Cheng an nodded. Bai Kun knew what he said. He carefully picked up Yin Zhu and fled in that direction.

Now all of them are attracted by Leihe, but no one has ever thought of intercepting Cheng'an. Of course, it is estimated that the identity of Yin Zhu has not been confirmed. After all, they are quite a long distance away from their original place. Leihe has never changed before, and has not yet linked Yin Zhu with Leihe.

Because Leihe ran everywhere, the scene was in chaos, but the injured people were those with low strength, high strength and insight. By this time, they had already run far away and didn't get much hurt.

Several people can see that Leihe is OK when the thunder robbery is around. After all, those people are also afraid of thunder robbery, even the Jindan friars are afraid of thunder robbery. Then Leihe's crisis is after the thunder robbery. At that time, Leihe's strength is declining because he is scarred by thunder robbery. That time is also the easiest time for those people to start.

By this time, Jono had seen Bai Kun's gesture. Knowing that Yin Zhu had left, the three of them were a little more at ease. Then the three of them walked around Leihe in a triangle, waiting for the end of Leihe's robbery.

Reich's madness is to let those people dare not close, but this is only a short-term security, the most dangerous time has not come.

At this time, those who can deliver messages in the cultivation world are all trying their best to deliver messages, and even some people are going crazy. Snakes turn into dragons. This is the first time to see that there are many snakes that can cultivate, and there are many snake demons, but none of them can turn into dragons. The craziest one is in the demon world, especially the demons like snakes. If they can all turn into dragons, it's bad for him It's good for us. Since ancient times, the dragon has been a divine beast, and it's a powerful representative. It's rare for dragons to appear in the ancient world of cultivation. Let alone in this era, it's so attractive to believe in dragon blood and dragon meat. It can be said that everyone is crazy.

Some people say that Leihe has bad luck. Others say that it may not be good luck. After all, no one knows what will happen if he is too high-profile.

Baiji and Mengji also received the news at this time. They knew that Leihe was going to be promoted, but they never thought that a promotion of Leihe would cause such a problem. Baiji and Mengji were a little scared at this time. What would happen when they were promoted?

"Let's hurry to have a look." Baiji grabs Mengji's hand and says that their strength is still on the way. I don't know if Leihe can hold on when they arrive. No matter whether their identity will be exposed or not, they will go to save people.

Bai Ji felt that he was more and more kind-hearted now. He didn't care about these things before.

In addition to Baiji and Mengji, there are many people in the demon clan who go to Leihe. Although there are many demon kings in the demon clan, in fact, there are several strong ones in the demon clan in the yuan infant period, but they can't rank first or second. There are always quarrels and fights because of these things, but at this time they are very harmonious and work together towards Leihe It's the treasure of their demon clan. They can't let humans give it to huohuohuo. Moreover, they want to ask if Leihe has any special skills to accumulate blood in his body.

In principle, all snakes have the chance to turn into dragons. But who has seen it, or even heard it for the first time.

Leihe also felt the changes in his body. He only felt a powerful awakening in his body. Leihe felt that as long as he got through the disaster, his strength would be at least 40 or 50 times stronger than before. That power was too strong.

It's just that he has a few claws, which are not suitable. But the claws are very sharp. In the past, he used to attack by directly winding his body or wrestling his tail, or his mouth. Now there are several more ways, and the horn on the top of his head, which is also a treasure.

Leihe said that in fact, there can be thunder robberies, but it's really unnecessary to come quietly and tell the world.

There is greed in those people's eyes. Leihe doesn't know what he has become, but it's certain that he will become stronger. And this time, he must have been robbed. None of them has ever been robbed. He is the first one. He wants to teach them experience and protect the Dharma for them in the future. It's just a time of thunder robbery, if you want In the future, each of them has strong strength, who dares to come here to watch the excitement, just afraid to see it from a distance, they will avoid it first. Generally speaking, they are still weak, and Leihe is more eager to succeed.

As for these annoying people around, Leihe said that he still has the ability to kill a few. At this time, Leihe has directly focused on a golden elixir. Those with low strength are not interesting. It's necessary to punish these people and make a warning to others, so as to avoid those who think that cats and dogs can also get involved.

