There are a lot of people in Rehe's place, especially those experts who have come here by this time. It can be said that a lot of Yuan baby experts have crushed the next group of people who are ready to move.

Although many people know that the dragon in front of them is a good thing, a good treasure, and the most promising thing to catch each other is naturally the weak moment when Rehe has just finished robbing. Once this time has passed, they want to catch another dragon, but they don't even think about it.

It's a pity that when these masters arrive, they don't even know how to die. Good things are very good, but life is more precious. Many people have already chosen to launch them at this time. Moreover, the yuan infant friars of the Terran demon clan are all here, and they are worried that there will be a war here, and they will only be cannon fodder.

Ji Xi also went to meet her clan members at this time, but it was probably because of the human and the demon clan. The master of the Terran side also joined up at this time.

Although there are many contradictions in the Terran, once they have to face the demon clan, these people will directly join hands, which is also the reason why the two sides have been able to maintain a balance over the years.

One is that tianjizi knows the importance of Leihe, and the other is that tianjizi doesn't rob resources on weekdays. What's more, he has a good relationship with the Terran demons.

At this time, Mengji baiji is also following him, but his strength is not enough. The two men are hiding behind the demon king group, and they don't dare to move forward. Be careful, it's not good for people to find out.

At this time, Bai Ji was completely attracted by the shape changed by Lei he. He frowned and looked at Lei he in the distance, "you say, this person will advance. What will we become in the future? I think Reich is ugly like that. " Bai Ji comments on it.

Mengji can't help but stretch out her hand to pull Baiji. "Don't make sarcastic remarks. You'd better see what those people want to do first. Later, you have to find a way to make trouble and send Leihe away." Mengji is more conscientious and knows that she wants to help Leihe.

Bai Ji turned his lips, "Bai Kun's unconscionable use of us is not polite at all." Barbecued pork son, white sacrifice means that there is no better.

"I didn't learn that from you." Mengji says that no one can dislike her son, neither can Baiji.

When Bai Ji heard this, he said that he was better than Bai Kun. But he didn't argue with Meng Ji, so that Meng Ji would not be sad when she talked about Bai Kun's past affairs, and then blame him for being a father. Whether it's an orc or a human, as long as it's a woman who turns over the old accounts, her mouth will be blazing. If she doesn't repeat it hundreds of times, she will never stop talking about you, Bai Ji said I can't stand it.

"OK, let's pay attention to what they are going to say first. It seems that Reich is miserable here, but he can survive. Don't worry about it for the moment." Bai Ji takes a look at Lei he and thinks it's really miserable, but as long as he doesn't die, it's OK.

At this time, tianjizi stood up to talk with the big demon king of the demon family. The big demon of the demon family is qiongwu, who is always a big turtle. Tianjizi said simply, "qiongwu, this person is related to the hope of our whole cultivation world, so I hope you can give us the person."

Qiong Wu frowned at this time and said, "we don't know what hope is. It's all said by tianjizi. We should support the hope of a world, but you also know that this man has awakened one of the most powerful blood in our demon clan. I can't give up people. The whole demon clan can't give up him."

Tianjizi nodded at this time, "I know what you want. Rest assured that he is our hope and we will not hurt him easily. Please rest assured that the overall strength of your demon clan is more powerful than that of our Terran clan. Unless we want to cause a war, we will not easily break our promise. What's more, when will tianjimen say it Words are not words? I know you don't trust to hand him over to the Terran, so I promise he will only follow me, OK? " Tianjizi takes his own name as a guarantee.

It has to be said that the name tianjizi still has some weight, but qiongwu is still reluctant to give up Leihe. This is the dragon. Of course, they also want to know the secret of Leihe's evolution. If they know, so many experts of their demon clan can go further, you can imagine that scene. Even if they can't all evolve, one or two of them are good.

"Tianjizi, in this way, why don't you come back to the demon clan with us? You know our demon clan is very polite to you and won't hurt you at all. If you want to find out his news or the secret of hope, we will allow you to find out, OK?" Qiong Wu said with a smile that he could accept tianjizi to investigate the hope. After all, this is everyone's hope. If he stopped it, it would cause a world war. But the dragon must not be handed over to the Terran friars. He must take him back to the demon clan.

