A few people soon chose an open plain area to fall down, and even the surrounding trees were taken away by Jono's violence. Anyway, a large area of bare land is clear at a glance. Anyway, all people will know about Leihe's thunder robbery at that time. In this case, we should make the surrounding area bigger to save people hiding in the woods.

Qiao nuotangxiao is guarding Leihe's rescue, while Yin Zhu and Bai Kunze are hiding on the side of the mountain. This side is very close to the other side, and you can also see the scene of Leihe. A little bit of Leihe, they are surrounded by people, and they can save the scene in time.

"Do you think Reich can survive this?" Yin Zhu is a little worried. You should know that the orc's strength growth is growth before, and they never need to be robbed. This matter needs to be explained with Baiji and Mengji. The strength of these two people is also one of those who want to be robbed at any time. Moreover, these two guys are still cheating two demon kings in the demon world. If they are seen through when they are robbed, they will be afraid The demon king of the demon world will pursue and kill them forever.

The people of demon clan don't like half demon. If they find that they are cheated, can they not become angry? It is estimated that they will not consider the strength of Baiji and Mengji at that time.

Bai Kun also nodded at this time. His parents are very rough, and they don't know if they will make trouble in the demon world. If they can't suppress the robbery, the picture is too beautiful. Bai Kun doesn't dare to think about it. He will tell them to be careful and find a safe place to rob.

I thought their strength would rise to Jucheng, but how could they need to survive?

At this time, the sky over Leihe has accumulated dark clouds, which looks very terrible, and Jono and Tengxiao are also far away from Leihe at this time. After all, Yin Zhu said that the more people are robbed by Leihe, the more people around him may be involved. Unless Leihe can't insist, it's dangerous, or they won't help.

What's more, they don't know whether they can help or not. It's their first time to face the thunder robbery. They don't even have the basic preparation. According to the Xiuxian novels, there are many magic weapons to prepare for the robbery.

Bai Kun also looked at it seriously at this time. After all, this matter is related to their future promotion, so we must find out the principle between them, or they will have a hard time in the future.

The sky here is not very good. If ordinary people look at it, they will only think that it may rain heavily or something. But the practitioners can see that someone is going to rob. You know, there is no need to rob to practice Qi and build foundation. That is to say, at least it is a golden elixir. This year, golden elixirs are rare. Many golden elixirs are still survived before, and the new ones are still true It's rare to meet one in several decades. At this time, people who want to watch the fun rush to this side.

By this time, the clouds in the sky had already begun to twinkle. Yin Zhu could see the silver lightning move the sky and split it in half.

Yin Zhu feels that her whole heart is going to be tangled up. If she knows that this advanced level will be robbed by thunder, she will never let them work so hard. At least she should prepare something. Leihe, Leihe, you must survive. You know that this thunder is not the same. There must be more.

Bai Kun can't help mentioning that thunder robbery is so powerful. In fact, he is OK. But what about Yin Zhu? Yin Zhu is afraid of pain. What should he do if he meets thunder robbery in the future?

Bai Kun decided to go back to learn how to refine weapons. He promised to refine a bunch of magic weapons and arm Yin Zhu to his teeth, so as to ensure that Yin Zhu would not be injured. Although it's not good to use external force, as long as he thought that Yin Zhu might be injured, Bai Kun decided to continue to make krypton gold. If he can make krypton gold, he will make krypton gold.

Leihe has turned into a beast by this time. A python coiled around and looked at the dark clouds above his head. When a thunder robbed him, Yin Zhu saw that the scales on Leihe's body had been knocked down, and a lot of blood fell to the ground.

Leihe can be said to have been hit on the ground by the thunder. He felt that the thunder got into his body and quickly destroyed it. However, a magical force poured out of his body to repair the damage. He felt very painful, but he could persist.

"I'm ok. Don't worry. Go far away and be careful not to hurt you." After Leihe is sure that he can accept it, he sends a message to Jono and Tengxiao to hide, so that they won't be involved in the thunder robbery.

Jono felt Leihe's breath, Leihe's body has a lot of scars, but his breath of life is very stable, so he nodded, with Tengxiao back a little.

With the second thunder robbery going on and the third thunder robbery going on, Leihe's injuries are getting more and more serious. However, the breath of his life has not decreased much. Even Jono feels that Leihe has a strong power awakening. Is this the power of the golden age?