Although Yinzhu had tried their best to avoid Yinjia village, it was not far away from Yinjia village. When Lei Jie thought of it, a group of monks from there also came. Wang canming and Changshan finally arrived at this time.

Wang canming has been with Leihe for a long time, and can feel the breath of Leihe. In addition, they also see Qiao nuotangxiao baikun hidden not far away. Wang canming covers his mouth in disbelief at this time, "my darling, this snake turns into a dragon. It's really flying. Reich is really powerful, my dear. What kind of blood do you think Jono isThis Leihe is not a demon, but a half demon. It's very difficult for the half demon to completely row itself, not to mention further, which shows that Jono is not simple.

Generally speaking, people gather by category, and the same is true of the demon clan. Its strength is too low. Who will mix with you? Is it certain that Jono's blood line is different?

Wang can Ming and Changshan sun pangzi looked at each other at this time, and then quickly knew their own news and sent it to their elders.

Think about Leihe's birth at the right time. Now Leihe still has special blood. No wonder they dare to fight with the Green Devils. It turns out that their blood is special. He said before that how Jono could have said his life experience so kindly. This is the biggest secret he didn't say.

Sun pangzi licked his mouth at this time and said, "it's all the dragon meat in the sky that is the most delicious. How about I ask Leihe to give me a try later?"

Wang can Ming couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this, "you want to go to heaven. You want to eat dragon meat. Believe it or not, Leihe slaps you to death."

Sun shook his head and said, "he's so big. It won't be good to give me a piece of meat to taste. At most, I'll exchange it with him later."

Changshan also nodded at this time, "I really want some blood from Leihe. Dragon blood can be used for alchemy. There's a lot of blood flowing on the ground. It's a waste." Changshan covered his chest with grief and regretted the waste of blood.

Wang can Ming turned his head and said that he didn't know the two guys. Lei he's not a successful robber, and his breath is very frightening. He has seen many elites in the golden elixir. He said that none of them is as frightening as Lei he. After the successful robber, Lei he is expected to be the first one under the golden elixir. After all, the dragon people are always famous for their strength.

Seeing Wang's expression, sun pangzi couldn't help laughing. Then he grabbed Wang's shoulder and said, "don't these jonos always say that they are our good friends? You say we have such a good relationship. It's OK to ask him for some meat and some blood

You're going to eat human flesh and drink human blood. Is that ok? Wang canming rolled his eyes. There are more and more people around here. There are also many people coming here. Now he only hopes that the people of his clan will come soon, and he doesn't know if Leihe can insist on the arrival of the people of his clan.

Wang canming didn't want to fight Leihe. Of course, he didn't have any effect. Besides, he was always familiar with people. Wang canming didn't know how Leihe and others would escape, and how Jono would save him. Of course, when his family came, Leihe was afraid that they would be invited to qingyunzong, but he didn't see Yinzhu and Chengan These two should be hiding.

"You say, if the Reichs can't hold on later, shall we go up and help?" Sun pangzi said that he had been eating and drinking in Yinzhu before. He had a short mouth. Would he like to return it?

"How useful do you think it would be for just a few of us to get together?" Changshan is very helpless to say that he is very useless, this kind of big field can not be mixed.

Wang can Ming also nodded, although he is like brush Leihe several people's favor, but this scene can't afford to brush.

Leihe was a good man several years ago. He didn't expect to make a big one as soon as he did something. In reality, he announced his semi demon identity and let many people run to Yinjia village. Now Leihe is just turning into a dragon. It's estimated that the vision of the world's cultivation world is attracted by him. At this time, he is the brightest star on the stage.

If Leihe knew Wang canming's idea, he would blow his dog's head. He didn't like high profile at all. He clearly took the route of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. As a result, the dog's way of life didn't let him go, which made him unprepared at all.

At this time, Bai Kun counted it. This is the eighth thunder robbery. According to the world's monastic theory, nine is the extreme number. Should the golden elixir thunder robbery not exceed this number? They have to be careful. When the last thunder is over, they will rescue reih.

As early as when reih came out to rob, they knew that it would attract a lot of people, but they didn't expect that the monks would come here so soon, just like the dogs smelling meat and bones.

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