"What?" As soon as tianjizi's words fell, qingyunzi beside him couldn't help crying out in surprise. Qingyunzi was the last leader of qingyunzong. Now he is the supreme elder of qingyunzong and the highest fighting power of qingyunzong. In the late Yuan Dynasty.

After knowing the existence of hope, all the people in the world of Xiuzhen ran out, but they almost returned the whole earth and went to all kinds of dangerous places. Unfortunately, they couldn't find any information about hope. They were looking for it all the time, but they couldn't find it. If they didn't know that tianjizi was not a fool, they were all wondering if they had been cheated, because qingyuanzi had nothing to do with it Chat, this time directly with tianjizi, want to see when tianjizi calculate the hope, did not expect to have news so soon.

It's natural for qingyunzi to know that someone has changed from a snake to a green dragon. He is very curious about the dragon, but his curiosity can't compare with his hope, so he didn't rush there. Besides, there are some experts of qingyunzong over there.

"Are you sure? You do it again, you do it again. " Qingyunzi said excitedly.

Although qingyunzi seems to be a young man now, he is not young. He has been waiting for death for more than a thousand years. He did not expect that he would not be excited when he had hope? If the hope really has something to do with the dragon, he will have to negotiate with other people to find a way to capture the dragon, and then carefully study what the hope is. Many old guys have the same idea as him, and they will study it together.

Tianjizi calculated again, and then said very definitely, "it should be said that the hope is related to the dragon, he will take us to find hope."

Hearing this, qingyunzi stood up and said, "great. I'm going to die now. I'll be there for a while. How about the dragon in my heart?" Qingyunzi is very excited. At this time, he directly sends the news to Ji Xi, asking Ji Xi to protect Leihe anyway, and never let Leihe suffer any harm.

Leihe is now crossing the last thunder disaster. This last thunder disaster has been brewing for a long time, and the momentum is very huge. The thunder disaster splits down more and more. Everyone over there has left far away, so they are afraid of being involved. Ji Xi frowns at this time. He said before that, Leihe evolved from a snake into a dragon. How can thunder disaster be so simple and smooth Li, sure enough, all the disasters are concentrated on the last thunder robbery.

Is this thunder robbery still the thunder robbery of Jindan period? How do you think it's more terrible than the thunder robbery in Yuanying period?

Jono's eyes will be wide open and he will try to look at it. He will feel his eyes are piercing white. Except for the white one, he can't see anything. If it wasn't for the thunder robber's falling and the roar from Leihe, he didn't know Leihe was alive.

Wang can Ming's face was pale at this time. The thunder disaster was too terrible. If they had to suffer such a thunder disaster when they were promoted, Wang can Ming said he would die.

The previous thunder robberies passed quickly, but this time thunder robberies seemed to be continuous. Jono couldn't see Leihe's figure. Even Leihe's voice seemed to be weak. Jono was worried and said, "master Jixi, do you have a way, Leihe, Leihe seems to be seriously injured." Obviously, Reich's energy has stepped into the past. Before, Reich wanted to pit the onlookers, but now he has no time for himself.

"It's up to you to get rid of the robbery. No one can help you." Ji Xi wants to say.

"But why is the thunder robbery so different from the previous one? Even if the power of thunder robbery is increased, why is the time still so long? I'm really worried that Leihe can't hold on." Jono said anxiously.

Ji Xi nodded at this time and said: "this should be the combination of Leihe's Dragon robbery and the last thunder robbery, otherwise it would not be so difficult."

I hate this kind of liquidation together. It's not so powerful to separate, and it's easier to spend. Together, it's not one plus one equals two, but three or even four. Reich's luck is really bad.

How could this evolution have a thunderbolt? Jono said that he didn't show much about these, and tianjizi on the other side had already sent a message to the whole Xiuzhen world, saying that he wanted to have something to do with Leihe, so that everyone could not hurt Leihe, and he had to find a way to help Leihe through the thunder robbery.

Leihe didn't go smoothly this time. Originally, Leihe had to be advanced for at least one year according to Leihe's practice. However, Leihe was advanced because he got the poison from the green devil. It can be said that he was overtaking at a bend. The result is that he didn't have enough information. Of course, if he survived, there would be many benefits.

