After the eighth thunder robbery, Leihe's surname has basically changed. Leihe also knows that he's got a great advantage. The ninth thunder robbery is still in the making, but the posture should be the most powerful and the last one. Leihe thinks he can make it through the last one, but after that, he's afraid that he will be seriously injured, isn't he In the distance, Jono looked at him anxiously.

At this time, Leihe turns his head to look at baikun Jono, and then looks at the monks who are vaguely around him. These people look at him with disgusting and hostile eyes. Leihe says that he is never afraid of death, and these people dare to provoke themselves. Let's come together. He wants to see how many people can carry it I live here.

Those people look at Leihe, although full of scars, but still strong to their direction, the strength of the bottom has begun to retreat, they are just hind legs, but not to retreat, they are very clear, Leihe at this time all in Leijie side, it is impossible to run to kill them, let alone even if the pursuit of Leihe still has some strength, not ready to spend the last Is it a real thunder robbery?

Before the scene was a bit chaotic, the injured were basically under the strength, the high strength and insight basically ran to the side one by one, basically not hurt.

Wang can Ming is also anxious at this time. He wants to help, but he doesn't know how to do it. His strength is not enough. It's useless.

Just when they were worried, Ji Xi, Wang canming's master, finally arrived with someone, "can Ming, is what you said true? That's what you call Reich? "

Ji Xi thought that Jono had secrets at first, but later he thought that it was just a half demon. Even if there was a secret, it would not be a big secret. So he gave the task to his apprentice, but he never thought that Leihe, a half demon snake, could turn into a dragon. Look at Leihe's appearance, and the scales growing on his body again. This should be the green dragon, this is the dragon How powerful is Leihe's blood, or how could a half demon turn into a dragon.

"Of course it's true, master. He's reih. Jono is still helping. If master can help them." Wang canming pleaded.

Let's not talk about Leihe's identity. As far as friends are concerned, Jono is very good. However, the secrets hidden in these people are too big, and they are not strong enough. No one can protect them. In fact, Leihe is now so. It's estimated that their clan can't protect them. God dragon, Leihe really wants to go to Qingyun sect. It's estimated that it's next door The people of Tianquan Xiuzhen world will block the Mountain Gate of Qingyun sect.

Ji Xi shook her head at this time and said: "he made too much noise, and didn't find a hidden place to rob ahead of time. I don't know how to help him." Ji Xi said helplessly.

It's reasonable to say that if several people know that their blood is different, they should choose a secret place to go through the robbery early. How can they go through the corridor to this extent? Just like these people, when they go through the robbery, they will find a place and ask the elders in the school to protect the Dharma. This is really a mess.

But I remember that Wang canming said that Leihe was originally a snake demon. Maybe he didn't know he could turn into a dragon, so he was unprepared like now. Otherwise, no one could do such a thing.

If they were just curious about Banyao at the beginning, it's estimated that even the friars of Yuanying would appear one by one as soon as the incident of Qinglong happened.

"You go and get some of them and I'll ask them some questions." Ji Xi decides to discuss with Jono, and then see if she wants to help Leihe.

Wang can Ming nodded, and Wang can Ming soon found Qiao Nuo. Qiao Nuo looked at Wang can Ming who came here and sighed. Although Wang can Ming came here, he didn't show any malice to them. Of course, there is also a possibility that this person is too pretending to be able to see it.

"Jono, my master said that he wanted to discuss something with you. Maybe he can help you, Jono." Wang canming thought for a moment and said.

Qiao Nuo feels Ji Xi for a moment. He really doesn't have much malice. After thinking about it, he nods to Bai Kun and Tengxiao, and then he's ready to go over and see what Ji Xi wants to do. Of course, Qiao Nuo won't go like this. He has already thought about it. If Ji Xi deceives himself and is ready to attack him, he will attack Wang canming. The hostage is not enough It's necessary. He thinks that no one can catch up with him in his speed, even if Ji Xi is a golden elixir.

"Jono, you can see that Reich is like this now. If there is no one to help you, you are afraid that it will be difficult for you to escape. There are not enough people, but many people have come here. You are afraid that you will be the enemy of the whole world." Ji Xi sighed and said.

