Old man sun naturally didn't want to get such a little thing, so he couldn't help saying again, "what can ten scales do? He has a lot of scales, at least fifty."

Jono naturally won't agree to their request so easily. Then, naturally, there will be a lot of wrangling. Finally, when it comes to thirty articles, the people from Changshan also come. Naturally, it's also according to this price.

Although the cooperation has been discussed, Jono's heart is not calm, because from the conversation of these people, he has understood how precious Leihe is after his metamorphosis, and even the scales after his metamorphosis are precious. How valuable Leihe is?

However, their strength is not enough to protect Reich, and Jono is even more worried that if Reich's metamorphosis is just abnormal, it's OK. If they can metamorphose every time they wait for advancement, what will they do in the future? I'm afraid that their family will not be at peace, and even who knows if these people will do anything to harm their children.

Many people don't dare to do many things, but want to make them do not have enough value. When the value is enough, they dare to do anything. Jono believes that there are many such people in this monk.

Qiao Nuo's face is very bad, Ji Xi can't help sighing, and then said to Qiao Nuo: "Qiao Nuo, your family would like to go to Qingyun sect with us. Don't worry, the people in our sect are very kind and won't do anything to you. I'm sure no one will hurt Lei he." At most, the ancestors may ask Leihe for some blood. In this way, Ji Xi said the last sentence secretly in her heart. She was afraid that Jono would know and run away.

Of course, even if you want Leihe's blood, you just need it. It won't hurt Leihe's foundation.

In fact, Ji Xi has already understood that Leihe is not what a small Qingyun sect can get. The dragon, not to mention the cultivation world, will never let go of the demon clan. Even if Leihe is a half demon, those people can't wait to recognize him. In fact, he has already received the news from the sect, Can't hurt Reich, can cooperate, but can't hurt.

Sometimes the rules are not absolute, but vary from person to person. When you have absolute strength, you can customize the rules.

Dragon, as long as Leihe grows up, he will definitely become the king of the demon clan. There are more demon kings in the demon clan than in the Terran. If the Terran really hurt Leihe by force, I'm afraid the demon clan will come out and cause a war, then it's over.

Although the demon clan and the Terran are antagonistic, they are not absolute. For example, if some demon king's children go out to walk, as long as they don't do anything harmful to nature, they will be caught by the right people. The right people will not kill him when they know his identity. Instead, they will take people back to negotiate with the demon king and ask for money. If anyone has the courage to kill them To kill, then wait to be killed by the demon king.

Of course, if the other side is extremely poor and vicious, then the right side will not compromise. It can only be said that there is a choice to deal with the demon clan. After all, the cultivation world is also a society. The demon clan and the Terran practitioners can be said to be opposite and unified. Some people make friends with the demon clan, not to say that they are absolutely hostile. In addition, sometimes both sides will interact for better cultivation In exchange for resources.

Since the birth of Leihe, a group of half demons have not done anything to harm human beings. It can even be said that they are quite low-key. The demon king has said that they want to welcome Leihe back, and the high-level officials of Zhengdao have received the news. However, now the two sides are tugging. After all, Leihe is not a whole demon. They are half demons. How can they give people to the demon clan, the dragon, Growing up, unlimited, there is the whole body is a treasure, even if he metamorphosed things, it is also a treasure.

Although there is no result in the disposal of Reich by both sides, at least one is that Reich can't be harmed. On the premise of not harming Reich, it's very important to first point out the benefits as much as possible, and then turn people to their own mountain gate.

"Jono, you guys are going with us too. Reih has become a dragon. I'm afraid that you will let those heartless people stare at him. Do you want to go with us?" Ji Xi asked again.

Old man sun saw Ji Xi walking in front of him again and invited Qiao Nuo to them, so he quickly said, "it's good not to go to qingyunzong, but to our fuguifang. We have many good things over there. Our fuguifang has a huge treasure. If you go back and have a look, I promise to give you one, no matter what you like."

Old man sun is very generous. There are many treasures in their treasure house.