Leihe really can't make it. He didn't prepare for anything. He carried everything on his own. But it's also because he carried everything on his own that he can quickly stimulate his physical strength and transform the Dragon into a dragon. The dragon can make him stronger, so it can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

Leihe looks at the dark clouds above his head and looks at a group of people around him outside. Jono is still trying to find a way to save himself. He can't fail. Yin Zhu is still waiting for him. He knows how much affection Yin Zhu has. If he has an accident, Yin Zhu will be crazy, not to mention Jono is here now. If he survives, he will get strong support Strength can help them, otherwise they may not be able to escape. At that time, silly Yinzhu is afraid that he will fall into the trap.He wants to stick to it. It's a terrible thunderstorm, but the power burst out of his body is also very strong. He is constantly repairing his body. He wants to stick to it. If he can survive the thunderstorm, he will succeed.

Ji Xi also received the news from the school at this time. It was said that tianjizi had divined that Leihe was the dragon of hope. Let all people try their best to help Leihe through the disaster. If anyone dares to destroy hope, he will fight against the people in the whole cultivation world. Of course, since they already know that Leihe is hope, they will not let Leihe come He is going to ask Leihe back to the mountain gate, and then he will have a good divination. What's the matter?

Now that he knows the origin of Leihe, tianjizi also calculates the information of Leihe and Leihe's relatives, only to find that he can't count anything. This has already called out the names of people. Moreover, the other party's strength is obviously lower than his own. Even if he can't come out, tianjizi says that Leihe's family is afraid that they have secrets and can bring people back together.

These people didn't think that they would not be able to bring them. Since it has been said that Leihe is a hope, it's not a clan fighting alone, but the whole world uniting to deal with Leihe. They don't believe that those half demons can escape.

Ji Xi is silly to see the news. He turns his head and looks at old sun Danggui standing on one side. Several people look at each other. Then Ji Xi suddenly takes a shot at Qiao Nuo. Although Qiao Nuo says he is not 100% wary of them, he doesn't believe them. Once Ji Xi takes a shot, Qiao Nuo takes two steps behind him. Qiao Nuo is not unprepared. Bai Kun is not far away Chu is ready to meet him. Seeing Ji Xi's attack on Qiao Nuo, Bai Kun does not hesitate to use his talent to charm them. He does not know how long he can charm them, but in a few seconds, Qiao Nuo can exit the encirclement of these people, and Qiao Nuo's speed is unmatched.

Ji Xi didn't watch out for baikun's charm at all. It can be said that several people were stunned for a while. Just at this moment, Jono had already gone out for a long time. At this time, Jono's face turned black and looked at Ji Xi's several people, "you disciples, who just discussed cooperation with me, turned around and attacked me."

Ji Xi didn't expect that he would make a sudden move, and even called Qiao Nuo to escape. There was Bai Kun, whose strength was lower than himself, and he could affect his willpower. It was terrible. Don't underestimate these seconds. The master's moves can decide life and death in a few seconds. These half demons are really not simple, and there is Qiao Nuo, the speed is very fast, this should be his talent.

"Jono, we don't mean you any harm. We just want to invite you to be guests." Ji Xi grins bitterly. He just wants to take Jono down. As for the meaning of killing Jono, these people are related to hope. In case of an accident, they can't cry. They just want to control hope in their own hands.

Wang canming and Changshan also looked at their elders in surprise. "Master, what's the matter? Didn't they say they would help Leihe before? Why are you attacking Jono? "

Ji Xi takes a look at the people around him. At this time, all the people look at Lei he with their baby's eyes. Some people even throw their hands at Lei he and are ready to help him resist the thunder. Ji Xi looks at this individual and sighs: "Jono, I don't know what kind of origin you are, but obviously you all have big secrets, And tianjizi has figured out that the hope of our world has something to do with Reich, so I just want to invite you to our side. There's no other meaning

Jono heard this cold hum, "no malice, have attacked me, no malice, who believe you."

Jono is angry, but looking at one by one to Leihe, he is really helping. That is to say, Ji Xi is telling the truth. His family is very important to the world, or at least important chess pieces. Looking at the appearance of struggling to save Leihe, Leihe should be ok with their help. What should he do now?

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