Jono couldn't help laughing at this. "Are you scaring me again? What is the enemy of the whole world? If you are really the enemy of the whole world, how can you talk to me, right

Ji Xi will talk to him, not to deceive him as a hostage, that means there is something to discuss, since it can be discussed, that is to have interests, he wants to see what Ji Xi wants to say.At this time, Wang can Ming did not dare to speak, did not dare to give Jono a hint, and did not dare to damage master's good deeds. He could only shrink his neck to show that he was not involved in anything.

Ji Xi couldn't help laughing at this time, "Jono, you are very good, at least keep your head clear, which is very good. I heard that you are the leader of several of them, not bad." Ji Xi smiles falsely.

Jono at this time is very simple to say, "excuse me, I don't have a lot of time to chat with you, if you can help us, what conditions you directly mention, if it's appropriate, I will directly agree, if it's not appropriate, then let's say goodbye, so as not to get everyone's face is not good-looking, also hurt the friendship between the two sides."

Ji Xi laughs again when she hears this, and then says happily: "you are really a smart man. No wonder you can be a leader."

"To tell you the truth, you are the living half demon that I saw for the first time. I've only heard of half demon before. I've seen it for the first time. I want your blood, not much. How about giving me three drops each?" Ji Xi said.

Jono shook his head directly at this time. "It's impossible. All practitioners know that they can't throw away their own things. Otherwise, no one knows the consequences, let alone the blood."

Their identities are different. Jono will never give his blood out. Besides, they are not half demons at all. How can they give his blood.

"Then I'll take the scales on Reich's body that will change later." Ji Xi said again, this degenerated scale is certainly not as good as the one on the body, but it is also a good thing, and this is the dragon scale, which is the best defense magic weapon.

"It's nothing like Reich after the retrogression." At this time, Wang can Ming couldn't help but hint that he also wanted the cooperation between the two sides to be successful.

Wang can Ming's heart beat a little faster at this time. It's a dragon scale. Even if it's a transformed one, it's also a treasure. His master is too clever to know how many dragon scales there are. First, mention something Jono absolutely can't accept, and then step back to mention it. It's a good thing. If the master gets it, he will give himself some Right?

Jono couldn't help but ponder at this time. It's useless after the metamorphosis. Leihe used to molt, but Leihe would leave those things to make clothes. After all, it's very comfortable and cool to make clothes with snake molting, but it doesn't seem to be very useful to say anything else.

Qiao Nuo is about to promise. At this time, a voice comes over, "Ji Xi, you're a black hearted man. You want all the Dragon scales. Qiao Nuo, I'm sun pangzi's grandfather. I'll help you with Ji Xi later. We'll split the Dragon scales in half."

Ji Xi's face turned black when he heard this. He was almost successful, and he was wronged by this man. At this time, he was very unhappy and said, "old man sun, this is just a dragon scale that people don't want after their transformation. How good can it be? You want to rob me of this thing?"

In fact, there must be some value in this thing, but there is really no such thing as valuable. After all, after the transformation, the strength will be reduced a lot.

However, these are all good treasures for the now depressed Xiuzhen world. Jono also reflected at this time that the dragon scale should be a treasure. In this case, you can't give it out easily. You can give some of it out and leave the rest to them.

"If two elders are willing to help us, naturally we have to pay some treasure, but this dragon scale is a good treasure. Naturally, we can't give you all of it. I can only give ten pieces for one person." Jono thought for a moment and said, the dragon should be in the fairy tale, isn't it true that Leihe's transformed image is the dragon of this era?

To tell you the truth, Jono knows a lot about the Internet and knows about dragons, but those on the Internet are too abstract, so he never thought that reih would become a dragon.

"If two elders are willing to help us, naturally we have to pay some treasure, but this dragon scale is a good treasure. Naturally, we can't give you all of it. I can only give ten pieces for one person." Jono thought for a moment and said, the dragon should be in the fairy tale, isn't it true that Leihe's transformed image is the dragon of this era?

To tell you the truth, Jono knows a lot about the Internet and knows about dragons, but those on the Internet are too abstract, so he never thought that Leihe would become a dragon....

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