Tianjizi laughs bitterly when he hears this, and he knows that it's not so easy to take the dragon to the Terran. He thought it would be better if he stood up and said, but he could go to the demon clan. Although he said that the demon clan would not hurt him, if he found the hope, the demon clan would not kill him and let the secret leak out? Besides, who will guarantee his safety?The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. All people understand this obvious truth, and he will not take risks with himself.

Green cloud son at this time also quickly occupied, sneer and say: "Qiong Wu, you hit the wishful thinking is too good, since you don't want to give Leihe to us, do you think we will give Leihe to you?"? Reich is the snake that made the robbery

Qingyunzi lightly said, as long as Leihe didn't pass the thunder robbery, even if he looks like a dragon again, it's not a dragon, so qingyunzi said Leihe is a snake.

Qiong Wu nodded at this time. It's true. There's no fool in it. It's impossible to take people away.

"What do you say? You are very crafty. I'm sure you've figured out some countermeasures. You just give me something I can't accept first, and then slowly come up with a moderate one. I hate your waste of time. If you want to say it directly, I'll just promise it. How can there be so much nonsense? " Qiongwu said carelessly.

Qingyunzi is choked by qiongwu's words. He doesn't like to talk to this guy who looks silly but has more heart than anyone else. It's the most boring to talk to him. He can't take advantage of him, and he has to be very popular.

"Well, in this case, we don't believe anyone. Let's send people to Sifang prison, and then we both arrange good people to watch them, so that everyone can rest assured. As for qingyunzi, if he wants to study, he will be there with him." Qingyunzi said very simply.

They said that Sifang prison is an ancient formation left over from ancient times. It's Square in shape, and the environment inside is very bad. As long as someone controls the formation outside, those who enter can't get out, even if Yuanying master is thrown in, so it becomes the best prison, which can lock people up and punish villains.

Qiong Wu nodded when she heard this. It was fair to put people in Sifang prison.

"That's it. Let's wait for this man to get through the thunderstorm. If he can't make it, it's useless to talk so much." Qiongwu said coldly.

Green cloud son hears this words to smoke mouth, so many experts are here, and clearly know that the other side is the key point of hope, how can you watch him pass thunder robbery, isn't this open eyes to lie?

It's just that these qingyuanzi didn't say any more. Naturally, they hope Leihe can survive the thunder robbery. Leihe can survive the thunder robbery himself, which shows that he has great potential and is worth their investment.

For the moment, Rehe is the key point of hope, so they are only afraid to invest in Rehe's cultivation. In that case, they certainly hope that their pigs will grow fat and fat, not the small ones, right.

At this time, Leihe also felt that there were many strong men around him. Unfortunately, he didn't have the ability to escape at this time. As long as Jono and he were not here, Leihe felt that he could escape sooner or later.

"They have agreed. When you say that, shall we go to prison?" Mengji couldn't help asking.

Bai Ji couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this, "forget it. We have so many things to do. How can we spend so much time there? Besides, we have to find ways to improve our strength. If you are not afraid of being found, you can have more contact with those Terrans." Bai Ji said coldly.

He doesn't like the Terran. There are many ways for the Terran. It's still the demon people. To be simple, the strength is to find a way to remove the thunder. Otherwise, it's also a problem to improve the strength.

Mengji nodded when she heard this, and said nothing more.

Bai Ji couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this, "forget it. We have so many things to do. How can we spend so much time there? Besides, we have to find ways to improve our strength. If you are not afraid of being found, you can have more contact with those Terrans." Bai Ji said coldly.

He doesn't like the Terran. There are many ways for the Terran. It's still the demon people. To be simple, the strength is to find a way to remove the thunder. Otherwise, it's also a problem to improve the strength.

Mengji nodded when she heard this, and said nothing more. Mengji nodded when she heard this, and said nothing more. Mengji nodded when she heard this, and said nothing more. Mengji nodded when she heard this, and said nothing more.

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