There are too many people here. It's hard for them to take Reich away safely. I didn't know the attitude of these people to Reich before. Now I know that even if Reich is taken away by them, it will be OK within a certain period of time. So what Jono has to consider is not Reich, but themselves.

After thinking about it, Jono turned his head to meet Bai Kun. Then Jono quickly told Bai Kun the new news he got, and then said, "do you think we should retreat or something next?"

Bai Kun looked down for a moment and said, "since Leihe is OK, let's leave first, so that we won't fall into their hands when we look back. Leihe will be afraid of the rat."

Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun nod, and then make a gesture to Tengxiao. The three of them walk outside at this time. Ji Xi sees that they are worried. He wants to leave Qiao Nuo behind. He knows very well that if Qiao Nuo is in his own hands, he will be obedient.

Ji Xi and old sun look at each other at this time, and then nod. Ji Xi directly chases Jono three people at this time. Jono can't help laughing sarcastically at this. Ji Xi said that he cooperated with them before, but now they don't turn over right away. They don't want to do anything to Reich, but it's different to them Now, maybe these people will think that they all have special blood. I don't know what they will do at that time.

Ji Xi is very brave. He doesn't believe in the news of the green devil's death. These people don't know. But Ji Xi dares to chase the three of them, so he knows that Ji Xi should have some real skills.

"Let's go. Reich doesn't care about him for the time being. He should be OK." Bai Kun said calmly.

"And my father and mother have come here. They represent the demon king. They will try their best to keep Leihe. They also want to inquire about the news. They will send us a message at that time. Now it's better for us to go out first. Who knows there will be this inexplicable thunder robbery. Leihe will not be allowed to absorb the poison of the green devil." Bai Kun said with emotion.

When Jono heard this, he could only shake his head. At the beginning, everyone wanted to use the fastest speed to improve his strength and protect Yin Zhu. Who knew that there would be such a thing. What Ji Xi said before was that he wanted to be related to Lei he. Fang Tiandao was really calculating them. Their advancement was the beginning.

Didn't you see that Reich's whole life has changed? According to those people's view, it's a kind of power promotion. When you talk about how to improve their power, you have to pay attention to nothing. You have to cheat or steal. Bai Kun says that he doesn't like the way of heaven.

"Well, with them coming, Reich should be OK." Now Jono is very glad that Baiji and Mengji are mixed into the demon clan.

After Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun meet, Qiao Nuo takes a look at Ji Xi, who is behind him. He sneers and directly launches his talent skills. He takes Bai Kun and Tengxiao to run quickly. This talent skill can also be used in human beings, but the effect will be a fold when compared with animalization. But it's still a lot faster for people, at least Ji Xi can't catch up with Qiao Nuo Yes.

Ji Xi can't help sipping her mouth at this time. This Jono is so fast. These people are really capable.

When Wang can Ming sees his master, he takes several actions against Qiao Nuo, especially Ji Xi's pursuit of Qiao Nuo. Wang can't see Qiao Nuo in the future.

Whether Ji Xi will hurt Jono or not, they will not be friends in the future.

Changshan can't help sighing at this time. Sometimes people are just like this. They will have a lot of helplessness. They still have a decision about some of the methods of the school. They can't betray the school.

Sun Puzi's eyes blinked at this time. Then he grabbed his grandfather's hand and said, "grandfather, those Jono are not soft persimmons. Master Ji Xi will not have an accident if he goes to catch them. You know, the Green Devils are all dead in their hands."

Is sun pangzi worried about Ji Xi? A little bit, of course, I'm worried about Jono. In fact, in sun pangzi's opinion, people just want to ask Leihe to cooperate with them. They really don't want to kill Jono. They have to rely on Leihe to offend Leihe. People will fight to death and do nothing. It's them who will have a headache. In fact, it can be done well Let's talk about it. If someone on both sides has an accident because of this, I'm afraid both sides can't live in harmony.

Whether it's Ji Xi's accident or someone's accident on Jono's side, I'm afraid it can't be good.

