A few people soon returned to the cave, Jono a few people saw Yin Zhu lying on the ground constantly shaking, her body and no scars, but hot.

"What to do? What's the situation?" Asked Jono, very worried.

Normally, they won't get sick. That is to say, Yin Zhu's illness is definitely caused by other problems. But what's the reason?

At this time, Bai Kun's contract with Leihe's partner flickered, sighed and said, "I've heard of a legend. It's said that if the tie between the partners is very deep, when one side is seriously injured, the other side feels that they will try their best to help bear the pain, which is equivalent to transferring the pain and balancing the damage."

When Jono heard this, he nodded. "I understand that, just like you did at the beginning, but Yin Zhu rushed to the altar to touch you. Now Yin Zhu is thousands of miles away from Leihe."

"It's OK, as long as the relationship between the two sides is deep enough. I think when Yin Zhu was taken away by us, she knew that Leihe was going to survive. When she knew that Leihe might not be able to survive, she wholeheartedly wanted to help Leihe. I don't know how to deal with this. I just heard that she had to be deeply involved. " Bai Kun sighed.

They want to send Yin Zhu away, but they don't think that even if Yin Zhu doesn't see Leihe, he is worried. They just don't know how the power is transmitted. The appearance of Yin Zhu is different from Leihe.

"What are we going to do now?" Jono couldn't help asking.

At this time, Bai Kun shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, we can only wait for Leihe to get through this thunder robbery."

"But if Lei Hedu can't get there, Yin Zhu is tied up with him now." Jono said very worried.

Bai Kun shakes his head. Now we have no way to transfer Yin Zhu's physical strength, so we rely more on Lei he and Yin Zhu to carry it.

"You said that we are also Yin Zhu's partners. Can we draw Yin Zhu's body strength out?" Cheng an can't help asking questions at this time.

Bai Kun shook his head. "It's not so good. In fact, this thunder robbery belongs to Leihe alone. Yinzhu is her partner and can help to bear it, but we can't. although we are also Yinzhu's partner, this thunder robbery belongs to Leihe and we can't bear it. God won't cheat you. It's good that life and death partners can bear each other It's too late. "

"Can we just wait now?" Tengxiao is very irritable to ask, looking at Yin Zhu's face flushed with pain, he really has no way to calm down.

"What's the matter with Reich, can't he bear it?" Tengxiao is a rare monster.

Bai Kun shook his head at this time. "This is not what Leihe can control. Even Leihe doesn't know about it. This is what Yin Zhu is willing to do. What I am more worried about now is that the power of the thunder robbery is too strong, and I don't know what the consequences will be. "

"There's also the hope. We didn't prepare for the first time, but I think we will evolve like Reich in the next few years." Bai Kun sighed.

"What do you want to do when you say the world allows us to evolve and gives us great power?" Tengxiao asked.

"I don't know. In fact, I'm more curious. Do you think the evolution is due to the blood in our bodies, or is it created by the way of heaven in this world?" Bai Kun asked in a calm voice.

"We should have it ourselves. I think if we can create it, why doesn't the way of heaven create one by itself? I think it gives us great power. It must want us to do something, and only we can do it." Jono said with great certainty.

Generally speaking, they are outsiders. No matter what they do, the way of heaven in a world will choose the people in its own world. That's more reasonable. But the way of heaven in this world has chosen these outsiders. What do you want? They should be unique.

"In fact, there are traces to follow in this evolution. For example, Reich changed from snake to dragon. What are our blood lines? If our body has this power, how can we activate it? " Bai Kun calmly analyzes.

Tengxiao frowned and said, "I don't want to activate it. Now I just want to know how to help Yin Zhu."

Tengxiao said that he didn't understand those ideas, so he wanted to help Yin Zhu. He didn't want to see Yin Zhu so miserable.

Bai Kun was silent at this time. He said he didn't know about it, he had no way to help, so he wanted to change the topic and see if he could come up with a useful way.

"Jono, do something. Yin Zhu has an accident. I'm not finished with you." Xiao Jin can't help threatening Jono at this time.