Ji Xi secretly hates that old man sun is shameless. He even wants to give something to tempt him. Unfortunately, qingyunzong is not as good as fuguifang. If he dares to give it, old man sun will increase the price. Ji Xi says that he can't afford to play.

The angelica of Changshan school has stopped talking. These two people have said all these good words. Even if he said it, it would not have any good effect. Maybe it would only raise the price.

These people keep giving themselves benefits, Jono is more and more afraid to go, who knows what can be waiting for him, "no, you just need to help us, is it hard for you to go back?" Jono said coldly.Jono didn't want to be able to save Reich, but later he put himself in.

Danggui, looking at Jono's face retreating to escape, couldn't help coming out and glared at the two idiots. He was also in a position to win. Didn't he scare Jono away?

"Well, if you two trash continue to talk, Jono will scare you away. Jono, I'm Changshan's uncle, and my name is Danggui." Angelica said with a smile, a loving face, as far as possible to let Jono down vigilance.

"Jono, you don't have to be too wary of us. In fact, you can tell from your own feelings that the three of us are not hostile to you. Even some of the people in the crowd are not hostile. Although we are very surprised by the change of Reich and want his things, we don't need to force them. We are more willing to trade with you, Bi Actually, the transaction is long-term, and the snatch is only this time, and it may not be successful, right? Moreover, the demon clan has paid attention to Leihe. Unless we want to fight with the demon clan, we will not kill Leihe. " Angelica thought about it and explained.

Jono shook his head somewhat incomprehensibly. "We have nothing to do with the demons, and don't you say that the demons hate half demons most? How could it help us? "

When Danggui heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "most of them are like that, but when their strength has exceeded others, others will look up at you. Leihe is like this now. The reason why the demon clan can't see half demon is that they feel that half demon has disgraced the demon clan and cultivated their Demon power, but their strength is not strong enough, and Leihe has lost his reputation There are too many things beyond this category. Besides, reih is the only dragon in the world. Does the Dragon know? "

"In fact, dragons are demons, but no one will call them monsters. When people see dragons, they will only call them dragon gods. If a God is added in front of them, you can understand that. As long as the Dragon keeps practicing, its strength will keep rising. Unlike our ordinary people, Lehe is really powerful. It can be said that this time of transformation, he said The fate of the whole person has changed. Even the demon clan is willing to accept him and protect him. Naturally, the Terran side is not willing to give up such a potential stock as Leihe. According to your half demon identity, no one in Xiuzhen world will accept you, but now only Leihe is willing to join the sect, and even you are willing to accept it. " Angelica explained with a smile, explained in detail.

There has been a negotiation on the right side, indicating that Leihe wants to go where, let Leihe choose, no one can threaten him, of course, the premise is that they can stop the demons from robbing people.

Dragon? Jono thought for a moment. He could understand the word God. After all, there was a god of beasts in the original Orc world before. That is to say, the value of reih was so great that these people were reluctant to hurt him. In this case, he could be a little relieved. It was just a few of them. They were not willing to hurt reih, but they were absolutely willing to hurt them for reih's sake.

Think of Danggui saying that there are no barriers to the cultivation of the dragon and they will be promoted directly. What about them? They are just like that now. Does that mean that they will change when they are advanced? Maybe this is the way of heaven in this world. In order to change their nature and make them more suitable to the world, they will become the beasts of this world?

If you want to talk about the Dragon lineage of Leihe, Jono doesn't believe it, because they are not people in the world at all. Where do they come from? Then the most likely reason is that the way of heaven in the world has changed. Jono has a premonition that his ideas should be true. Every one of them will become a god beast in the end.

What does the way of heaven want to do?

Jono doesn't believe in the saying "lucky darling". Jono believes that giving is directly proportional to gaining. The more things the heaven gives, the more dangerous things they have to do in the end. I don't know what is waiting for them?

On the other side, tianjizi divined again. He didn't see any news before. At this time, he saw a dragon roaring into the sky.

"Hope, hope has something to do with the dragon." Tianjizi cried out.

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