other side of the cave. Even if Yin Zhu brought a signal intensifier, it didn't work. In the end, Qiao Nuo took Yin Zhu to fly out, found a place with a signal and told Yin Ping that he was safe. Then he went back to the cave.

In recent days, we didn't do anything else. Instead, we watched Leihe step up one by one. Leihe absorbed all the poison from the green devil, which made the gem on his head more and more bright and his breath more and more thick. It seemed that he couldn't hold it down.

Leihe is going to advance, but at this time Leihe suddenly said, "I want to leave here. Don't follow me. The way of heaven tells me that I want to advance and suffer from thunder."

They have lived in this place for several days. They don't want to destroy this safe place. Moreover, once there is a thunder robbery, the people in the cultivation circle will know that it will attract a lot of people. So Leihe is going to change his place. It's better to stay away from here.

"I'll go with you. Thunder robbery may be OK, but after thunder robbery, what will you do if someone tries to plot against you? We're going to protect you. " Yin Zhu said directly, no one knows what will happen after the thunder robbery, but it's obvious that someone's protection is the best. Aren't there many people in Xiuzhen's novels, or are they the ones who were attacked in the thunder robbery?

When Jono heard this, he hesitated and said, "Yinzhu, why don't I go with Tengxiao? You, baikun and Chengan stay here. If it's dangerous, we'll protect Leihe." As a matter of fact, Jono still doesn't want Yin Zhu to take risks.

Yin Zhu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, "Jono, I don't like to be a greenhouse flower. I like to meet the challenge with you. You don't need to protect me everywhere. If so, I will become weak one day. Will you still like me then? Partners and lovers are people who should go hand in hand with each other instead of carrying them alone when they are in danger. "

When Jono heard this, he sighed, "what you said is damned reasonable. I know I can't persuade you. Let's go like this, but you should promise that if Tengxiao and I can help Leihe, you won't stand up. After all, as you said, in case there are peach pickers behind us, you should prevent us from being plotted."

For this request of Qiao Nuo, Yin Zhu nodded and agreed, and she would not rush in foolishly, OK.

This cave is a good place. A few people don't want to destroy it. This place can be used as their secret base, so they all choose to leave here and find a place suitable for Rehe.

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