Jono nodded, "in fact, we are already trying to figure out a way. The reason why Leihe has been able to withstand those terrible thunder robberies should be related to his turning into a dragon. He should have gained a strong power from it. We should find a way to help Yinzhu inspire this power. Only when this power is stimulated can we help Yinzhu carry the thunder robberies."Jono thinks that his idea should be right. It's just how to stimulate this blood. What's the evolutionary direction if Yin Zhu is inspired?

"Bai Kun, you have studied ancient mythology. What do you think is the closest animal to the image of Yin Zhu in ancient mythology? What should Yin Zhu do if he wants to evolve?" Jono couldn't help asking.

"In fact, I don't know how to stimulate this power. Leihe was able to stimulate it at the beginning because he had reached the critical point and could advance. Yin Zhu's power is obviously not enough. If we can make up for Yin Zhu's power temporarily? But I'm afraid to make up for it. What if it also leads to thunder robbery? " Bai Kun is worried, because there are so many unknown things. No one can guarantee these things.

Jono also nodded, these are indeed, this sudden thunder really disrupted all their plans.

"To do this, we can't be too hasty, so we must find a good place. No matter what special situation Yin Zhu has, we can at least stop those people for a period of time, rather than let them watch, so we have to leave here first. This side is too close to where reih is. Once there is any news, it's easy to attract outsiders." Jono thought.

"Then let's go to the mountains. I'll take you with me. I'll fly as fast as I can." Jono said rudely.

Bai Kun nodded, several people did not stop, quickly take people away, Bai Kun is in the process of going inside to find a way.

Jono's speed is very fast, not to mention the kind of flying hard. After more than ten minutes, several of them can't see the sky where reih is. Even they can't tell where they are. Jono's own self remembers the East and has been flying in the direction of the East. His extreme speed is very fast, which can be said to be a breakthrough It's the one with the rules.

"Let's go on and find a place to settle down." The primeval forest is very dangerous for many people, but it is the safest place for them.

Tengxiao quickly found an underground leech cave at this time, then went deep into the ground, continued to dig, and soon dug out a huge cave. Then several people took Yin Zhu to hide in the underground cave.

How to promote Yin Zhu's physical strength to reach the critical point? In fact, they have no other way. Their only idea is to infuse their own strength into Yin Zhu's body. Of course, in this case, their strength will definitely regress. Now they have no other way, they can only think of such a way.

Four people occupied the four directions of Yin Zhu, and then several people impolitely passed the power to Yin Zhu, hoping to bring good results to Yin Zhu.

With the passing of several people's strength, Yin Zhu's evaluation rate of trembling body was reduced. Bai Kun saw that it was effective and quickly asked several people to speed up.

Soon, Yin Zhu can't control her body. At this time, she directly turns back to bear and lies on the ground. When Leihe wants to rescue, she also turns into a beast. Several people continue to export their strength.

Then Yin Zhu's body slowly grows up in the eyes of several human beings, just like a balloon with air.

After watching Yin Zhu no longer tremble, Bai Kun didn't continue to input power. They were also afraid that Yin Zhu's body would not be able to bear too much power. First of all, the enlargement of Yin Zhu's body was an embodiment. They didn't dare to be too presumptuous. They were afraid that too much would be worse than too much. However, seeing that Yin Zhu was not so painful, they could accept it. They would rather take their time than go out It's a matter of time.

On Leihe's side, Leihe really can't bear it any more. Just when he felt that his eyes were beginning to be hazy, he seemed to see Yin Zhu smiling at him. Then he felt that the destructive force had penetrated into his body. Suddenly, the news was part of it, and his body and destruction seemed to be able to barely maintain.

Great, stick to it, Yin Zhu, you must wait for me, I will stick to it, I will.

Leihe didn't know that the power of disappearance had already run into Yin Zhu's body. Leihe didn't know that the power of disappearance had already run into Yin Zhu's body. Leihe didn't know that the power of disappearance had already run into Yin Zhu's body. Leihe didn't know that the power of disappearance had already run into Yin Zhu's body. Leihe didn't know that the power of disappearance had already run into Yin Zhu's body. Leihe didn't know that the power of disappearance had already run into Yin Zhu's body.

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