By the time of the fourth thunder robbery, someone had already arrived here. It was a golden elixir. Jono looked at the other side warily. Fortunately, the other side didn't intend to attack reih in the thunder robbery. He just looked at Jono scornfully, and then went to one side. He just looked at reih in the thunder robbery with magic eyes, and didn't say a word Say.

Jono can't see if the other party has malice, and he has to pay attention to other things. As long as the other party doesn't start, he doesn't want to fight against the other party for the moment.And Jono could feel that someone was coming not far away.

When the fifth thunder robbery goes on, Leihe's body is full of scars and a piece of intact skin can't be found. Yin Zhu's tears are about to fall. What kind of thunder robbery is there? Why should there be thunder robbery? They are all good in the orc world. It's too hateful. If Leihe is OK, she has to settle accounts with Fang Tiandao.

The way of heaven is not absolutely strong. If you don't see the way of heaven in the orc world, you can take it as long as they are strong enough. Yin Zhu said that she is really more and more courageous now. At least she dares to do a lot of things for her partner.

When Bai Kun saw this, he wiped away Yin Zhu's tears. "Well, Leihe is OK, and I feel that the thunder robbery is good for Leihe. In the future, everyone of us will have to cross the robbery. You are crying like this, don't you want to dry your tears?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he wiped away his tears and gave Bai Kun a white look. "Can't you coax me? Don't you know I'm worried that I'm not feeling well in my heart?"

"Don't you worry now? Have you noticed that there seems to be a small bag on reih's head. It can't be split by thunder, can it Bai Kun said with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but keep looking. Sure enough, the sixth thunder robbed him. The small bag that originally came out was bigger at this time. Yin Zhu felt that something was wrong. Then she grabbed Bai Kun and asked, "how do I feel that something is wrong?"

Bai Kun also felt that something was wrong. How did he feel that Leihe had changed? This variation is not a good word. Unlike ordinary people, it may not be a good thing.

"You see Rehe has feet." Cheng an says carefully at this time, this snake long foot always feels strange and awkward.

At this time, the two small bags on Leihe's head had grown as big as a palm, and he also had five claws under his body. Yin Zhu thought of a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, the dragon. Many people said that the snake would turn into a dragon, but all these rumors were not shocked by the scene.

At this time, there were many people around him. Bai Kun also saw that something was wrong. "Yin Zhu, this is not the right situation. Let's retreat first? I'll ask Jono and them to retreat, too? " The eyes of the people around him were greedy and shocked, which was not a good result. However, there were several golden elixirs on the scene, and they were not their opponents.

Now everyone's eyes are on Reich. They can still do it if they want to retreat, but what about Reich?

Yin Zhu can't leave people behind, and look at those people's unkind eyes, you know that Leihe will not come to a good end in these people's hands.

Jono at this time also see wrong, he at this time has been with Tengxiao slowly out of the bag ring.

As the protagonist of time, Leihe naturally feels the eyes of the people around him. However, at this time, the thunder robbery is not over. He turns his head and looks at Yin Zhu seriously, and then runs away from the crowd directly. For a moment, the people there cry, but the thunder robbery won't talk to those people.

At this time, Bai Kun closed his eyes and grabbed Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, let's go. Leihe has made a choice."

"Bai Kun." Yin Zhu can't help but cry. Why are they so obedient all the time and have done nothing wrong? Why do so many people come to their troubles? And can't they live a good life?

"Don't worry, Reich is very smart. Let's stay away from here. If Reich has an accident, we should at least know who took Reich. We can't be taken away by others. I'll go back to my parents. We can always save Reich. If we are taken away by others, it will be trouble." Bai Kun said patiently.

Yin Zhu knows the truth. Sometimes he just can't accept it. Not everyone can be so rational.

At this time, Bai Kun directly reaches out his hand to knock Yin Zhu unconscious, and then shoves Yin Zhu to Cheng'an, "you take Yin Zhu to the mountain where we passed to meet the guest pine, and wait for us. I'll go to meet Qiao nuotangxiao, and look at Lei he, and remember that you will take good care of Yin Zhu even if you die." Bai Kun looks at Cheng an sternly.

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