Hearing the grandson's words, old sun couldn't help touching his minibus and said with a smile, "don't worry, we also carefully checked the green devil's battle fields before. Now it's time to see that Leihe should be the main force against the green devil. Leihe is strong and not afraid of poison, so they can kill the green devil. Now without Leihe, add The other two are missing. It depends on the three of them. It's not so easy to win Ji Xi. As for the three little ones, as long as they are obedient, Ji Xi won't kill them. " It's just that they are so illiterate. Ji Xi will surely make them suffer some hardships.

Jono three are sure to clean up Ji Xi, but there are too many people around here. If they have any special means or other things, they will let the people next to them find that Jono wants to leave the circle quickly. Naturally, he will escape first, not fight with Ji Xi. Ji Xi also doesn't want other people to take his credit. As long as he can catch Jono a few, it will be time Maybe Leihe can come back to Qingyun sect with himself.But the other two don't know where they are, especially the woman. According to Wang canming, the woman is the wife of these people. The half demons don't care about it, but they are not degenerated. If they can catch the woman, they will make the half demons compromise. Unfortunately, the woman doesn't appear at all The other one should be left to protect the woman. These banshees can protect the woman without leakage.

As soon as they ran away, Jono and his men were far away from the place where rehre robbed them. At least there was no one around. Jono and baikun looked at each other and then laughed at each other. Then Jono said a few words to Tengxiao. The three men scattered and hid. Soon afterwards, Ji Xi chased them here. Ji Xi went to the forest At that time, he couldn't help looking at it doubtfully. He was chasing so closely, and those people should not have escaped far. Of course, Ji Xi knew that some of these people could fly, which could not be found by the trace on the floor, but the sky was very easy to investigate, unless it was far away, so he could not fly far.

These people are hiding. What are they hiding for? Do you want to count yourself? Good courage.

Ji Xi is cold at this time. These people don't think they can calculate the green devil before, but they can calculate him now. He's not a green devil.

Ji Xi walked slowly in front of him carefully, but at this time, he saw a huge fox in front of him. The fox was white and very beautiful. Of course, the most amazing thing was the beautiful Fox's eyes. The fox blinked, and then turned around and started to run. Ji Xi was stunned, and then reacted, This should be the half demon Bai Kun. When he becomes a fox, he still wants to confuse himself. They were calculated before. That's because they were not on guard. Now they are not on guard? This strategy is too bad, of course, Ji Xi also knows that there are two other ones, I don't know where those two are hiding.

Bai Kun looks at Ji Xi, who is chasing after him. There is a smile in his beautiful Fox's eyes. His previous charm is human body, which is not as good as the fox's body. At the beginning, he was able to get into the enchantment family. Apart from being a beast and a fox, naturally his charm ability is also superb. What's the use of this ordinary charm? If you want to use it, you need to use unique skills, and they are also good at it I don't want to kill Ji Xi, but I want to leave something for this guy to remember.

Although Ji Xi is wary of Bai Kun, he is a wild animal. Although he seems to be very big, he can run very fast, as if he is very light. After running for a while, Bai Kun will turn around and give him a sarcastic look, and then continue to run. For a long time, Ji Xi can't catch up with Bai Kun. As for the other two, he can't catch up at this time Once there is an appearance, Bai Kun stops and looks back again. However, this time, his eyes are like water, which makes people indulge in it. Looking back, he smiles and looks beautiful. It's so beautiful and charming. This sentence flashed through Ji Xi's mind.

He never thought that he would use this sentence on a man. The male demon is also a man.

Ji Xi a Leng, the mind has flashed bad, but the body does not receive control, however, at this moment, he heard a sharp cry, he felt a pain in his brain, and then a sharp claw has scratched his chest, and then there is a sweep, his body flew out of a very far place.

Ji Xi a Leng, the mind has flashed bad, but the body does not receive control, however, at this moment, he heard a sharp cry, he felt a pain in his brain, and then a sharp claw has scratched his chest, and then there is a sweep, his body flew out of a very far place. Zi had already scratched his chest, and then there was another sweep, and his body flew out of the distance. He had already scratched his chest, and then there was a sweeping

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